March 31, 2004

your asshole.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

xiaoqiang says: okie dude, i am an A S S HO L E.

m e r c r e d i

Valencia, Spain

Updated : 8:00AM CEST
Country : Spain
City : Valencia
Temp : 13°C
weather : Mostly Clouds

xiaoqiang says: i have changed the name from J.A. to Fries. Fries, i have given you the credits to the poem. i hope you can let me keep it on the blog. below is a repost. you guys might wanna take a look again.

currently playing Stephen Bishop - It might be you

~a fool after all~

juz now.. i was listening to my collection of mp3s.. then i came across an oldies..."stephen bishop - it might be you". wah~ i tell you, some tp memories came weaving back to my mind, this is one which i remember quite abit:

" as far as i can remember, it went as far back as when i was year 1, i was still young and playful. I was playing soccer in one of the corridors in tp.. i actually kick the ball so hard, it went right passed my classmate and rebound from a pillar.

" Ah~!" came a girl 's voice.

i was like " shit!" in my mind and run up to see who was kana my shot. Before i can take a good look of her, her frens came thundering... "[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]" <--- (its nothing with your browsers, its just censored off) i kept looking at the girl until one of her frens went,

" YOU STUPID FOOL!! of all places, the ball landed on her face. DIDN"T YOU know a girl's face is very important?!?!?!? ARE YOU GOING TO RESPONSIBLE?!?!?!? what if she can't get married next time?!?!?!?!"

and i dunno what struck me when i replied,

" i kicked the ball at her face so that i can be responsible for her." ( think she blushed)

by next day, the whole LT (lecture theatre) knows that i was the one kicked the ball at the girl. So, everyday i will see her in LT 'cos the classes along the same corridor shared the same LT. Everyday, almost everyday, when i was approaching her, she juz turned away...(Urgh~ i don't even know her name..). Finally, after many many days of perserverence, i was early for one lecture and she too was early. i saw her when i opened the door. (hmm~ ) i went up to her and sat beside her. she looked the other way. (phew~ luckily she din run away, AGAIN) But still, we couldn't talked. Soon, the LT was packed which also went,

"the 2 sit together liao ah.. are they go steady~???"

i remembered we have to sit thru 2 lectures..( i din play truant hor). And i doodle n write alot of stuffs on my lecture notes; alot of pix n writings. i was writing to her and purposely pushed the notes over to her side. she
wrote " could you please stop your nonsense and listen to lectures" i wrote back " i can't 'cos you din wanna tok to me." then she stared me..icly stared. "please... at least tell me your name.." so thru the 2 hours of lectures, i was doodling and writing to her. Others would have thought i was too hardworking to scribble every single words the lecturer said.

Since then, we started to sit together in LT, studied together, movies, swimming... blablabla.. i remember that one evening after late lab session, we went to Bedok Reservoir to see sunset. tat sunset is really beautiful. Unfortunately, i dun have the courage to tell her i liked her then. *sigh* "

she withdrawed from sch and went abroad to continued her studies. we lost contact too.. she gave me a poem when she left and told me to open it when she board the plane. i told her the song " stephen bishop - it might be you" is meant for her too..i lost the lecture notes in the end..she is one regret i had in tp. i guess i was just a fool after all.


"If I could just hold your hand in mine" by Fries*

A million places we could go
even those that are not real
Oh how our lives would intertwine
If I could just hold your hand in mine

A thousand photos we could take
with smiles so sweet they cant be fake
A ring for each of us I'd buy
to place on the fingers of yours and mine

A hundred kisses would be exchanged
My eyes light up when you are in range
The tenderness of your gentle touch
all thanks to a stroke of cupid's luck

A dozen roses you'd receive
as a pledge of love, as your birthday gift
to seal the promise I'll make to you
that I'll always be your lovestruck fool

A sincere heart is all I have
I'll let you keep it till my death
so much meaning you'd put into my life
If I could just hold your hand in mine


*pls seek fries's approval if you wish to link this poem

March 30, 2004

j o y e r í a

Casa Batlló in Barcelona, Spain

Updated : 12:30 PM CEST
Country : Spain
City : Barcelona
Temp : 13°C
weather : Scattered Clouds, Rain Mist

xiaoqiang says: Sale!! sale at 50% discount at Lee Hwa Jewellery at lunchtime in Raffles Place. it's packed, it's crowded. where people really squeeeeeeeze till their brain juices drip from their forehead. is there really that LOTS of people buying jewelleries ? Or they just wanna a fair share of glimpse of the sparks and tinkles? or just kaypoh?( busybodies)

March 29, 2004

azul de lunes

Updated : 1:30 PM CEST
Country : Spain
City : Barcelona
Temp : 15°C
weather : Scattered Clouds, overcast

between you and your partner in your
relationship. You are very difficult to get.
You have big requirements and this one you love
must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt
your heart she/he will be the most happy person
in the world. You need someone who shoes you
that you are special and it makes you feel
good to see that you are loved. She/He shall
know that you could easily get another
girl/boyfriend but you wont as long as you
love him. when she/he hurts you you will hurt
him/her too, but in general you dont get hurt. If
your partner cheated you ,you would react cold
and immediately (try to) forget him

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla

Scroll in your toga?
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me
"Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you
just glad to see me?"
You're smooth, okay, but you also need a
girlfriend. Bad.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

xiaoqiang says: now the results of the quizes are weird. yes i know i need a girlfriend. or rather i need someone. but needing someone is no necessary to be together. somehow at this moment i just want to watch my love one(her) at a distance. the 1st quiz result can be true too. now wait, i am contradicting myself. *frown* first and foremost, i need money, BIG MONEY!!! i need money to pay for my lessons. i need money to survive. i need money to my CDs, my crazes, my new wardrobe, etc. i'm so materialistic. NOW!!(only now)ok, i am paranoid.* waahahha*

okie saturday night was fun at Elevation:245. After so long of de-climax clubbing. Dickson, Nigel, Kelvyn( so long never see him) and Evangeline. plus a new english mate, Neil.( aren't you interested in Neil, Evan?*wink*) Met Magdelene, Guoliang, Dawn, Jovin(did i spell wrongly?) Met BQ and Jon & Candice. Hah~! did i miss out anyone? Tons and tons of Heineken beer plus wonderful arts of music. Jazzanova came up last spinning his sets to 2.45am in the sunday morning. Yes the whole party ended exactly at 2.45am. after that, was a tonically Bak Ku Teh at Balestier Rd. another one bites the Bak Ku. by the way, azul de lunes means monday blues

March 28, 2004

Sagrada Familia

Updated : 10:30 AM CEST
Country : Spain
City : Barcelona
Temp : 12°C
weather : Mostly Cloudy

looks like it's still gonna be cold for a while in spain. the picture above is Sagrada Familia. one of the buildings i want to visit.

Recently, i have a stranger who told me about me using a poem of his in one of my stories. He told me about infringement of copyrights. otherwise stated in the tagboard in this blog. what really amazed me is that the poem was posted quite some time back with one of the earlier stories i posted.

Just wondering where did he found out from? right now i am still not convinced that he was the one who wrote it. frankly speaking one will get suspicious if someone out from no-where tells you, " hey, you are using my stuff without my permission?" i've not seen any ownership nor copyrights claims yet from this gentleman. and like adrian have said, i am not reproducing the material for any profits. so no offence at all.

As far as i am concerned, this poem was given to me by this girl with her initials. and all this happened in the early year 1998!!! Now tell me the spooks of coincidence. and i am not bragging. i guess early englishmen don't come up with this word for nothing.

And since then no one has made any claims till now. i will still give the credits to him if he insisted. but i hope i can keep the poem together with the story ( please refer to the post on 4th June 2003) as it is part of a wonderful memory that i have. i apologised for that piss that fumed in him. i truly understand the feeling he has. and i hope he understand mine too.

wonder what's his feeling when he wrote it. or rather i wanna know what's her feeling when she wrote it in 1998.

March 27, 2004

r a i n y

Country : Spain
Temp : Range from 0 - 16'c
weather : Rainy

*sigh* seems like it's pretty cold in spain. Don't know if she brought enough clothes.

to fries: gimme some time to sort things out.

March 26, 2004


xiaoqiang says: Today was rather abit hard day for me. as you can see the time when this post is logged. i am still in the office. since my job scope has increased, my responsibilty also increased. though that doesn't means i gotten a heavier paycheck. anyway, one of the agencies which i serviced did a magnificent stunt.

they called up and asked if i've received a ad-order. obviously, if i have received the order. i would chased them for material for tomorrow's paper. and now a last-minute stunt which they threw. it sent not me but my boss streaks of anger and stress. she could have turned them down which means turn money away also. but she didn't. calmly she called someone and PAB!! down the phone

"book the ad and called them to fax in a ad-order."

and here am i, writing this post while waiting for the material. tick tock tick tock....

another grief. the girl i like is leaving for spain & France tonight. she will only be back 2 weeks later. i will miss her. definitely miss her. though i suggested writing via emails. but it depends on the internet service over there. and she seems to have some problems with the initerary. and it seems that alot of things are not finalise till last-minute.( another last-minute thingy...grrrr) and after watching the Korean drama, "Love Letter". my grief weighs even more.

bon voyage...

March 25, 2004


xiaoqiang says: i was on my way to work today. As usual, looking out the window admiring the "scenery" along the way to Raffles Place through my dreamy eyes. hey, i just can't get my eyes to open.

but something caught my attention when this big black thing drove past, turning my bright view into a grey one. it's a SUPERBUS with Nokia N-Gage advert all over the bus body. the bus body looked kinda cool with the phone, some games pictures, like Red Faction and bullet-stung-like wound all over the bus body. it looked like the bus have survived through a heavy cross-fire. very realistic looking as it drove on straight while my bus make a turn towards Raffles City. but i can't snap off some pictures of the bus. My soften hands were confortably tucked under my bag. with "Kontor Chillouts" spinning on discman.

March 24, 2004


xiaoqiang says:I was at Tiffany & Co yesterday. saw this crytal teardrop. so beautiful. it's about the same one shown above. but in crystal and with platinum necklace. yes, it's very expensive. it's freaking $1050!!! but its really beautiful.

okie, don't worry guys and gers. your beloved xiaoqiang is not into girlie stuffs. but he adores crystals. and he can't find the teardrop crystal online.*damn* nor he can't take pictures of it.*damn damn*

Went to this restaurant call Bie Fu today. If you are chilli-lover. don't you ignore this restaurant. it serves normal japanese ra-men with different levels of hotness;

1 teaspoon of chilli - recommended for beginners
2 teaspoon of chilli - recommended for normal chilli lovers
4 teaspoon of chilli - recommended for crazy people like me.
6 teaspoon of chilli - recommended for crazier people.
9 teaspoon of chilli - recommended for chilli saints.

that determines by the number of teaspoons of chilli. i had mine with 4 teaspoons of chilli.
Shall aim for the 6 teaspoons. Located at 133 Amoy St Singapore 049962 next to Thai Chilli.

March 22, 2004


currently playing Daryl Hall and John Oates - One on One

Headline act, DJ Alexander Barck of Jazzanova will be heating up the dance floor with his infectious tunes- deep jazz laced with dance beats. Jazzanova attained fame when Gilles Peterson played their first track “Fedime’s Flight” on his show in 1997. And their name “Jazzanova”, a fusion of jazz and bossa nova, aptly describes the kind of music they make.

GrooveJam (aka Electracoustic) from the U.K. This exciting live band is made up of great dance music producers, musicians and vocalists from respected musical acts including Primal Scream, Dub Conspiracy and Akimbo. Their unique blend of recorded and live dance music and vocals made for a hot performance at Sound Bar in March 2003 when GrooveJam performed for the first time in Singapore under their pseudonym, Electracoustic.

All above the age of 18 years old are welcome at this Elevation 245 concert brought to you by Heineken Music. Pre-sale tickets cost $25 a piece and $35 if you buy them at the door.

Crowds grooving to great music under the stars, loads of chilled Heineken beer and a unique venue right smack in the middle of the Singaporean cityscape. Just the right ingredients for a perfect party!


Met Nigel for coffee yesterday. just a norm catchup. Heineken is having a heineken music elevation: 245 at shaw towers on this coming saturday. can't wait. just can't wait. and boy, it allows you in as long as you are 18. are we going to expect some kids...? huh?

my job scope in TODAY has expanded. not only i handle ClassAds, i handle advertising agencies now with a couple of big agencies under my wing. wahahah~ realise have more things to learn. More stuff to learn. Everyday is a learning day for me now. and with a new staff joining my department, i can't complained more.

Went City Hall Jasons' supermarket since it's the nearest supermart in Raffles Place. Was shopping for some cereal for breakfast for tomorrow. can't make up my mind which to buy: Kellogs cornflakes, Kellogs rice cereal, Kellogs honey- roasted cornflakes, frosted flakes. Nestle cornflakes(it's a dollar more expensive than Kellogs), KoKo Krunch, Milo breakfast....


just couldn't make up my mind.

and the most the funny thing is the choosing part. i closed my eyes and grab one. well, not one but 3....fell onto the floor. taking this as the old-man-up-there's will. i bought all 3. what a lovely breakfast i gonna have. *grin*

March 21, 2004

s a n d

click here to view the video clip. it's AWESOME!!!! how come we don't get see this in singapore?

i was listening to silence yesterday..... *Sshh*

March 19, 2004

film fest

The SIFF, Singapore International Film Festival is back this year from Apr 15th - May 1st 2004. In its 17th year, the festival will screen 300 films consisting of features, shorts, animations in our main, fringe and special programmes. As usual, the free Fringe screenings begins a week earlier at the Goethe Institut on Apr 8th 2004.

The highlights of this year's programme include a retrospective of Philippines filmmaker/actress Laurice Guillen, who ranks as one of the leading figures in the Filipino new wave of the 70s. The focus on the Philippines will also include the World Premiere of paintings by Filipino animator Rox Lee, while indie filmmakers and musicians rock out through Sinekalye – a street cinema programme will bring live music and short, experimental film together through performance.

Other highlights include a tribute to the Amien Film Festival and African cinema. This is another special event as SIFF has never before shown films from Guinea-Bissau and Congo. Werner Herzog will be given a new perspective by prolific Swiss photographer Beat Presser who has documented many Herzog films through his still photography. Festival highlights this year also include several World Premieres from Singapore and Malaysia as well as a number of International Premieres from Indonesia and the Philippines.

Look out also for our special programmes, such as the Shaw in Blue Tribute, which looks at the erotic films of Li Han-Hsiang and Chu Yuan, the humorous and heartfelt cinema of Paolo Virzi, as well as the much-awaited Blues Series from Martin Scorsese.

Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are
an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for
one reason or another - possibly, you made one
tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or
maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't
commit. In any case, you are faithless and
joyless. You find no happiness, love, or
acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most
days are a burden and you wonder when the
hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and
sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching
picture. You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you
deeply and wish that they could do something to
ease your pain. You are constantly living in
memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or
self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved,
you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite
your tainted nature, your soul is
breathtakingly beautiful.

Image is a painting by Natalya Nesterova,

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

xiaoqiang says:" Sweet, beautiful and sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching picture?" did i?

March 18, 2004

untold scandal

here's a link to kill the boredom of the [here]


K-TV series lead actor Bae Young-jun ("Winter Sonata", "Hotelier") makes his movie debut in "Untold scandal" that unfolds a sexual tale set in 18th century Korea.

Developed from the French novel "Dangerous Liaisons" by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, "Untold scandal" tells a tale about a talented playboy Cho Won (Bae Young-jun) trying to seduce Madam Suk (Jeon Do-youn) who has been defending her chastity for 9 years. But after all, all he tries to do is instigated by his first love ?his aunt Madam Jo (Lee Mi-sook).

The vibrant, gently clashing colors of the costumes and sets give a visual counterpoint to the sensuality of the story. Sex scenes -- far more explicit than in previous film adaptations -- collide with our preconceived images of old Korea. In contrast, the movements of the characters in day to day life are elegant in their restraint, echoing the strict moral code of Chosun society around which our characters must negotiate. The dialogue is also elegant and rich in color, an extra bonus for native speakers of Korean.

xiaoqiang says: it's an old movie with dvd already for sale on the net. and it's R(A) for you kids before you do anything. when the show starts, i thought it's just a R(A) film judging from the title. but the whole entire story changes when the game got out of hand. it's woman's jealously and anger that won over Madam Jo's lost in the game when Sir Cho wins Madam Suk heart. and it's really romantic when Madam Suk say she don't miss any season for the 9 years. but now she misses autumn, only after she met Sir Cho and time spent with him in autumn. ending is abit tragic when you know woman's jealously is involved.

so sad.

March 17, 2004


this must be the march holidays for the kids. for a while, i was not woken up by their before-anthem speech and anthem. although usually, i am up by 7. peace for a week.

with CHIJ, Toa Payoh occupying the old site of moulmein primary school, pictured above,( i was from there 12 years ago); my neighbourhood once again painted with noise, kids noise. not to mention more and more kiasu parents who drove their kids to school. flooding my flat's carpark and roads. for a moment, i thought all my neighbours striked rich except my family. yes, a mini car show you can call it with BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus, Jaguars....etc
tell me about it if the economy downturns.

thanx to them again.. who rocked my sunday morning sleep with carnival, screams and the stupid sound systems blasting "she bangs" without william hung.

this is the week where i can call peace. peace at heart. peace at the bus with no kids with their ever enormous-big bags. let me tell you, i never had a moment of peace whenever these kids are around. i was like a giant to them. any of my actions would send this hobbitalike minatures flying or thrown at a distance.

i already had a bad experience. on a usual saturday evening, walking along the corridors of the basement food alley at Suntec, i was talking to Lip & Jol and Roger. you see, our eye-level are always higher than normal singaporeans. i normally stopped walking if i heard a kid's cry, scream or giggle.. indeed i stopped, and i can feel a knock at my kneecap. i looked down and saw a kid lying on his back crying. his parents without even looking at the kid 1st turned at scolded me for not looking out for kids. this lighted the fiery fire in my sympathised eyes.

i scolded the parents for not responsible and letting their kids to runabout. and pushing the blame on others as if their bornt treasure is really so treasure till you can't bear to scold them. you normally don't see xiaoqiang flaring up, let alone flaring at some adults( when we all were taught that adults are mature. *PUI!*) frankly speaking, i would have guess these kids will in-turn be those problematic kids when they grew up, judging from the way they were brought up.*angry*


^my old car craze, VolkWagen Beetle.

below is my new car craze, Lexus RX320.

March 16, 2004


^ this is my latest affordable watch craze, Spectre Black, YNS400 from Swatch

below is my latest non-afforable watch craze.

PANERAI Luminor Submersible PAM00025
Price: US$4,500.00( oh my god!!!! it's freaking Ex!!)
Movement: automatic mechanical, Power reserve 42 hours. Chronometer Certificate (C.O.S.C.).
Functions: hours, minutes, small seconds, date, calculation of immersion time.
Case: diameter 44 mm, AISI 316L brushed titanium.
Dial: black.
Bezel: titanium anti-clockwise uni-directional rotating bezel with scale graduated for measuring the duration of immersion and ratchet click at minute intervals.
Back: screw, titanium.
Device protecting the crown: (registered Trade Mark) titanium.
Crystal: sapphire, formed of corundum, 3.5 mm thick, magnifying lens over the date at 3 o'clock. Anti-reflective coating.
Water-resistance: 300 meters.
Strap: rubber with PANERAI personalised buckle. Supplied with a steel screwdriver and a second interchangeable strap fit for diving.

this is what my company of aunties told me. basically, there's a few accessories a guy wear on his entire body that tell his status, his wealth and his taste. just to name a few,

Number 1: his watch. it tells you whether he's a left/right-handed( it doesn't apply to me though, i wear my watch on my right wrist and i am right-handed). it tells you his taste for accessories. it tells you his wealth. ( i wear a '97 baby-G, hehehe)

Number 2: his shoes. it tells you his dress-sense( it applies here in singapore, for all we know, most female conrades complained that singapore guys have no dress-sense). it tells you his taste. it tells you his personality.( i wear a pair of Adidas Original)

Number 3: his perfume/ cologne. it tells you if the guy is sexy, hot.(ermm~) it tells you if he's out for fun. it tells you if BO is on your desirable list. (i wear Daviddoff, Echo)

Number 4: the ring on the fingers. it tells you if he's married/ engaged. i got to share this secret with my fellow male conrades. this part of the fingers is one of the 1st few points that a lady will look at when you just got to know her.(there's a ring on my finger. )

if you have any other accessories, please add on to yourself.

March 15, 2004

Pirates of the Carribean

above is my new dream getaway.

it's graciously monday. not knowly why i am in ultimately good mood. my new ENZER discman failed me this morning. my ears should be playing BLUES of monday; one genre that no one likes. maybe because i am in love? *grin* just wanna tell you all qiangerians, your beloved xiaoqiang is not attached or seeing anybody. he is still keeping his options open. though he did say he like somebody in this blog. after all, it's a single-sided affair. omg, when is the last time i secret-admired somebody??

suppose to have a great weekend celebrating my dad's birthday. something screwed up. anyway, the old man up there sent his warnings too. for those staying in singapore, you might have heard the thunders roaring like a machine gun, lightnings flashing like some laser displays; in the saturaday evening. i would have thought there were some scientific experimenting around my neighbourhood.

but the gadgets at the recent IT show at Suntec city made my week. or maybe it's the sale-girls there. wahaha, you know what i'm saying ? ask dickson and nigel. and they will tell you why*evil grin*. some of my latest craze gadgets.(hey i am a geek!! IT geek!!!)

^ Sony Cybershot DSC-T1. slide the way baby~!!

^ Fujitsu Lifebook P5020. it's 1.75kg!!! as heavy as a chicken!!

^ Apple 17" Powerbook. *drool*

< Apple Ipod or....

< Apple Ipod Mini. i like the lime green casing.

March 13, 2004

la maison

currently playing Gabin - La Masion

and as what i have promised in the previous post. the chillout you heard in the background is by Gabin. can someone explain what "La Maison" mean?

got this personality analysis off miss vera's blog. or you can take the quiz here. hey she-twin, try this quiz if you gotten exactly had the same results. if it does, it will be OMG f*cking scary. *grin* but it does spurred my brain abit of what i should do and how to excel in my current job. Adidas... Practical... don't rhyme.. vera, i understand abit and i know some of the comments are quite true.. but i don't understand certain things like..."this ambition will be balanced by humanitarian ideals that will lead him to support causes that may demand self-sacrifice." read on to find out... can somebody enlighten me..

Western Grid

x x 9

x x 8

1 4 7

Chinese (Lunar) Grid

x 9 22

x 5 x

8 1 x

**The two grids above are called Numerology Grids. The numbers from Xiaoqiang's birth date - his Gregorian calendar birth numbers - are inserted into the Western Grid in certain positions. His birth date is then converted into the Chinese lunar calendar, and the equivalent Lunar birth date numbers are inserted into the Chinese Grid, but in different positions. In this way the Chinese and Western numerological interpretations complement each other.

Character, personality and employment characteristics are gleaned from the position of those numbers in each grid, the quantity of each number, and the lack of numbers. Comments on each number (or sets of numbers) are recorded below. Green arrows represent positive characteristics derived from having three numbers in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal), whilst red arrows represent somewhat negative characteristics derived from three blanks in a row. Be aware that to read numerology grids accurately takes a lot of practice, and before acting on what you see here you should study the whole subject in much greater detail. Nor should you disregard the profound influence of genetics and upbringing.**


Ki System

Natal Year number: 2
A sociable individual, Xiaoqiang is outward-looking, well-balanced and thoughtful. However, he is also pretty conservative by nature, and reluctant to adapt to changes. Unwilling to rely on others for financial or emotional support, Xiaoqiang will work harder than most to achieve his goals. Yet he is compassionate and supportive of others.

Natal Month number: 7
Xiaoqiang is a good communicator and enjoys discussion, but he will avoid stressful situations and arguments. He is a fund of new ideas that spill from his active brain with great rapidity, but his business dealings will always be constrained by his desire to be liked. He therefore lacks those long-term goals that would bring him prosperity.

Natal House number: 9
Xiaoqiang will work better in attractive surroundings that complement his appearance and character. A natural charmer with good taste and a sense of humour, Xiaoqiang has the potential to be an inspirational leader in the workplace. Although a good "people person", he tends to let money slip through his fingers all too fast.

Comments based on Western Grid:


Although Xiaoqiang may be reasonably talkative in public, he finds it difficult to express personal feelings to those closest to him. In employment terms, this inhibition is of little consequence.


A practical individual, Xiaoqiang is a neat and tidy craftsman who can organise others to achieve his plans. He should use those practical skills and organisational ability in an office management, or secretarial function, or by applying such skills to self-employment. In general, Xiaoqiang is a neat and tidy individual - qualities of value to many different jobs.


Xiaoqiang will find life's lessons hard to learn. He will suffer from loss (of possessions or those he loves) before questioning the cause of that loss. It is likely that Xiaoqiang will develop a faith of some sort, and although it need not necessarily be a religious faith, it will nevertheless be something that he holds onto against all the evidence. Potential employers need to find out what that faith entails.


Good with details and with a methodical approach, Xiaoqiang nevertheless is someone who enjoys constant new challenges to maintain his interest. He is a methodical individual with attention to detail, but is inclined to leave tasks unfinished if his active mind alights on something of greater interest. Routine tasks that fail to challenge his intellect are at greatest risk, so Xiaoqiang needs a job that offers variety.


Ambitious to improve his lot, Xiaoqiang will constantly push forward to achieve something in his life, yet this ambition will be balanced by humanitarian ideals that will lead him to support causes that may demand self-sacrifice.

[The Arrow of Activity: the numbers 7, 8 and 9]
Enjoying the outdoors, Xiaoqiang is someone who will perform best by being busy. He dislikes confined spaces, and needs both physical and mental exercise. A good walk in fresh air is an intellectual catalyst like no other to Xiaoqiang, whose need to be constantly occupied is an asset to any employer.

[The Arrow of Practicality: the numbers 1, 4 and 7]
Good with his hands, Xiaoqiang is a natural craftsman who will work for as long as it takes to secure a perfect result. Capable and practical, he gets on well with others at all levels of society. If Xiaoqiang does not pursue a practical trade, it will be important to develop a subsidiary practical interest to complement his main employment.

Comments based on Chinese Grid


Xiaoqiang will make some money and enjoy a reasonable standard of living.


Unless he also has the numbers 4 and 9 in the Chinese Version, Xiaoqiang will be lethargic, and likely to suffer from ill health.


Emotionally well-balanced, Xiaoqiang is not too intense, and will reach the right decisions. However, with the numbers 2 and 3 in the Chinese version, the balance may be upset.


In the absence (in the Chinese version) of the numbers 1 and 6, he will be good with money and details. He will be happier if the Chinese grid includes the numbers 5 and 7.


Although Xiaoqiang is ambitious, his ambition is tempered with humanitarian ideals.

[The Arrow of Willpower: The numbers 1, 5 and 9]
Xiaoqiang is somewhat stubborn and very determined. Holding strong opinions that he will voice without reservation, he will nevertheless reach his goals through persistent hard work.

[The Arrow of Determination: The numbers 2, 5 and 8]
Xiaoqiang is patient, yet determined. Decisive when necessary, he will never lose sight of his ultimate objectives. He is prepared to wait in order to realise his ambition.

March 12, 2004

dirty dancing

1 hr. 26 min. Havana: November, 1958. Eighteen-year-old Katey Miller brings an innate curiosity--and a smattering of Spanish--to her new life in Cuba’s lush capital, where her father has taken an executive posting at Chrysler. Schooled by her parents in the art of ballroom dancing, Katey is expected to join the smart set of American teenagers who are the Miller’s neighbors at the exclusive Oceana Hotel. But Katey finds herself drawn instead to the proud, purposeful Javier--a waiter who also happens to be brilliant dancer. Determined to learn the slinky, spectacular moves that Javier seems to know in his bones, Katey persuades him to partner with her in a prestigious national dance competition at a grand local nightclub, The Palace. Meeting secretly in an out-of-the-way Havana nightclub, Katey and Javier practice their steps--their bodies aligning in a sensual harmony that mirrors the growing passion between them. As the night of the contest finally arrives, Katey and Javier are ready to take their place as a couple on the dance floor--unaware that the country club, and the streets of Havana itself, are about to erupt in revolutionary violence.

xiaoqiang says: if you have not watched the 1st Dirty Dancing. it might be good for you. 'cos i don't understand what's dancing got to do with Cuba's revolution. to some, it might be a crappy show. to some, it might be a move-your-body to the beat. my recommendation is watch it on the cheapest nights. *wink*


i got home late last night after watching "Dirty Dancing 2". while waiting for my hair to dry( will wake up my entire family if i use a hair-dryer), i watched telly. it must be my can-count-my-fingers times that i actually watched telly. was watching a korean drama( yeah, korean drama, think it's called " LOVE LETTER shown on CableTV 56 at 12am.)

i could roughly guess the storyline. here goes:

Andrew grew up as an orphan with his auntie ill-treated and abused him since young. His pastor-uncle came after and took him away to live with him. years passed, when andrew's real doctored-mum came with another orphan girl, Yinhe. they quickly became good friends only after Yinhe found out his past.

Yinhe came to realised she liked Andrew. they studied together under the pastor's care and orphanage. and made it together to university. Yinhe told him she liked him. but Andrew's ambition is to become a pastor just liked his uncle. and the story goes... yada yada yada..

hey, i only saw the 1st episode with some trailers at the end.. i can't tell the whole story... if you don't mind korean's sappy, griefy yet moved by the storyline. you might want to catch it.

xiaoqiang's says: when is the last time a girl you liked, asked you who do you liked; and everything seemed like a normal, common conversation. what are you thinking at that point? does she know you liked her? or she's totally ignorant? the longest distance in this world is not between New York & Singapore. It's not a pair of lovers separated by different time frames or dimensions.

It's you, standing in front of me and you don't know i like y.o..u...

*sounds familiar*




KooKoo k@k@ says: kakkaka
KooKoo k@k@ says: wish for what!?!?!
KooKoo k@k@ says:you also dun wan GF... gurl FREN of Fan!

xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: who say i dun want a gf....
xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: duh~
xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: I WANT...
xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: but who would like me...
xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: but i let things flow by itself, by nature...
xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: such thing can't force

KooKoo k@k@ says:HARLLLOWWW!
KooKoo k@k@ says:YOU DOWANNA GF ONE!!
KooKoo k@k@ says:AT LEAST NOT NOW!
KooKoo k@k@ says:YOU SENILE IS IT?!?!?!?!

xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: that's last year when i told you...
xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: this year is different...

KooKoo k@k@ says:WAH LAIO!
KooKoo k@k@ says:you very fickle!
KooKoo k@k@ says:why you c hange your mind!

xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: 'cos i think i am in love...
xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: whahhahahahaah

KooKoo k@k@ says:tell tell!!
KooKoo k@k@ says:why you never tell me!

xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: why you want to know....

KooKoo k@k@ says:hahhahahah
KooKoo k@k@ says:baka baka!
KooKoo k@k@ says:kaypo lar!
KooKoo k@k@ says:I alsways tell you things horrrr!
KooKoo k@k@ says:how can you not tell me this BIG thing! So disappointed !!! sigh

xiaoqiangedmundkc likes spectre black says: baka...

March 11, 2004

balloony dreams

xiaoqiang says: chance upon this group, Gabin when i played another album, World Music Room. they have nice chillouts piano pieces. or maybe piano pieces is not a good term to describle them. anyway, their track La Masion is one track i want to recommend. will try to let you guys hear when i found the mp3( opps).

Went for an interview with Adidas. kinda smooth. i wonder what's the outcome? eventhough their reply was the( "we will let you know in 2 weeks' time" )norm. wahahah, balloons of dreams are already in my head flying around. imagine wearing Adidas apparel everyday to work.. Adidas Ambassador, sponsored by Adidas. Woah~ Adidas Heritage, Adidas Vintage...*drool*

Back to office was nothing but teasers around. "Hey, so smart today." "Wah~ so formal~" "You go for interview ah??" " Ayy, edmund, if you wear this everyday, the aunties will have something to look forward when we come to work.." " HEY, you combed your hair"
Thanx to all comments and compliments from my fellow colleagues. to some of them, i'm sorry to say that i was going for match-making. to some of them, i'm sorry to say that i went for a via internet conferencing marriage thingy. i'm sorry*grin*

anyway, someone actually said, i will say exactly the same thing 'cos the wordings is so me. quoted from Orlando Bloom:

" i'm in love with love.
it's heavenly when you're falling love
with someone
and you can't stop thinking about her."

don't tell my miss vera about this, she will go nuts when she found out OB is seeing somebody. come to think of it, i looked like OB??( Joke of the Century... wahahahhahaha~)

March 10, 2004


elbowable hit

xiaoqiang says: thanx, michelle. i kinda like topshop clothes too. but i can't fit into most of those tops too.*sigh* anyway, i shan't complained too much. after all we should be delighted what the old man up there gave us. right..?

Today was another horrijible trip to work. Ever since i've taken bus to work. i fall in love with the bus. not only it's faster, it also have more pretty girls to look at. wah ha ha*evil grin* Shall tell you what's my anguishment of the day. as usual, standing in the bus at the most asuspicious" time of the day; where rubbing shoulders is inevitable.

i was standing near this old man with his arm resting on an umbrella; with his elbow facing me. with my Discman blasing my favourite jay chou music, enjoying the morning ride through the newly shone Jalan Besar/ Serangoon Road. And when the bus make a turn, here's my agony.

the old man was trying to balance himself with the help of umbrella( i think). still, with his elbow facing me gave a 180 degrees horizontal thrust to my groin. my ever-morning-sleepy expression quicky changed to a big eyes with smashed up face features. with my nose, eyes, eyebrows and mouth all over the places.... that's what i call A.G.O.N.Y.

March 09, 2004


b i g

xiaoqiang says: this shall be my bitching post. come to think of it, i haven't been bitching for quite a while.*grin* just updating pictures and jokes, showing the rest of people my professionalism of " photography"; telling people I DO have a sense of humour. shall rant and bitch or worse of all, C O M P L A I N.....(-_-!)

i was on my way to work. Finally taken bus over mrt( you called it train in singapore or subway in other countries). i can never understand why there are so many crowds during 9am++ in the morning. shouldn't everyone be going to school, to work earlier? and the thing is there are just as many people on the bus compared to those taking the train.

i know myself as not the normal singapore guys in terms of body mass. not that i claim myself to be big sized but taller and bigger than the normal singapore guys. i was sitting on the outer seat, which is the one closer to those standing; when this man walked past me with his god-knows-what-sh*t metal thingy in his bag and hits me on my right shoulder.


and the thing that pricked my fuming nerves is that this man didn't bothered to look back or even say sorry. grrrr..*angry*

being big in singapore aren't gonna get you any incentives or anything good. i'm getting problems buying clothes for myself. and i don't like hip-hop clothings . anyone can help me with nice cheap clothes which fits me? i'm the one on the losing end whenever i fancy a nice looking top. when i ask for a size from the salesgirl, she ended giving me the sorry look, " sorry sir, our largest size is L. and the cutting is meant for a asian guy, or rather a normal singapore asian guy.

which always invites me to the doors of those stores, boutiques that comes with a brand( you know what i mean)*sigh*. i missed my poly days, i can wear when i deem fit..

March 08, 2004

EXercise vs EXcuses

xiaoqiang says:To all those trying to stay in shape and yet coming up with thousands of excuses not to exercise. this post is your saviour. it even gives you enlightenment. Reaches FAT nirvana. HOWEVER, i will see you no up. what's so difficult to just take take 10 - 15mins to do exercise? if you lessen the time used for long baths, make up, choosing over clothes, playing video games or even chilling over caffine, i'm everybody have time for everything. it's called time management. don't take the Q & As too seriously.. it was meant to be a joke.


No time to exercise? Don't feel guilty....
Even experts are saying we don't need exercise......
Read on!!

Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?

A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it. don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?

A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

A: Well, if you have a body, and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular
exercise program?

A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good.

Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?

A: You're not listening. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?

A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?

A: Are you crazy? HELLO Cocoa beans. another vegetable!!! It's the best feel good food around!

Q: Is swimming good for your figure?

A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.

Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?

A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!


March 06, 2004

baby, one more time..

that was britney in a webcam conference with mua... wahhaah alright guys dun envy. brit and i used to be in the mickey mouse club. we remained close friends all along.. just dun wanna tell anybody that we knew each other... and all the bullshit with justin and bla bla bla.. it's bullsh*t!!! utterly bullsh*t. below is one pix i've taken at LA..

but the ugly truth is...we been writing letters, snail mail if you were to call it.. i felt rather bad with not making a single overseas call. and now she strike stardom a few years back. there was not even a single chance that we talked over the phone. we don't do icq or msn... just mails... yes, handwritten ones...that's one which she signs off with a picture with recently. i scaned it in and decided to post it since it's really nice..






did i catch you all??? wahahahahahaha.. you guys probably be thinking since when xiaoqiang has such wonderful privildges to know her. all photos in this post is a male-personation of britney...i got a shock when i saw them at ian's site..FREAKY SH*T!!!!!!

March 04, 2004

ruby & quentin

duration: 85 minutes

xiaoqiang says:watched this movie last sun with Roger, Jol and Lip. It's a damn hilarious french movie. Please watch it with a not-so-full stomach. you wouldn't like to get stomach cramps with a full stomach.*grin*

Available with English subtitles. Depardieu (Green Card, Cyrano de Bergerac) plays Quentin, the dumb half of the escaping duo. He is blessed with virtually no brain cells at all - a small-time robber in prison for mistaking an exchange bureau for a bank. Jean Reno ( Léon, Crimson Rivers, Godzilla) is the professional bandit Ruby - cold as ice and always working alone. Manners fall to pieces and the frightening lone wolf soon turns into a chased bunny rabbit, albeit one sporting a twisted shoulder, a shot arm and in continuous danger of a nervous breakdown elicited by his partner on the run.

All the way through the escape and the subsequent man hunt I expected some real action to eventually take place. Instead, Ruby and Quentin steal several cars, change clothes from lunatic asylum uniforms to a woman's colorful rags to teenager's fashion outfit. Along the way they also meet a beautiful refugee from Albania. However, not much is happening to resolve the problem of the money stolen by Ruby from the mob boss who is after him.

March 03, 2004

got it off vera's blog
Tis an ice dragon breathes...when the first snowflake doesnt melt....
You are an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the
dragons, you are most powerful but do not like
to show it. A rare and special creature, you
have artistic style and are great at expressing
yourself. You think friends and Familly are the
most important, and are a hopeless romantic.
But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little
cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you
always apologize later!

xiaoqiang says:once again.. miss vera. we are icy dragons. i wanna go north.. wanna join me to the poles? wahahahahh..

What elemental dragon are you?
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