May 30, 2004


the boy from hell

currently playing Siddharta, Spirit of Buddha bar - Michalis Nikoloudis - Deja Vu

MY colleague gotten this hellboy figurine recently and was wondering if i can do anything to it. hey, the cape flying is my idea. and my fingers got itchy, so Ta~Da! presenting to you, my design. initial idea was to do advert kind or thing. then again, throw the idea into the bin.

gotten this photo off canny's xanga. as alot of people asked me if that's me in the picture in JUICE. yesh, it's me. the picture probably taken off at Heineken's Elevation245. from right to left, that's Ling, Kel, err...shitz what's this englishman's name, Nigel and finally me. qouted the words below off canny's xanga, awwww~ so sweet.

"she stood with her head beneath his chin,
her arms clasped at his back and his wrapped tightly about her,
she began to fell her strength seep slowly back.
he said nothing and neither did she, she was eased."
-whispers on the water-

was reading dicky's xanga. and it getting freaky( that's dicky line). How to replace a face. wassup nowadays? the venture and revel in the power of science is getting weird, to me sometimes. and reading dicky's post reminds me of this incident sometime back. you see, i was eating my lunch and listening to some old folks at the kopitiam talking about normal politics, the neighbourhood hu-hahs, bla bla bla... when they went on saying this. got a hard time translating from hokkien to english.

Ah Pek A : "one shall not go against god's will. "

Ah Pek B : " why leh?"

Ah Pek A : " you see ah, everytime Man try to do something, something not natural or what. i've said against god's will get retribution from god."

Ah Pek B : " Oh.. what happened? *sip his coffee*

Ah Pek A : " remember China got SARS?" They follow the ang mos cloning people, animals. looked at what happen now. they kana SARS."

Ah Pek B : " true true."

Ah Pek A : " Then look at America. they also clone people, animals. then terrorist bombed the two building. the president also dunno do what. anyhow bombed Iraq because of terrorists. it is so stupid. "

Ah Pek B : " cos US president grew grass in his head, that's why his dad named him BUSH." *laugh*

Ah Pek A : " look at russia. they also want to do something then their submarine sink." ( did they do something. i can't remembered)

Ah Pek B : " but what did singapore do ? then navy kana the accident? nicole highway collapse?"

Ah Pek A : " Singapore didn't do anything against god. just that the government shifted the merlion. the old location of the merlion is good. *stirred his tea before taking a sip*

Ah Pek B : " you mean the feng shui is good?"

Ah Pek A : " the old location is at the mouth of singapore river which brings in the wealth of singapore. now they shifted the merlion. everything is not balance. of course, accidents happened lah. "

i'm just simply amazed *standing ovation for both ah peks*.

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