May 25, 2004


you all must been wondering what's with xiaoqiang nowadays? Eat and eat and eat. yes people. i went eating non-stop again today. seriously, i really think that i have to pay attention to my waistline. vera girl, you better be prepared when you came back to singapore. *grin* i may not looked what were in the pictures. wahahahahah..

else i have to join my pui mei( hokkien for fat girl) to form Kong Ba Xiong mei( right~? pui-lyn ). not to mention that i had kong ba bao for brekkie this morning, compliments from my colleague. Went to Vil'lage for lunch. a marche-like restaurant but with lesser crowds. probably not a good/ accessible location for most. had ribs, pizza, spaggetti, baked rice, rootbeer, peppered salmon, whipped potato. that's no all. a hearty beancurd awaits for me in the office.

That's not all. Cheesecake, apple crumbles, egg tarts, curry puffs..( OMG! Qiang, what happen to you? you are becoming a glutton.) and my sharp vision sniped a big bottle of FRUTIPS blackcurrant pastilles. wah ha ha(*wink* pui-lyn) i guess i am really a growing boy. it must the hormones that's squeezing the acid juice in my stomach; pushing my metabolisim over its limits.

....Her faith is amazing
The pain that she goes through
contained in the hope for you
Your whole world has changed ....

qouted from lyrics of For your Babies
the full version is located below the counter on the right.

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