March 26, 2004


xiaoqiang says: Today was rather abit hard day for me. as you can see the time when this post is logged. i am still in the office. since my job scope has increased, my responsibilty also increased. though that doesn't means i gotten a heavier paycheck. anyway, one of the agencies which i serviced did a magnificent stunt.

they called up and asked if i've received a ad-order. obviously, if i have received the order. i would chased them for material for tomorrow's paper. and now a last-minute stunt which they threw. it sent not me but my boss streaks of anger and stress. she could have turned them down which means turn money away also. but she didn't. calmly she called someone and PAB!! down the phone

"book the ad and called them to fax in a ad-order."

and here am i, writing this post while waiting for the material. tick tock tick tock....

another grief. the girl i like is leaving for spain & France tonight. she will only be back 2 weeks later. i will miss her. definitely miss her. though i suggested writing via emails. but it depends on the internet service over there. and she seems to have some problems with the initerary. and it seems that alot of things are not finalise till last-minute.( another last-minute thingy...grrrr) and after watching the Korean drama, "Love Letter". my grief weighs even more.

bon voyage...

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