May 30, 2004


the boy from hell

currently playing Siddharta, Spirit of Buddha bar - Michalis Nikoloudis - Deja Vu

MY colleague gotten this hellboy figurine recently and was wondering if i can do anything to it. hey, the cape flying is my idea. and my fingers got itchy, so Ta~Da! presenting to you, my design. initial idea was to do advert kind or thing. then again, throw the idea into the bin.

gotten this photo off canny's xanga. as alot of people asked me if that's me in the picture in JUICE. yesh, it's me. the picture probably taken off at Heineken's Elevation245. from right to left, that's Ling, Kel, err...shitz what's this englishman's name, Nigel and finally me. qouted the words below off canny's xanga, awwww~ so sweet.

"she stood with her head beneath his chin,
her arms clasped at his back and his wrapped tightly about her,
she began to fell her strength seep slowly back.
he said nothing and neither did she, she was eased."
-whispers on the water-

was reading dicky's xanga. and it getting freaky( that's dicky line). How to replace a face. wassup nowadays? the venture and revel in the power of science is getting weird, to me sometimes. and reading dicky's post reminds me of this incident sometime back. you see, i was eating my lunch and listening to some old folks at the kopitiam talking about normal politics, the neighbourhood hu-hahs, bla bla bla... when they went on saying this. got a hard time translating from hokkien to english.

Ah Pek A : "one shall not go against god's will. "

Ah Pek B : " why leh?"

Ah Pek A : " you see ah, everytime Man try to do something, something not natural or what. i've said against god's will get retribution from god."

Ah Pek B : " Oh.. what happened? *sip his coffee*

Ah Pek A : " remember China got SARS?" They follow the ang mos cloning people, animals. looked at what happen now. they kana SARS."

Ah Pek B : " true true."

Ah Pek A : " Then look at America. they also clone people, animals. then terrorist bombed the two building. the president also dunno do what. anyhow bombed Iraq because of terrorists. it is so stupid. "

Ah Pek B : " cos US president grew grass in his head, that's why his dad named him BUSH." *laugh*

Ah Pek A : " look at russia. they also want to do something then their submarine sink." ( did they do something. i can't remembered)

Ah Pek B : " but what did singapore do ? then navy kana the accident? nicole highway collapse?"

Ah Pek A : " Singapore didn't do anything against god. just that the government shifted the merlion. the old location of the merlion is good. *stirred his tea before taking a sip*

Ah Pek B : " you mean the feng shui is good?"

Ah Pek A : " the old location is at the mouth of singapore river which brings in the wealth of singapore. now they shifted the merlion. everything is not balance. of course, accidents happened lah. "

i'm just simply amazed *standing ovation for both ah peks*.

May 29, 2004


self -obsession

edited on 30 May, 2231hrs.


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

i am irresistible* evil grin*, i am accurate (huh? ), i am old *cheez*, i am quaint( charming in an old fashion way??), i am insane (always), i am appreciative( always), i am nice( no~ not nice again, nice is not a good word), i am gloomy( but i am charming*frown*), and i am self-obsessed

quaint means :
1) Cleverly made; artful.

2)Charmingly odd, especially in an old-fashioned way: “Sarah Orne Jewett... was dismissed by one critic as merely a New England old maid who wrote quaint, plotless sketches of late 19th-century coastal Maine” (James McManus).

the charmer


Considering how charming, caring and kind you are, you dislike
unpleasant scenes, much less creating one yourself. You have great tolerance and
rarely get provoked into losing your temper. If someone is unreasonable
or trying to create trouble, you are more likely to walk away quietly. But
that does not mean you do not have a temper. When angry, in your effort
to control your emotions, you tremble, your hands get sweaty and sometimes
you fumble for words. Tears roll down your eyes easily and the opponent is
touched by your innocence and will seek an apology immediately.

gotten this horscope temper thingy from an email. I'm charming. i have great tolerance and rarely get provoked into losing my temper. i walk away quietly when some idiot is unreasonable or trying to create trouble. how true this is. i am really charming.(trying very hard to convince myself *grin*)

anyway, gotten this long, long list of questions from Vera's blog. no, not a personal invite to stalk me. but i am bored. if you happen to see my answer ends with "( vera's answer). it means my sentiments exactly.


The story behind your name: some chinese thingy..says i'm lack of "gold"

How old?: almost a quarter of a century *shitz*

Where do you live?: near town, another reown district after Geylang( not for Pros but gangsters/secret according to older folks, i dun get to see any)


Wallet: brown from Kenneth Cole

Shoes: Maroon Adidas, Rekord

CD in stereo right now: Buddha Bar

Piercing: yesh, a few months ago.

What you are wearing now: Nikes berms, Asics Dri-Fit.

Hair: Groovy black

In my head: no dates on Saturday.

Wishing: errr....

After this: probably heading down to bookshop. i am a nerd.

Eating: ALWAYS!!!!

Some of your fav movies: let's just say it's alot.

Something you are looking forward to in the upcoming months: meeting miss vera.

The last thing you ate: MOS Chicken

Something that you are deathly afraid of: broke?

Do you believe in love: yesh.

Do you believe in soul mates: yesh...

Do you believe in love at first sight: yesh

Do you believe in forgiveness:Only if it's deserved.( vera's answer)

If you could have any animal for a pet: i want a phoenix

What’s something you wish you could understand better: why's the world round?


Cried: no...

Bought something: Yesh..

Said “I love you”: Yesh..

Sang: yesh... in bathroom.

Eaten: duh~ of course.

Been kissed: nope...

Felt stupid: never...

Wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn’t: yesh.

Met someone new: yesh.

Moved on: We never truly move on...there's always that 1% that just refuses to go away :) (vera's answer)

Talked to an ex: nah....

Missed an ex: nah~

Talked to someone you have a crush on: yesh....

Had a serious talk: yesh...

Missed someone: yesh...

Hugged someone: yesh...

Fought with your parents: no

Dreamed about someone you can’t be with: nah~


Best girl friend(s): ermmm, yesh

Best guy friend(s): yesh..

Boy/girlfriend: single since the year 2000

If no, current dating partner: *see above answer*

What I love to do: chill with my latte, some jazzy/chill-outs/ lounge music behind my book.

Pager/cell: cell

Are you center of attention or the wallflower: i am the vase.

What type automobile do you drive: i can't drive...*sobs*

What type automobile do you wish to drive: McLaren?

Would you rather be with friends or on a date:depends on how how and fun the date is because then I am sure my friends would rather I go on the date (if it was a potentially quality date) and then pump me for information after ^.~ why not make it a night for both? (vera's answer)

Where is the best hangout: home sweet home

Do you have a job: yesh, but it's temp.

Do you attend church: i think freely...

Do you like being around people: when they are well behaved. :P (vera's answer)


Have you known the longest: wow...well my brother obviously because he was there 4 years before I was born, my parents..

Do you argue the most with: hey i am a cancer, i have high tolerance....

Do you always get along with: kinda... but it depends..

Is the trustworthiest: my tamagochi( juz kidding)... the sun..

Makes you laugh the most: many...

Has been there through all the hard times: oh... this gotta go as far back as secondary schools days..

Have the coolest parents: ermmm... i have no idea...

Has the coolest siblings: still no idea...

is the most blunt: used to be roger and lip.

Is the smartest: Einstein?


Who is your role model: ... it's a combination of good in many people...( vera's answer)

What are some of your pet peeves: people who are --(vera's answer)
1) inconsiderate
2) selfish
3) liars
4) hypocrites
5) insensitive
6) bad drivers
7) immature ppl who are suppose to have grown up a long time ago
8) stupidity

Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: yesh..

Have you ever cried over a person of the opposite sex: yesh..

Do you have a “type” of person you always go after: tentatively yesh...'cos i know what i want.

Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): haven't had to yet..

Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: nah~

Rather be dumper or dumped: it hurts both ways...(vera's answer)

Rather have a relationship or a “hookup”: The last time I checked, I wasn't a hooker...( vera's answer)

Want someone you don’t have right now: YESH!!!!

Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yesh...

Do you want to get married: maaaybe...

Do you want kids: maayyybe.. it depends on my spouse..

Do you believe in psychics: i am one...wah ha ha

Do you believe you know the person who you will marry at this time: yeshh...

What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my eyes :) do you agree?( vera's answer)

What is your favorite part of your emotional being: high tolerance..

Are you happy with yourself: currently yesh..

Are you happy with your life:

If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: I NEED MONEY!!!!

What are your life goals: i let you know when i think of it.

May 28, 2004

Unleash the demon within

......Happiness is like a butterfly
The more you chase it. the more it will elude
you. But if you turn attention to other things,
it comes softly and sits on your shoulders...

BE WARE !!! of the picture below. it could happen to...errrr...

I was in orchard paragon for lunch( no i'm not talking about okie i ate Ribs La Mian*grin*). A usual busy, crowded day in orchard. But wait, no it's different. everybody was seen with bags and bags with this "GREAT SINGAPORE SALE" tagline on the bags. today is the 1st day of the SAAAAaaaaaaalllleeeee. saw a lot of tourists and that thanks to Singapore Tourism Board for spreading the words around almost the whole world. GOOD JOB! with both forces, our economy will pick up this 2nd quarter( do i sound like somebody?), at least for this GSS period.

while waiting for my food to be readied. my colleague and i went walking around and saw this wonderful Nokia 7200 limited edition at Kenzo, Paragon. above is the pix. it looks cool. and a lotus flower lookalike charger. we just drool at it. and to tell you, i got a soft spot for white colour.

walked among the rest of boutiques, and something caught the eye of this gender. lotsa people in Burberry's. after much persuasion from me, we went in and saw this 40% discount tag on the shelves. She went crazy. the demon in her is unleashed. wahhahaha... she went accusing me that it's all my fault to drag her in. perhaps for these 1st two weeks of june, if you noticed your girl friends, girlfriend, wifes, mothers, aunties; or even grandelders have a bruise or a cut on anywhere of the body. it's likely to come from squeezing , pushing, shoving, digging or catfighting in departmental stores/ boutiques.

Guys! guard your wallets! guard your credit cards! ON GUARD! Be prepared to see a extended list or pages of bank statements end of/next month.

ok, i exaggerated.

My Latest Watch Craze


below is yet another article quoted from TODAY. another article from Mr Brown. i still love his writing.

If only I were younger, I could be a singing star

By the time you read this, you would already know who the "American Idol" is. Yes, it's "Donald Duck" Barrino. Hey, if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck and sings like a duck, it is a duck, okay? And Diana DeGarmo is "Miss Piggy".

My wife and I love the show and every week we play armchair critics. Never mind that we cannot sing anywhere near the contestants, we are the home judges of the show, I am Simon "brown" Cowell and she is a meaner version of Paula "mrs brown" Abdul.

"Simon": "I think that part was off-key, leh."

"Paula": "And I think she was having trouble hitting those lower registers, even though I felt her pitching has improved."

"Simon": "Ya, and this time, I felt she did not connect with the audience. And that dress? Horrendous!" As if we knew how to judge the quality of a singer's "connectedness" with an audience.

Still, we soldier on, doing our thankless task of judging the contestants week in and week out and lamenting the poor taste of American voting audiences. With the show ending, we are a little sad because we now have to go back to watching rental DVDs, for which we pay enough in overdue fees to buy the movie twice over. But wait! There is hope! Singapore Idol is coming. We used to have something similar a while ago — called Talentime.

This time though, we, the discerning public, get to vote. That is probably the most fun part for me. And we will also see some serious losers too. Admit it. Who doesn't want to see the next William Hung Ah Huat of Singapore discovered in a show like this?

A few unresolved details bug me though. In American Idol, those who made it past the auditions would often be seen screaming, jumping and shouting: "I'm going to Hollywood!" As if they had won 4D.

In Singapore Idol, what will the qualifiers shout?

Further, in American Idol, host Ryan Seacrest has his signature sign-off phrase "Seacrest out!" What will our Singapore Idol host Gurmit Singh say? "Singh out!"?

I wish I were younger and could start a musical career. The world belongs to the young, man! The only way I can hope to become a star at my age would be to have my church folk buy my album. You know how you can tell age is catching up on you? When you go to a car showroom ... and start looking at the seven-seater MPVs (multi-purpose vehicles).

Sure, a convertible looks nice, but the MPV can sit mom, dad, the wife, the two kids (in their car seats) and the maid. That is one hot MPV, man. Where you once asked how fast that coupe will go — fuel consumption be damned — you now ask if there are rear aircon vents for the third row of seats and if the car has airbags for everyone. Where you once would pay the moon for the extra $4,000 bodykit, you now prefer the model with the built-in DVD player and LCD TV so that the kids will shut up, watch Barney and stop bugging you. You know you have sunk to a new low when you have to ask your friends in the media industry if they have any lobang or kangtow to get tickets to the sold-out live show, Barney's Big Surprise.

Incidentally, if you try to buy tickets for Barney's show on the Sistic website, you will find that the search box asks you to "Enter title/artiste/venue". Look, Barney is not a freakin' artiste. He is a freakin' purple singing dinosaur who sings freakin' cutesy songs. Songs that parents cannot get out of their freakin' heads. Okay? Okay? Sheesh!

Besides making you cranky about little things like purple singing dinosaurs, being in your 30s also makes you think a lot about your mortality. Look, don't laugh. You will be afraid too, should you see companies asking only for applicants below 40 (Why? Will there be heavy lifting involved in this administrative position?).

It is even worse for gamers like me. You now have the money to buy your video games, but try going online with your Xbox, Ah Pek, and play against kids and you will know how lame and old you are.

Where did your reflexes go? How was that snotty kid — who calls others a "loser" and a "fag" — able to make his robot run around your robot, while shooting and jumping continuously? While chewing gum at the same time?You can't even play as long as you used to. Either your joints give way to carpal tunnel syndrome after 30 minutes of intense jerking of your joystick, or you decide to go to sleep because it is 9pm and "late already, tomorrow have to go to work".

You know how else you know you are not a young punk any more? You join an online race against seven players from all over the world, and you choose the MPV instead of the Ferrari ... Because it sits seven, has airbags and an LCD TV.

mr brown is the accidental author of a popular website that has been documenting the dysfunctional side of Singapore life since 1997. He would win more frequently in driving games if his wife doesn't keep asking him to help change his kid's nappies in the middle of a race.


May 26, 2004

what happens...

What happens when you:

1) have nothing to do

2) own a sharp knife

3) have a large lime

4) own a patient cat

5) drink too much tequila

6) and it's football season?



i was talking to my friend today when someone ask about my nick. below is the conversation. i renamed it as xiaoqiang is lovelorn.. i'm fine. not to worry. just that i've a emotional side of me behind the chubby, glutt frame.(hey i do have k) and she mentioned about variations of emotions. she already lost or can't find the feeling. will a person forget the feelings, how to be felt, the process to feel and the taste of the feel after being stranded... errr.. stranded is not a good word; ..err...distanced him/herself away for some reasons. will he/she?

......Your face is just beaming
Your smile got me boasting, my pulse roller-coastering
Anyway the four winds that blow
They're gonna send me sailing home to you...

qouted from lyrics of For your Babies
the full version is located below the counter on the right.

i had the similar experience. you see, i was single for quite a while.( for those who knew, yes) was single for so long till a point i couldn't tell what i felt for a girl. couldn't tell if the girl likes me. girls to me are just plainly opposite sex in gender. just plainly friends. till someone ask if am fussy about what kind of girls i go for. till a point someone came and ask me if i am a gay( NEVER will i become a gay!! ). somehow i just forgot about the sour sweetness and the bitter ache of love. somehow i just... forgot.. somehow i was so engrossed in building a career till.... she came along..*smile*


friend says: u're love sick?

friend says: love lorn?

friend says:
who didcha lose?

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:
yeah lor~

xiaoqiang says:

friend says:

friend says:
why are you lovelorn?

friend says:
more imptly, u alright?

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:
i'm fine... not to worry...

xiaoqiang says:
just lovelorn that's all..

xiaoqiang says:

friend says:

friend says:
i think sometimes it's nice to have a variation of emotions

friend says:
such as being able to feel lovelorn

friend says:
i've been attacehd for so long

friend says:
i don't know what these little bits of emotions feel like anymore

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:
but such emotions torments your heart ...

xiaoqiang says:
isn't it good to forget the feeling..

friend says:
i guess

friend says:
but these emotions also indirectly force you to grow up in some ways

friend says:
understand yourself better

friend says:
the strange thing about life is, when the rotten things happen to you, you never appreciate them, but you gain so much more

friend says:
the lessons in life, that is.

friend says:
ironic, huh?

friend says:
when you're happy, you hardly sit down and think bout why things are the way they are.

xiaoqiang says:
yesh it does...

xiaoqiang says:
human got to grow up in each and every way...

xiaoqiang says:
but i think it would be blissful not to know alot of things..... remain as naive and real

xiaoqiang says:
but reality bites...


May 25, 2004


you all must been wondering what's with xiaoqiang nowadays? Eat and eat and eat. yes people. i went eating non-stop again today. seriously, i really think that i have to pay attention to my waistline. vera girl, you better be prepared when you came back to singapore. *grin* i may not looked what were in the pictures. wahahahahah..

else i have to join my pui mei( hokkien for fat girl) to form Kong Ba Xiong mei( right~? pui-lyn ). not to mention that i had kong ba bao for brekkie this morning, compliments from my colleague. Went to Vil'lage for lunch. a marche-like restaurant but with lesser crowds. probably not a good/ accessible location for most. had ribs, pizza, spaggetti, baked rice, rootbeer, peppered salmon, whipped potato. that's no all. a hearty beancurd awaits for me in the office.

That's not all. Cheesecake, apple crumbles, egg tarts, curry puffs..( OMG! Qiang, what happen to you? you are becoming a glutton.) and my sharp vision sniped a big bottle of FRUTIPS blackcurrant pastilles. wah ha ha(*wink* pui-lyn) i guess i am really a growing boy. it must the hormones that's squeezing the acid juice in my stomach; pushing my metabolisim over its limits.

....Her faith is amazing
The pain that she goes through
contained in the hope for you
Your whole world has changed ....

qouted from lyrics of For your Babies
the full version is located below the counter on the right.

May 24, 2004

slick machine
(amended on 25 May at 0007hrs)

currently playing Simply Red - For your Babies

Been eating non-stop today again. fried noodles, chicken rice, latte, curry puffs, butterfly dough, biscuits with dips, cheesecake.....wah ha ha. above is my latest car craze. Mazda 3 series. saw one parking at my void deck, was wondering what's the model of that slick machine.

girls and boys. i need some comments/opinions about the issue mentioned below for a friend of mine. though the writer seek a guy's opinion. girl's opinion are welcome too.^_^ My opinion is this guy is searching for his missing bit in his heart. and she being a friend wants to help out. but there's limits to help. it's meaningless oweing a favour by taking the tickets to watch the movie with the bf. you feel bad. why bother for a pair of complimentary tickets? (i also have complimentary tickets mah....eerr ...sometimes...). so reject the offer!!!*evil grin* Go~! Go flood my tagboard and comments box.


i need a guy's opinion. U see ar. I have this guy classmate who met me for lunch twice (the one today la) den he got 2 complimentary tickets for a movie(which i told him i wanted to watch, during lunch) and he asked if i wanted them. So i asked him what's the catch? then he said to watch with him cos he *likes my company but it's ok if i want to watch with my bf; cos i told him my bf doesnt like me going out with guys alone. my friend just broke up with his first gf & wants someone to talk to. what's ur take on this?


my boss's big day. gotta put it up.*opps*

May 23, 2004


currently playing Portis Head - Matrix Battle Scene Music

went Sim Lim today with my bro. bought a new set of speakers for the com. wah ha ha~. yesh you might guess that the track playing now on my blog is the track i tested with the speakers. SHIOK AH!!! and some other tracks as well lah. will try bring them online if i can. well you can tune down the volume of your com/laptop if it's too noisy for you.

Went chill out at dickson's place on saturday. 'cos somebody need a favour from me. strong favour. hor? well, ended up with only 3 of us, dickson, jessica and myself. gorged myself with LAYS potato chips and beer. okay, i heard it. chips and beer is harmful to my waistline. i will watch it. but i am hungry~ just hungry at the moment. and we just couldn't opened the 2 bottles of red wine properly. dicky ah dick ah, you need to put them properly in order to preserve them well ah. and when dickson's friend came along, we have a little fun in the room. *evil grin*

was chatting yesterday with a friend of mine when....

Shudderday says:
why? you are dating someone secretive?

Shudderday says:
pssst... are you really attached? cos i heard a lot of young gals are crazy about you!

edmundxiaoqiangkc missing the stars says:
me dating secretive??? huh??? no dates how to be secretive....

edmundxiaoqiangkc missing the stars says:
young gals crazy about me???? where do you heard it from?????

edmundxiaoqiangkc missing the stars says:
nope me still single

edmundxiaoqiangkc missing the stars says:
wah liao... where you heard all this rumours sia~

Shudderday says:
i heard that there was a girl selling flags and she was besotted with you and whenever you walk past her, she would nudge her friend and whisper THERE HE IS!

Shudderday says:
bwhahahahaha... next time call you Singapore Idol lor!

Shudderday says:

oh pur~lease... this is utter nonsense. since when a lot of young gals go crazy about me. ..grrr.. this is impossible. and no singapore idol. forgive me for saying this. this SI will not worked in singapore. i can simply imagine someone go on stage with a guitar, strumming away or worse out of tune. and being not a fan of american idol, i simply threw this vision out of my mind. but i am not a anti-AI.

which also rose my eyebrow over the recent finished telecast "Eye for an Guy". as i have mentioned before the female lead is my so-and-so friend's friend, ..errr friend's neighbour. and comments has been spluttering around that she is so bimbostic in that show( i'm neither a fan of that show). i read Pam's xanga recently and found out that they were from the same secondary school*opps9. HAH! *add names to that school* don't worry lah, pamela. i will not boycott your secondary school. i guess i just have too many friends from there. and neither you girls that night at your friend's place, acting or talking bimbostic. no.. really.. you all not bimbos. *giggly grin*

May 21, 2004

no aircons, no empires

Been eating non-stop today since lunch time. Ate pasta, then dim-sum, then char siew rice, grapes, pinesapple, fries from mos burger, then chocolate cake. then curry puff from old chang kee. it seems like the term "dieting and slimming down" can't associate with me. ~wadeva~( oh~ i sound so somebody).

well, the picture above was taken off by my-not-so-reliable handphone-camera shows that you can pay your meals at macdonald via EZ-link card at Boat Quay. i'm not sure if this payment service is available at out all Mac's outlet. below is a picture of a burger made at my office. if you see xiaoqiang grew sideways, you know what's the reason.

quote this article below off TODAY webby. i simply like Mr Brown. He is so me. okay i can't write as well as he does.


mr brown plans Troy 2: Ah-BengMemnon Returns, with Ah-Chillies in skirts. Blame it on the heat

Hot! Hot, hot, hot! This is the weather in Singapore these days. Even when it rains, it rains hot water. I check the weather report on my PDA, and it says, between 27 deg C and 33 deg C. It does not feel like 33 deg C, man! That is what happens when you take the temperature in the shade, as good weathermen do. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to walk in the #$@%&#* sun, where the temperatures are considerably higher than 33 deg C.

I believe we post these low temperatures to fool tourists into coming here.

They see the weather report on the Internet or in a newspaper, and tell themselves: "Hey, Singapore looks okay, not too hot. Let's go there!" Then, when they get here, they melt into the ground at the taxi stand just outside the airport, where the force field of air-conditioning protecting them from the plane-to-baggage-claims-to-Customs-to-the-arrival-hall ends.

Some of them survive long enough to get into the aircon cab, but they usually wilt at the entrance to the aircon hotel.

The easiest way to hurt us, I think, is not with military might or with economic sanctions. No, all one need do is stop us from getting any more aircons. It would stop our country cold.

In ancient Greece, there was no aircon too. Look what happened to that empire. Now, tourists visit Athens to see the ruins of the Parthenon. You can tell there was no aircon in ancient Greece from examining the extensive archaeological evidence we have today — like watching the movie Troy.

In this movie, there are a lot of sweaty men (no aircon!) wearing skirts, who fight each other a lot and — sometimes — stare meaningfully into each other's eyes ... just like they do in The Lord of the Rings, except that in the trilogy, they are short little hobbits.

Troy the movie, is based on a very ancient piece of work by Homer (no, not the guy from Simpsons) in 800 BC. It is known as an epic poem, which means it is very long and boring; and sometimes it does not even rhyme. Despite this, it is a significant piece of literature because it is now a compulsory school text and students have to take an exam on it. That is how you know a book or a poem is important or inspiring.

I am a little upset because if only this movie had come out during my literature exam, I would have scored an A*.

Some have argued that the movie is not very faithful to the book, but it has Brad Pitt in it — and he shows his backside a lot. That has to count for something. I know my wife and a few other friends' wives went to watch Troy for the less-than-cultural reason of seeing Pitt sulk and smoulder, while showing off his ass. We men, of course, were watching it for its historical and literary significance. Also, we heard, it has a few chio bu (hot chicks) and some really good fight scenes.

I think the Singapore film industry should try to make a sequel of this. But, it should localise it, like West Side Story did for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare, by the way, is another famous "A" level writer.

We could call this movie sequel Troy 2: Ah-BengMemnon Returns. It would feature the beautiful Ah-Lian of Troy, who runs away with Legolas, the angmoh sissy son of King Prime.

It starts a gang war, where Ah-Lian's towkay husband Ah-BengMemnon sends 1,000 ships and his best fighter Ah-Chillies to sack Troy, which is in Aljunied GRC (redrawn recently to cover the estates of Aljunied, Hougang, Eunos, Kembangan, Punggol, Paya Lebar and, now, Troy).

"Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?" asks Ah-Chillies of Ah-Lian of Troy, "Why? The ships see already so scared, ah?"

Ah-Chillies is the best fighter of Greece, and he has this one killer move where he jumps and stabs you in the back of the neck. No one has yet figured out how to counter it, even though everyone has seen him do it countless times.

All his opponents are always caught by surprise when he does his killer move.

He is the one they always send to hunt down robbers who escape into nearby islands of Greece, while the rest of the army looks after the ships.

The 1,000 ships, with not enough parking space and coupons, have to park at Pulau Tekong and Pulau Ubin. Some get stuck in a jam at Kallang and the ECP, because Nicoll Highway is closed. But mostly, the ships get stuck because they have no wheels to travel on land and the ERP gantries are too low for their sails.

A lot of fighting ensues. In the end, because they run out of extras, Ah-BengMemnon's army sends in a big wooden horse (made by the lowest bidder in a tender), filled with soldiers inside who were almost dying from the Singapore heat (no aircon!) and each other's body odour.

The people of Troy think the horse (or goat, they could not tell ... scapegoat?) is a sacrificial offering and park it at the multi-storey car park. All the enemy soldiers come out at night and — needing more skirts to wear — raid the shopping centres, which are glad to cater to the "Pink Dollar".

I think it will be a hit, my movie idea. I hope to get some funding for it. That is why I have not made any short films about the censorship board. I want to be immortal, be famous for my edgy, menacing films.

"Let no man forget how menacing we are!" I will declare menacingly. Did I mention that I am menacing?

"Immortality, take it, it's yours!" will be my battle cry. I will not be an individualistic and soft young Singaporean. I will be a tough and hungry middle-aged Singaporean.

But first, I need my aircon.

--mr brown is the accidental author of a popular website that has been documenting the dysfunctional side of Singapore life since 1997. He wants Brad Pitt to play him if they ever make a movie about his life. But minus the skirt.--


May 18, 2004


xiaoqiang says: qouted this para from pamela's xanga. pamela didn't wrote this, don't you? the wordings are so nice, so pictureques. i tried looking for the picture as closed as the discription and came across this 2 pictures.

The hands have complete its rounds. The secret garden is revealed. I see a maiden with raven black hair cascading down her back. Her face illuminated by the soft moonlight and twinkling stars. The water is still and the trees whispers words of blasphemy. Her reverie is painfully shattered by the crying of the lark. The Orion is out of sight, its brilliance block out by the passing clouds. A weeping clown sits by the lake. His make-up smudged. The agitated water glisten in the moonlight. Tonight the children are out hunting for pearls from the bottom of the lake. At the seizure of the last pearl, the branches entwined itself around the flower. The maiden uttered a silent vow to the moon and surrended herself to the demons. The hands completed its rounds. Locking the secret garden forever.

yamato nadeshiko's episode 10 was down for some reason. that i couldn't access it. hmmm... (T.T)

May 17, 2004


xiaoqiang says: i swear that it's a damn bloody hot day today. it's pretty amazing to see crowds still eating, queueing for food despite the hot, sticky and abit smelly environment. HAH! no wonder my foreign friends said singaporeans are ruled by stomachs. and it's no joke eating at golden shoe complex. my mouth soaked with curry. my shirt soaked with perspiration. and something interesting that caught my attention while queueing for food. i was looking at this lady. she was eating and wiping simultianeously with tissue. and after she's done with the food, she went touching up her make-up. shouldn't this be done in the ladies? i mean, in this sweaty air, your make-up is not going to beautify your face with a wet face. not that i am a pro in cosmetics. but girls, you tell me. will you do it?

Saw 2 articles in both today's issues and weekend issue in TODAY. hey i don't get such things in my poly times. Aww..i really miss my poly days. shan't go telling about it.

and since i can't get the pictures on the already-taken down swimsuit. i choose another one for you guys to drool over victoria secrets. no bras, no lingerie, no panties, no exotic themes. just bikinis. just found another female friend who spends her money over victoria secrets. think she spurs more on lingerie than handbags, nailpolish, shoes or apparel.


Ngee Ann's new facility sparks creativity in learning process

" THERE is now a new hot spot to encourage creativity on the vast learning grounds of Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Formerly a computer laboratory consisting of nine rooms on an entire floor, the student facility has now re-emerged as ISpark. Performing karaoke during a language lesson and learning the basics of social graces and dining in a five-star establishment are just two of the many fun activities students engage in during their normal learning hours at ISpark, which was set up in March this year.

ISpark is part of the polytechnic's School of Interdisciplinary Studies (IS), which offers subjects in communications, life skills, media and the arts, entrepreneurship and science and technology. IS aims to give students a taste of non-traditional subjects to complement their main educational pursuits.

"Apart from being a creative platform for students, ISpark is also providing an opportunity for the staff to learn as well when they facilitate programmes for their students," said IS director, Mrs Pee See Hua.

ISpark includes a karaoke lounge room in which students studying French, Spanish, Japanese or German learn how to pronounce and understand foreign words by singing and then explaining what the lyrics mean.

Said 19-year-old Noorhayati Ambari, a second-year Biomedical Engineering student: "I sang a lullaby in French during one of the karaoke sessions and it proved to be a more effective way of learning the language compared to the traditional classroom setting. It was fun, lively and unconventional. Everyone at the session was relaxed and the mood was very encouraging."

The Business Etiquette and Image Centre is another component of ISpark. It is fully equipped with dining and washing facilities as well as full-length mirrors for fine dining tutorials and makeup and deportment courses.

Said 19-year-old Lim U-Shyang: "Coming from accountancy studies, it was really interesting to be exposed to something different like the business etiquette module. I learned what is expected at a business meeting, how to conduct myself and the proper way to use cutlery without looking ignorant. The lesson will certainly come in handy in the future when I will have to meet people for business over meals. "

According to Mrs Pee, staff initially faced the challenge of changing the mindset of students who have been conditioned for over 16 years to expect information to be given in a traditional manner in a classroom setting.

"ISpark will be our inspiration to remind us how we can constantly challenge the educational landscape. ISpark is something that will not be cast in stone and in the true spirit of creativity, it will be flexible and regenerating," she said.

Students are expected to take an average of 15 modules from a wide choice of 96 modules during their three-year study stint at the polytechnic.

The IS component accounts for a substantial 30 per cent of a student's curriculum. "

Victoria's Secret says sorry

" THEY called it their "Asian Floral Tankini", a tankini being a bikini with a tank top-like upper part.

Floral indeed it was, with colourful, luxuriant flowers emblazoned on the material.

And the "Asian" element? Well, along with the flowers there were images of Buddha and Bodhisattvas (enlightened beings).

This swimwear item was featured in American lingerie-maker Victoria's Secret's The Hot Issue Swim 2004 Mexico catalogue and on its website. As with all other product pictures in its catalogue, the Asian Floral Tankini was modelled by a voluptuous young woman in a provocative pose.

Buddhists around the world took offence at this use of Buddhist images on intimate clothing.

Thailand's main religious authority, The Bureau of National Buddhism, was reported to have sent a letter of protest through the Thai Foreign Ministry to Victoria's Secret, calling the sale of the tankini "insulting".

A postgraduate student in Sydney, Australia, was so incensed that he sent an email to the lingerie-maker saying: "We (Buddhists) never use other religions' sacred and spiritual images which are printed on such sexual goods for personal benefit."

Mr Mg Yin Mg, a 33-year-old Myanmar postgraduate student at the University of New South Wales, added: "We encourage you to release apologies to Buddhists and stop manufacturing this item ASAP. Otherwise, Victoria's Secret will be responsible for insulting other religions."

The lingerie-maker's spokeswoman replied to say they had stopped selling the garment and had removed the photograph from the website.

Unsatisfied, Mr Mg wrote again, this time copying the email to Today, to insist on a public apology.

Finally a statement was issued by Victoria's Secret and Limited Brands, which owns Victoria's Secret and a number of other fashionable retail chains such as The Limited and Bath & Body Works, offering their sincere apologies and saying they regretted any offence they might have caused.

The statement added that there was "absolutely no intention of showing any disrespect to Lord Buddha or Buddhism". "

below is yamato nadeshiko's episode 9.

if you all can't wait for me to post the story. click here to view all 11 episode. i am just linking the english version to here.

Title: Yamato Nadeshiko (Perfect Woman )
click here to find out more.

a little more about...
Matsushima Nanako grew up in a very poor family and is thus determined to marry a rich man so that she will never have to go through poverty ever again, and is named the "gokon queen" in her quest to find her man. Tsutsumi Shinichi is a brilliant academic (Fields prize winner - Nobel Prize equivalent in Mathematics) who gave up his studies to take over his deceased father's fish-shop. They meet through a doctor's "gokon" (group date) and she falls in love with him under the mistaken assumption that he is a very rich man...


Yamato Nadeshiko ("Perfect Woman") : Episode Nine


Sakurako and Higashijujou are sitting in his car and he’s going on about the wedding arrangements and how much there’s still to organise, and Sakurako, who’s been silent while he’s babbling, suddenly speaks up, saying "then let’s cancel it!" As he looks at her in shock, she gives a brittle laugh and says, "just kidding! Come on, how could it have been serious?" But he still seems a bit uneasy and says, "so there are no more lies between us?" "None, not even a teensy weensy bit," Sakurako answers lightly. Higashijujou then asks Sakurako about her father (he wants to arrange a formal meeting between the parents for their marriage) and she replies, "I’ve told you before, he’s sailing abroad..." But when Higashijujou suggests meeting her father at his next port of call, she is forced to say that she’ll contact her father and arrange for him to come back to Tokyo soon.

After Sakurako parts from Higashijujou, she uses her mobile to call her home in Toyama...

The cabin crew returns to Tokyo and the chief purser is fretting over how Sakurako will soon be leaving them, and expresses the scant hope that maybe there’s a chance she won’t marry... but Aya tells him bluntly that there’s no way, unless she finds someone richer within a month. Meanwhile, Wakabe tries to be nice and tells him to buck up and that someone wonderful will soon come along for him, saying that "a man’s heart is more important than his money". Hearing this, the chief visibly brightens and looking at Wakabe with new eyes, asks her out for dinner. But she quickly turns him down and hurries away!

An elderly man approaches the girls, and holding a magazine with Sakurako’s picture in it, he asks them if Jinno Sakurako is not working today. They freak out, thinking he’s a stalker, but as they hurry off, he manages to hold Wakabe back....

Meanwhile, Sakurako is having dinner with Higashijujou’s parents and they seem to be really looking forward to meeting her father, saying that her father must be someone really special to have singlehandedly raised such a wonderful daughter as Sakurako. Higashijujou worries that they may have inconvenienced her father in making him come to Tokyo but Sakurako replies calmly that he’s looking forward to meeting them as well...

Osuke is at the airport to pick up Wakabe, who runs up to him with the old man in toll. The old guy introduces himself to Osuke as Sakurako’s father, and Osuke is naturally somewhat taken back by his appearance (which is rather scruffy). He’s delighted to find out that Osuke owns a fish shop, telling Osuke that he himself is a fisherman (which comes as another surprise to Osuke!) They arrive at Sakurako’s place and her dad confides to Osuke that he’s actually somewhat relieved as it’s been nine years since he’s last seen his daughter. But then it turns out that she’s not there, and her dad is taken back by this, saying that she was the one who asked him to hurry to Tokyo!

Meanwhile, Sakurako gets a call from her gokon contacts, inviting her to a horse-owner’s gokon and she excitedly agrees...

Osuke takes Jinno-san back to his home, and when he arrives, he starts flirting with Osuke’s mother, calling her "kirei no onesan" ("beautiful sister") and she’s naturally flattered by his words.

Sakurako calls Nami and Aya out, inviting them to join her for the gokon, but they’re somewhat hesitant, saying that Sakurako probably shouldn’t be going to gokons, now that she is about to get married. But Sakurako sees it as "destiny", saying that it’s her final chance to find out if there really is someone better out there and if not, then she will know for sure that Higashijujou is really "the one" for her.

Osuke’s fish shop seems to have acquired not just one (Wakabe) but two helpers, as Jinno-san is also keen to roll up his sleeves! Suddenly, Osuke’s former professor shows up and Osuke goes off with him. His professor asks him to reconsider going back to his studies, asking his about his half-completed thesis, but Osuke replies that it’s something he doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to figure out, and that it took him five years to realise that. The prof says he knows academic life is very demanding -- a short life span, very results-oriented and age is often a factor... Osuke immediately grasps onto this point, saying that he was already 35... But the prof counters his argument but naming some famous mathematician who became successful at 40, saying that Osuke still has five years on him... But Osuke remains unconvinced...

Later on that evening, Wakabe is helpnig Osuke’s mom prepare dinner. Osuke’s still not home yet, and his mom comments on Osuke’s obsession with mathematics, saying that once he’s wrapped up in that, he’s oblivious to everything else. Wakabe talks about Osuke’s time at Boston and mentions Yukiko, and Osuke’s mom is a little surprised to find out that Osuke had talked to her about Yukiko. Wakabe explains that she’s seen Yukiko’s photo and that she’s very pretty. Mom makes a comment about poor Yukiko and how she was neglected by Osuke, but realizing how disconcerting this could be for Wakabe, she tries to reassure her that Osuke’s not like that anymore and anyway, he’s already given up mathematics and he’ll definitely be more caring towards Wakabe. Osuke returns, and they all eat together, including Jinno-san as he has yet to locate Sakurako and has only managed to leave a message on her answering machine.

Meanwhile, Sakurako is at the horse-owner’s gokon and as she’s about to pull her famous gokon trick, all of a sudden, Higashijujou shows up! One of the other guys tell Sakurako that he’d invited Higashijujou but Higashijujou turned him down, saying that he already had a fiancé. Higashijujou is shocked to find Sakurako there, and tells her that he only came out of curiousity because he heard that the gokon was arranged with her airline, but hadn’t expected to find her there! He then asks her if she’s the "gokon queen" that they’re all talking about. Luckily, Aya comes to her rescue, saying that she was the one who forced Sakurako to come because they were short a gokon member and says that it’s not Sakurako but she who is the gokon queen. She then pulls off Sakurako’s trick, "accidentally" spilling a drink on one of the guys!

Sakurako’s mobile rings, and it’s Wakabe, telling her that her father is at Osuke’s place. Sakurako replies that she is busy tonight and asks Wakabe to take care of him for her. As she leaves with Higashijujou, he apologizes to her in the elevator for the misunderstanding, but she says that it’s her fault and she shouldn’t have come. She then promises him that it will be her last gokon ever. Higashijujou then talks about how her dad’s visit and wants to meet him at the airport tomorrow but Sakurako makes the excuse that her dad will be tired from the flight and it’s best if they just come to Higashijujou’s house the day after as arranged. Higashijujou comments on how much he’s looking forward to meeting Sakurako’s father and asks Sakurako if she thinks her dad will accept him. Sakurako assures him that he will, and while Higashijujou smiles in relief, Sakurako looks unnerved at the thought of the upcoming visit!

Jinno-san is breakfasting at Osuke’s house, having spent the night there. Osuke tells Jinno that he’s made his mom really happy with all his flattery about her being a beautiful woman. Jinno then tells Osuke that Sakurako’s mom was also a recognised beauty in their town and that Sakurako takes after her. He then says that from the time when she was very young, Sakurako had always wanted to become a society matron, and now she’s made it. But then Jinno worries about her fiancé’s family and wonders what they’ll make of him, but Osuke reassures him that they’ll definitely accept him.

Sakurako arrives and her dad’s shocked at her transformation! (It’s so funny - as she walks seriously towards them, he hides behind Osuke in his nervousness, but then when she arrives, she playfully greets him, lightly punching him and calling him "otoosama" (very formal way to call your father) and he jokes back, saying "oto-chan" (casual) is fine.)

At Sakuma’s, Kasuya and Sakuma are wondering what sort of father someone like Sakurako would have, but Osuke tells them that he’s a really great guy. Kasuya makes a sarcastic remark about a fish-shop owner like Osuke getting along with a fisherman like Jinno and says that Osuke’s acting like an "oyaji" (old guy), saying that at their age, they should be spending their time searching for love instead... at the mention of "love", he immediately thinks of Nami and goes stumbling off to find her.

After Kasuya leaves, Sakuma asks Osuke about Wakabe and he replies that they’re kind of dating now and that she’s a really nice guy. But Mariko is sceptical and asks him "what does your heart feel?" and he reluctantly says that he does like her, but it doesn’t sound very convincing. Sakuma tells him that he regrets having taken him to the gokon, saying that it has changed him... ("you spend seven years pining after one girl’s memory and now you’re just aimlessly drifting from one girl to another...")

Kasuya is meeting with Nami, who tells him that while she doesn’t mind going out for meals with him, there’s no way she would ever choose him, not even if he was the last man on earth! Shattered by her words, Kasuya rolls down the stairs!!

Afterwards, Kasuya goes to see Sakuma for help, saying that he is unable to eat or do anything... Sakuma, who’s looking down at some records and doesn’t see that it’s Kasuya, says absently that it sounds like a mental illness and he should go see a psychiatrist. He then looks up and sees Kasuya, who tells him that there’s this huge hole in his heart that needs mending.

Just then, Hanabusa walks into Sakuma’s room and Kasuya goes bonkers, launching himself at Hanabusa and starts attacking him! Sakuma tries to hold Kasuya back, telling him that this is a hospital and to behave himself. Kasuya stops at his words, and tells Hanabusa that he’ll meet him at Sakuma’s tonight, and Hanabusa agrees and the two walk off in opposite directions, while Sakuma stands there bemused, wondering why they always pick his house as the meeting ground...

Wakabe’s out on a date with Osuke and she asks him about his old professor’s visit. She seems relieved to learn that he has turned down the prof’s invitation to take up mathematics again. Meanwhile, Osuke reflects on what Sakurako had said to him before, about how he shouldn’t have bothered to start something if he was going to give it up half-way. Wakabe notices his distraction, but attributes it to mathematics, saying that she knows how he can tune everything else out when he’s thinking about his studies.

Sakurako buys new clothes for her dad to wear for the Higashijujou visit and hands him this notebook which she’d written up for him to memorize. In it, she’s written up all the details of his fictitious life, how he’s a captain of a luxury liner and is constantly at sea, and that he has a passionate interest in opera! "Opera?!" Jinno exclaims, and promptly refuses to lie for her. Osuke, coming back from his date with Wakabe, comes across the two of them in a big fight. Jinno asks Osuke to put him up for another night, telling him that he’s going to go home tomorrow. Sakurako responds with "fine, you can go but you should do your job as my father and show up at Higashijujou’s house tomorrow first!" Jinno shows the notebook to Osuke, and Osuke asks her why she’s doing this and she says "for my marriage to Higashijujou, of course!" In exasperation, Jinno says "if you’re looking for a made-to-order father, why not just pick the one of your choice from the department store"! and Sakurako retorts "I wish I could!" Osuke is truly shocked by her words and slaps her - she says "ouch!" and slaps him back! Realising what he’d done, Osuke apologizes for his action, but says that she has a great father and she shouldn’t be this way. Sakurako tells them to forget it and she will figure out something by herself for tomorrow!

That night Osuke takes Jinno to Sakuma’s house. Hanabusa then arrives with Nami, and Kasuya, who has been sitting there expectantly waiting to continue his fight with Hanabusa, gets all worked up seeing the two of them arrive together and as usual, the others have to hold him back. Jinno seems to take this all in stride and asks for a drink, inviting them all jovially to sit down and join him. He assesses Hanabusa, saying that he seems to be a very bright and successful young doctor ... but then adds that a girl should not just judge by outward appearances when choosing a guy. (Kasuya is nodding wholeheartedly at this!) Nami agrees, saying "the heart’s the most important, right?... but I do love Hanabusa-san with all my heart." Hearing this, Jinno tells Kasuya that he should then give up, and goes off nonchalantly to the washroom.

Nami then says to Kasuya that he’s still welcome to call her out for meals, and the others are a little shocked at her off-handedly comment. Kasuya says heatedly that Hanabusa has other girl friends besides Nami, and Nami turns to Hanabusa questioningly, but Hanabusa says that he doesn’t. After consideration, he’s decided it’s easier to just date Nami... hearing this, Nami nods but seems a little unsettled at how casual he is about all of this, while Kasuya gets extremely heated up at these words ("what do you see Nami as?") and lunges for him.

As the others are caught up in the fight between Hanabusa and Kasuya in the living room, Jinno and Sakuma are sitting by themselves at the dinner table, talking quietly. Jinno tells Sakuma about Osuke slapping Sakurako, and wonders why Osuke would go to such lengths over him. He asks Sakuma what sort of person Osuke is, and weighing his words carefully, Sakuma tells him that Osuke is a weak and indecisive person, and even when manipulated by Sakurako, does not know how to resist. But Osuke is also the most sincere person that he knows, and a very good man. "You’re also a very good person to say such words," responds Jinno.

Later that night, Jinno goes home with Osuke and after bading him a formal goodnight, Osuke goes into his own room. On his own, Jinno looks a little pensively at the shopping bag of new clothes that Sakurako had bought for him... Meanwhile, in her own bed at home, Sakurako is reflecting on the fight with her dad...

At Higashijujou’s the next morning, Sakurako makes excuses for her dad to his parents, telling them that he’s suffering from fatigue after the long journey and can’t make it today. Higashijujou’s dad suggests that her dad recuperate at his hospital and tells his son to go pick up Jinno. Suddenly, Jinno shows up, dressed in the fine clothes Sakurako had bought, and formally greets them. Sakurako is relieved to see him, and says loudly that "he needs more rest and shouldn’t overdo it with his health." He plays along with her, saying that he’s better now. Later at lunch, they talk about his supposed passion for opera. He makes a few slip-ups but gets by okay, and they don’t discover the deception.

Outside, Osuke is waiting in the van for Jinno, and he idly flips through the notebook that Sakurako had prepared, and is a little taken back (impressed?) at her painstaking preparations.

Finally the lunch is over, and Jinno takes his leave, saying that he’s off on another journey out at sea and won’t return for one or two years. He apologizes for not being able to make it to the wedding and then looking straight at Sakurako, he says to her "after all, you’re my daughter and as your father, I hope you will be able to find true happiness." He then asks Higashijujou to take good care of his daughter and bades them farewell.

After he leaves, Higashijujou’s parents tell Sakurako how impressed they are by his father and his mom says it’s too bad about the wedding and they comment on how he won’t be able to see his daughter in her white wedding gown. But then his dad says that Jinno obviously loves his daughter a lot and there will be many opportunities to see each other in the days to come. Sakurako sits silently and her mind drifts back to the time when she was very young and her dad had carried her in a heavy snowstorm to find a doctor when she was sick. She gets up and quickly excuses herself, rushing off to catch up with her father.

Meanwhile, her dad is being taken to the bus-stop by Osuke and in the van, he asks Osuke what’s good about Higashijujou other than his money... he then asks Osuke to pass the message to Sakurako that he won’t try to make contact with her anymore and to tell her not to worry. As they reach the station, Jinno advises Osuke not to be so soft on his customers (they’re always cheating him) and comments how he needs a strong woman like Sakurako by his side... but then adds that there’s no hope of that as he’s so poor. As he mounts the bus, Sakurako arrives and Osuke calls him back.

Seeing her there, Jinno worries that their deception has been uncovered but then adds that she doesn’t have to worry as he won’t ever show up again. He tells her to forget about him, and to just marry the rich guy and not to worry. He then congratulates her on her upcoming wedding and says that she can tell people later that he has died at sea... Sakurako is standing there silently, fighting back the tears and seeing her like that, he breaks down and tells her tearfully not to look at him like that, as it’s the last time and they won’t have any more opportunities to see each other... But just before he turns to go, he says "if anything goes wrong, you can always come back home..." but then reconsidering, adds "but it won’t happen, as you’re a strong child." Jinno tells her to take care and then mounts the bus. Sakurako runs after him, and apologizes, saying "sorry for making you lie for me..."

After the bus leaves, Sakurako says in a loud voice (as if to reassure herself) "it’s better this way, I’ve now reached the point of no return. There’s no turning back, as I now have no home to go back to. Anyway, it’s fine... I have no regrets... I hated that home, the poverty... haven’t I done well for myself? I’ve finally attained my goal. I’m doing okay. Even though everyone talks about the heart being more important than money, I don’t believe it... I don’t know what this "most important thing is", but right now, nothing is more important to me than marrying Higashijujou... I’ve tried my best..."

Osuke says quietly to her that "one day, you’ll be able to put all this behind you and forget all the pain and hard times in your past..." His words remind her of the recurring dream that she has, and she turns to him and says "all my life, from the time I was very young, I believed that one day my prince would come and rescue me from poverty... my prince... that’s not you, is it?" Osuke answers, "I understand..."

Finally, Sakurako breaks into tears and leans against him, saying softly, "just 10 seconds, please just let me rest here for 10 seconds..."

After a moment, she pulls herself together and says in a stronger voice to Osuke "I’m okay now. Thank you." She walks off, holding her head up high...


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