May 29, 2004

the charmer


Considering how charming, caring and kind you are, you dislike
unpleasant scenes, much less creating one yourself. You have great tolerance and
rarely get provoked into losing your temper. If someone is unreasonable
or trying to create trouble, you are more likely to walk away quietly. But
that does not mean you do not have a temper. When angry, in your effort
to control your emotions, you tremble, your hands get sweaty and sometimes
you fumble for words. Tears roll down your eyes easily and the opponent is
touched by your innocence and will seek an apology immediately.

gotten this horscope temper thingy from an email. I'm charming. i have great tolerance and rarely get provoked into losing my temper. i walk away quietly when some idiot is unreasonable or trying to create trouble. how true this is. i am really charming.(trying very hard to convince myself *grin*)

anyway, gotten this long, long list of questions from Vera's blog. no, not a personal invite to stalk me. but i am bored. if you happen to see my answer ends with "( vera's answer). it means my sentiments exactly.


The story behind your name: some chinese thingy..says i'm lack of "gold"

How old?: almost a quarter of a century *shitz*

Where do you live?: near town, another reown district after Geylang( not for Pros but gangsters/secret according to older folks, i dun get to see any)


Wallet: brown from Kenneth Cole

Shoes: Maroon Adidas, Rekord

CD in stereo right now: Buddha Bar

Piercing: yesh, a few months ago.

What you are wearing now: Nikes berms, Asics Dri-Fit.

Hair: Groovy black

In my head: no dates on Saturday.

Wishing: errr....

After this: probably heading down to bookshop. i am a nerd.

Eating: ALWAYS!!!!

Some of your fav movies: let's just say it's alot.

Something you are looking forward to in the upcoming months: meeting miss vera.

The last thing you ate: MOS Chicken

Something that you are deathly afraid of: broke?

Do you believe in love: yesh.

Do you believe in soul mates: yesh...

Do you believe in love at first sight: yesh

Do you believe in forgiveness:Only if it's deserved.( vera's answer)

If you could have any animal for a pet: i want a phoenix

What’s something you wish you could understand better: why's the world round?


Cried: no...

Bought something: Yesh..

Said “I love you”: Yesh..

Sang: yesh... in bathroom.

Eaten: duh~ of course.

Been kissed: nope...

Felt stupid: never...

Wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn’t: yesh.

Met someone new: yesh.

Moved on: We never truly move on...there's always that 1% that just refuses to go away :) (vera's answer)

Talked to an ex: nah....

Missed an ex: nah~

Talked to someone you have a crush on: yesh....

Had a serious talk: yesh...

Missed someone: yesh...

Hugged someone: yesh...

Fought with your parents: no

Dreamed about someone you can’t be with: nah~


Best girl friend(s): ermmm, yesh

Best guy friend(s): yesh..

Boy/girlfriend: single since the year 2000

If no, current dating partner: *see above answer*

What I love to do: chill with my latte, some jazzy/chill-outs/ lounge music behind my book.

Pager/cell: cell

Are you center of attention or the wallflower: i am the vase.

What type automobile do you drive: i can't drive...*sobs*

What type automobile do you wish to drive: McLaren?

Would you rather be with friends or on a date:depends on how how and fun the date is because then I am sure my friends would rather I go on the date (if it was a potentially quality date) and then pump me for information after ^.~ why not make it a night for both? (vera's answer)

Where is the best hangout: home sweet home

Do you have a job: yesh, but it's temp.

Do you attend church: i think freely...

Do you like being around people: when they are well behaved. :P (vera's answer)


Have you known the longest: wow...well my brother obviously because he was there 4 years before I was born, my parents..

Do you argue the most with: hey i am a cancer, i have high tolerance....

Do you always get along with: kinda... but it depends..

Is the trustworthiest: my tamagochi( juz kidding)... the sun..

Makes you laugh the most: many...

Has been there through all the hard times: oh... this gotta go as far back as secondary schools days..

Have the coolest parents: ermmm... i have no idea...

Has the coolest siblings: still no idea...

is the most blunt: used to be roger and lip.

Is the smartest: Einstein?


Who is your role model: ... it's a combination of good in many people...( vera's answer)

What are some of your pet peeves: people who are --(vera's answer)
1) inconsiderate
2) selfish
3) liars
4) hypocrites
5) insensitive
6) bad drivers
7) immature ppl who are suppose to have grown up a long time ago
8) stupidity

Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: yesh..

Have you ever cried over a person of the opposite sex: yesh..

Do you have a “type” of person you always go after: tentatively yesh...'cos i know what i want.

Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): haven't had to yet..

Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: nah~

Rather be dumper or dumped: it hurts both ways...(vera's answer)

Rather have a relationship or a “hookup”: The last time I checked, I wasn't a hooker...( vera's answer)

Want someone you don’t have right now: YESH!!!!

Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yesh...

Do you want to get married: maaaybe...

Do you want kids: maayyybe.. it depends on my spouse..

Do you believe in psychics: i am one...wah ha ha

Do you believe you know the person who you will marry at this time: yeshh...

What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my eyes :) do you agree?( vera's answer)

What is your favorite part of your emotional being: high tolerance..

Are you happy with yourself: currently yesh..

Are you happy with your life:

If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: I NEED MONEY!!!!

What are your life goals: i let you know when i think of it.

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