March 13, 2004

la maison

currently playing Gabin - La Masion

and as what i have promised in the previous post. the chillout you heard in the background is by Gabin. can someone explain what "La Maison" mean?

got this personality analysis off miss vera's blog. or you can take the quiz here. hey she-twin, try this quiz if you gotten exactly had the same results. if it does, it will be OMG f*cking scary. *grin* but it does spurred my brain abit of what i should do and how to excel in my current job. Adidas... Practical... don't rhyme.. vera, i understand abit and i know some of the comments are quite true.. but i don't understand certain things like..."this ambition will be balanced by humanitarian ideals that will lead him to support causes that may demand self-sacrifice." read on to find out... can somebody enlighten me..

Western Grid

x x 9

x x 8

1 4 7

Chinese (Lunar) Grid

x 9 22

x 5 x

8 1 x

**The two grids above are called Numerology Grids. The numbers from Xiaoqiang's birth date - his Gregorian calendar birth numbers - are inserted into the Western Grid in certain positions. His birth date is then converted into the Chinese lunar calendar, and the equivalent Lunar birth date numbers are inserted into the Chinese Grid, but in different positions. In this way the Chinese and Western numerological interpretations complement each other.

Character, personality and employment characteristics are gleaned from the position of those numbers in each grid, the quantity of each number, and the lack of numbers. Comments on each number (or sets of numbers) are recorded below. Green arrows represent positive characteristics derived from having three numbers in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal), whilst red arrows represent somewhat negative characteristics derived from three blanks in a row. Be aware that to read numerology grids accurately takes a lot of practice, and before acting on what you see here you should study the whole subject in much greater detail. Nor should you disregard the profound influence of genetics and upbringing.**


Ki System

Natal Year number: 2
A sociable individual, Xiaoqiang is outward-looking, well-balanced and thoughtful. However, he is also pretty conservative by nature, and reluctant to adapt to changes. Unwilling to rely on others for financial or emotional support, Xiaoqiang will work harder than most to achieve his goals. Yet he is compassionate and supportive of others.

Natal Month number: 7
Xiaoqiang is a good communicator and enjoys discussion, but he will avoid stressful situations and arguments. He is a fund of new ideas that spill from his active brain with great rapidity, but his business dealings will always be constrained by his desire to be liked. He therefore lacks those long-term goals that would bring him prosperity.

Natal House number: 9
Xiaoqiang will work better in attractive surroundings that complement his appearance and character. A natural charmer with good taste and a sense of humour, Xiaoqiang has the potential to be an inspirational leader in the workplace. Although a good "people person", he tends to let money slip through his fingers all too fast.

Comments based on Western Grid:


Although Xiaoqiang may be reasonably talkative in public, he finds it difficult to express personal feelings to those closest to him. In employment terms, this inhibition is of little consequence.


A practical individual, Xiaoqiang is a neat and tidy craftsman who can organise others to achieve his plans. He should use those practical skills and organisational ability in an office management, or secretarial function, or by applying such skills to self-employment. In general, Xiaoqiang is a neat and tidy individual - qualities of value to many different jobs.


Xiaoqiang will find life's lessons hard to learn. He will suffer from loss (of possessions or those he loves) before questioning the cause of that loss. It is likely that Xiaoqiang will develop a faith of some sort, and although it need not necessarily be a religious faith, it will nevertheless be something that he holds onto against all the evidence. Potential employers need to find out what that faith entails.


Good with details and with a methodical approach, Xiaoqiang nevertheless is someone who enjoys constant new challenges to maintain his interest. He is a methodical individual with attention to detail, but is inclined to leave tasks unfinished if his active mind alights on something of greater interest. Routine tasks that fail to challenge his intellect are at greatest risk, so Xiaoqiang needs a job that offers variety.


Ambitious to improve his lot, Xiaoqiang will constantly push forward to achieve something in his life, yet this ambition will be balanced by humanitarian ideals that will lead him to support causes that may demand self-sacrifice.

[The Arrow of Activity: the numbers 7, 8 and 9]
Enjoying the outdoors, Xiaoqiang is someone who will perform best by being busy. He dislikes confined spaces, and needs both physical and mental exercise. A good walk in fresh air is an intellectual catalyst like no other to Xiaoqiang, whose need to be constantly occupied is an asset to any employer.

[The Arrow of Practicality: the numbers 1, 4 and 7]
Good with his hands, Xiaoqiang is a natural craftsman who will work for as long as it takes to secure a perfect result. Capable and practical, he gets on well with others at all levels of society. If Xiaoqiang does not pursue a practical trade, it will be important to develop a subsidiary practical interest to complement his main employment.

Comments based on Chinese Grid


Xiaoqiang will make some money and enjoy a reasonable standard of living.


Unless he also has the numbers 4 and 9 in the Chinese Version, Xiaoqiang will be lethargic, and likely to suffer from ill health.


Emotionally well-balanced, Xiaoqiang is not too intense, and will reach the right decisions. However, with the numbers 2 and 3 in the Chinese version, the balance may be upset.


In the absence (in the Chinese version) of the numbers 1 and 6, he will be good with money and details. He will be happier if the Chinese grid includes the numbers 5 and 7.


Although Xiaoqiang is ambitious, his ambition is tempered with humanitarian ideals.

[The Arrow of Willpower: The numbers 1, 5 and 9]
Xiaoqiang is somewhat stubborn and very determined. Holding strong opinions that he will voice without reservation, he will nevertheless reach his goals through persistent hard work.

[The Arrow of Determination: The numbers 2, 5 and 8]
Xiaoqiang is patient, yet determined. Decisive when necessary, he will never lose sight of his ultimate objectives. He is prepared to wait in order to realise his ambition.

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