October 31, 2003


Happy Halloween!!!! *sigh* but i aren't going anywhere. if you are reading this blog at 2030hrs tonight, just to let you know i am still in the office. Well guys, enjoy the party, man.

Today didn't had a good headstart for me. something pissed me off when i was on my way to the workplace. I was standing on the train next to door due to extreme crowd *packed sardines* in each, every section. when i boarded the train, i saw this pregnant lady standing there holding onto one of the metal railings. immediately, i saw red. i looked around and saw almost every single one was either sleeping( if they were really asleep) or reading something. FOR HEAVENS' SAKE, no one has the courtesy to give up their seat to the poor lady. *ANGRY* let me tell you it's not funny and easy to carry a 5kg load or more around your waist or carry the way a pregnant lady carrys her baby. i picked the one who is reading a newspaper to give up her seat, who happens to be the closer to the pregnant lady. she stared at me before she gave up her seat. WHAT THE F**K!! *middle finger* you mean you didn't see the lady. She is in this pink gown(for pregnant women). This is a very ugly scene in singapore after so much praises of how good, how well, how clean our city is. It's these people that "dirtied" and stained singapore. and no one asked anyone to give up the seats. Come~on, it's common courtesy that we all should set an example for our next generations. Why blame the kids when we adults don't set a role model ourselves? what's the point if you dress smart, wore branded clothes , read newspapers with a PALM in your hand if you don't have common sense and courtesy to give up the seat for the needy?!?!? these people obviously are a waste of spaces in this world, a waste of food and water, and a waste of oxygen.. We should execute them all or sms/ call Osama and terrorise their lives. And no one even gave up their seats when a lady walked in with a pram. (.\/.)

Gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...*angry* would you ever consider to include "Courtesy Studies "in the textbooks to educate our next generations? i don't wish to see this happen.

*angry* i apologise for being vulgar in this post. *still steaming*

October 30, 2003

matchstick men

Phobia-addled con artist Roy (Cage) and his protégé Frank (Rockwell) are on the verge of pulling off a lucrative swindle when the unexpected arrival of Roy’s teenage daughter Angela (Lohman) disrupts his carefully-ordered life and jeopardizes his high-risk scam.

xiaoqiang's words: the entire show is a con show. even till the end. Roy was conned by his own doctor. splendid plot by Frank. Ha! 2 thumbs up for Frank.^_^

October 28, 2003

another clock ticks for men

i was reading on an article by STREATS which covered something quite interesting, something on biological clock for men and women. after all it's a interesting fact for you and me. below is a few paras qoute from the article:

"Indeed, studies have shown that a women's fertility declines markedly around mid-30s(which worked out to be 35). but she didn't know is that men have biological clocks too....

...A recent study by the University of Washington in Seattle found that the damage to the genetic material containing sperm cells increases with age. Unlike most other cells in the body, sperm cells are unable to repair this damage, reported the BBC 2 weeks ago.

the researchers also found that as a man gets older, he loses his natural ability to weed out unhealthy sperm cells. this gives rise to greater chance for a damaged sperm to successfully fertilise a female egg. this could lead to to an increased risk of miscarriage, or mild abnormalities in the child, such as uneven teeth or asymmetrical limbs.

and the deadline for them is also 35.

the researchers found that men aged 35 and older had a higher concentrations of sperm with broken strands of DNA, and that the damage on the sperm cells was greater...

When i told my friend about the study, she said in disbelief," Really? Then what about Michael Douglas, or Rupert Muroch? Didn't they father children in their senior citizen years?" She had a point. Hollywood celebrities Douglas,58 and Catherine Zeta Jones, 33, had their 1st child when he was at late 50s, while media mogul, Murdoch, 72 became father again at the age of 70.

but how do we know that these celeb babies are 100% healthy and have no mild abnormalities? If they have, their parents certainly not telling....

...Studies by the University of Hull in Britain found that it takes up to 5 times as long for a man over 45 years old to get a woman pregnant than if he is under 25. the average time time to conception for a woman with a male partner under 20 years old is 4.5 months, but the time rises to 26 months for a 50-year-old man..."

xiaoqiang's words: for more info pls refer to Pg 17, Oct 28 2003 Streats. i was laughing at the article after reading it. OMG! another timeline stamped in Man's Milestone. i wonder how many timelines is gonna come up to cripple man..another species of life, trying hard to survive in the soon-to-be dorminated world by women. OH MAN~! we are fading away...

October 27, 2003

alright!~ just back from KL...don't ask me hows the trip...'cos it sux..
too tired to comment further.. will let you guys know more details soon..^_^..


October 21, 2003

s i n g l e t o n

recently, i read TODAY's paper, last friday issue. some parts on the being single. it trigger me abit that there are a large number of singles based on statistics. it also trigger me that i just joined their club when they list the age group which includes me. read it all. for a second, i was thinking was the reporters giving themselves or the people being interview an excuse to be single. or it's just singaporean. to be specifc. singaporean lifestyle.

me myself sailed through single man and woman everyday in Raffles Place. passing them, so many of them. if this was in tertiary days, every single one is a potential of getting attached. all young pretty thing walking past one another. wonder whats in their mind? stocks? bills? pregnancy test kit?

most young single singaporeans has a mindset that they must accomplished a certain of things and stuffs before they can settle. do they really have strong character or strong-will if some of you might put it this way? or it's just plainly excuse? why is it so difficult to fall in love or like someone now at a later age compared to sweet teen days?? has everyone learnt to love? or has everyone learnt to be selfish and selfless..?

if man were to complain about girls being materialistic? or it's just the man who doesn't know what he wants and accomplish. true enough, i've seen visible facts of materialistic girls. i've seen girls who wants certain criterias from guys. i've seen girls choosing the guys they want to be. Once, i asked about a girl who got attached hows her bf.

" oh, he's capable, drives a Audi and high-flying career."

duh~ i'm not asking hows his capability or workwise. is she just blinded by his car, status and wealth? or she can't understand what i'm asking? i mean is that how you introduce your bf? is it me too demanding for a intellectual conversation?

And the girls out there should never be the only one to shoulder the singeton title. i have guys that says that girls was just materialistic; yet comparing themselves with oh-so-rich b**t**ds. i can't stand guys who just sits there and grumble that "oh i can't afford the girl's expenditure if i'm with her." he just simply lower himself , join the train to self-procasinate. one guy who just talks and never take any action earn no respects from me either.

What puzzle me most is singaporean women in their own preoccupation with the monetary side of a relationship : a car, glitzy address( starts with a even digit and ends with a avenue might help), a guy with a career that can feed their spending vices WHEN women now are more independent, heads a office, seats at one of the few top, senior management and earns lotsa money.

October 19, 2003

a t t i t u d e

currently playing Matchbox Twenty - Unwell

Latest update on Tokidoki's Cake 04 is out.. click [here] to view it. unfortunately, this time you have to be a registered member in order to download it. anyway, it's free.

anyway just to update your guys that i am no longer working at Cheesecake cafe. my boss at the cafe said i need not to go to work from now onwards. reason being i can't help them and they can't help me. i chose my working hours.i was like "huh?" she knew i can't work on friday nites. 'cos i need to rush for saturday and monday papers. i only tell her that i can't make it on next wed nites.. which work out to be that i'm goin to work one day nex week.. but all this doesn't justify i can't help them??? ..hmmm.. perhaps they are taking this opportunity to kick me away?? i knew the society is cruel. but all the encouragements, compliments and comments are all fake???

it took me a while to wake up from trauma.. *sigh*

i just gotten to know all this sh*ts when i sms her i can't make it for work last friday. to think i also sprained my back during work on thurs night. dicky and kel, i'm sorry when you guys asked me out on sat.. but i can't stand properly for long.

Went to a sinseh this morning. he said, wasn't exactly sprained. more like a accumulated injury. he also said the "qi" in my body wasn't flowing properly. *blink* he said when it flows smoothly, i am awfully hyperactively energetic *i agree*. when it doesn't flow smoothly, i am lethargic.*hmmm..* i'm not sure what's going on. but i am just as happy as i am now. eventhough i lost a job at the cafe, i sees more opportunities coming. ^_^i am taking this loss to recuperate my health for a while and i'm going to KL this weekend..wahhahah can't wish tomorrow is thursday...yesh i'm leaving on thursday night on a train to KL...yahoo~! but since i am holding onto one part-time job, it also means my wallet is tighter. no more disposal cash.*sigh* i am fine now.. can walk properly.mtomorrow is monday, MONDAY!!!!!!!

xiaoqiang's qoute of the day : once a star ask me, why don't you leave her when she's causing so much misery? i replied, " would you leave the(your) sky?

October 15, 2003


currently playing The Lighthouse Family - we gotta to be

There were once 2 brothers who lived on the 80th level. on coming home one day, they realized to their dismay that the lifts were not working and that they had to climb the stairs home. After struggling to the 20th level, panting and tired, they decided to abandon their bags and come back for them the next day. They left their bags then and climbed o­n. When they had struggled to the 40th level, the younger brother started to grumble and both of them began to quarrel. They continued to climb the flights of steps, quarreling all the way to the 60th floor.

They then realized that they had only 20 levels more to climb and decided to stop quarreling and continue climbing in peace. They silently climbed on and reached their home at long last. Each stood calmly before the door and waited for the other to open it. It was then that they realized that the key was in their bags which were left on the 20th floor!

That story is an analogy of how most people live their lives. We burden our childhood with the expectations of others, and live out our teenaged years doing what others think we should be doing. We carry these expectations until we can no longer believe in their worth.

By the time we reach our 20s, we are sick of this load and finally dump it. Finally free from the pressure of having to live our lives for others, we work enthusiastically and begin to build that castle of gold we aspire towards by laying the first few bars.

But by the time we reach our 40s, we find that we've become disillusioned with our dreams and aspirations. Discontentment sets in, and we begin to gripe, complain, and criticize. Our belief that life is miserable is so strong that we have effectively shut out the things which would have made life meaningful and joyous.

Upon reaching our 60s, we've grown weary of whining, and finally decide to live the rest of our lives in peace and resignation. We manage to deceive ourselves into thinking that at this point, nothing in this world can faze or disappoint us.

But as we lie there in our beds, waiting for the journey to finally come to an end, we tragically realize that we're unable to leave this earth in peace... because we had so many unfulfilled dreams. The dreams that we cast away, along with the burden of expectations so many years ago. So whichever level of the Staircase of Life you're presently at, take a long, hard look at the life you've lived so far. Did you waste a good part of it seeking the approval of others? Did you abandon your dreams because they didn't match the expectations of others? Did you squander a large part of your life bearing grudges, making invisible enemies, and complaining about the terrible state of your life? Did you dismiss your youthful aspirations by thinking that you're much too old to pursue them any longer?

Always remember to carry your dreams with you every step of the way. Do not end up with a bag of regrets.

xiaoqiang's words: " i am in 20s now. full of hope, more to expectations and commitments. i hope to pursue and fulfil them as well. i hope you people too. for those having exams, whether you are in singapore or overseas, best of luck but still, never neglect your health. *hugz*

October 10, 2003


currently playing Guns 'n' Roses ~ November Rain

This october'03 is the 1st october i gonna spend with a new feel . Oct usually shakes me when exams were around the corner. Everyday drowning with books, textbooks, lecture notes...bla bla bla.. much of the time, my mind was on something else even my eyes is on the papers. i dare to say i am not a bright child nor a hardworking one. but i dare to say i am intellectual and smart, in a way. 'Cos whether i studied for the paper or not, it's always a pass.. borderlines, distinctions... you name it i got it. i saying this is not to boast about my ego or whatsoever. but to tell others that it's not difficult to study. it's about the effort and attitude towards it. i don't believe in stupid people. i only believe in lazy people. likewise that, there's no ugly people, there's only lazy people.

but there's one Oct syndrome that never fail to cast its spell on me every year. ever since the year, i am aware of such thing call love. i'm not sure if it occurs to you as well. it occurs to me in Oct. some weird feelings and it's really strong when the exams drew near. it never struck me during mid year exams in april or may. but it specifically pin-point directly at me in OCt. i'm getting it this year since so many couples around me. not that strong compared to school days but i'm awared of its existence. it's like someone standing behind you. i'm sure what is going on but still i prefer to take it lightly. and the funny thing is everyone denied the fact i have no GF. i wasn't lying~*sob* ( oh~ sound so drama). i have this lovely friend that says my face don't look "single" duh~ i do admit i have PLENTY and PLENTY of female friends...

Still, this syndrome still haunts me. today i have a colleague who's having a headache since 1-2 weeks. and he's quite ponder over it. He did worried that what is going on in his head. Upon advise from many, he did went for the necessary checkups and waiting for his results. other colleagues came over and offer their advise, their comments and even their ways of easing the pain. i also noticed his gf who's just a partition away from me, looking helplessly at him for a while. if i were in her shoes, i probably be the same. thinking out of my wits, helplessly looking at him. feeling the same pain, not in the head but in the heart as well. is there anything i can do to ease the pain? have you ever trapped in a situation you wanna do something for your loved ones but you can't. it's not you refuse but it's really out of your power perimeter.

how would you feel?

October 08, 2003


currently playing Christina Aguilera ~ Reflection

a brief history of mirrors from Encyclopedia Britanica:

The typical mirror is a sheet of glass that is coated on its back with aluminum or silver that produces images by reflection. The mirrors used in Greco-Roman antiquity and throughout the European Middle Ages were simply slightly convex disks of metal, either bronze, tin, or silver, that reflected light off their highly polished surfaces. A method of backing a plate of flat glass with a thin sheet of reflecting metal came into widespread production in Venice during the 16th century; an amalgam of tin and mercury was the metal used. The chemical process of coating a glass surface with metallic silver was discovered by Justus von Liebig in 1835, and this advance inaugurated the modern techniques of mirror making. Present-day mirrors are made by sputtering a thin layer of molten aluminum or silver onto the back of a plate of glass in a vacuum. In mirrors used in telescopes and other optical instruments, the aluminum is evaporated onto the front surface of the glass rather than on the back, in order to eliminate faint reflections from the glass itself.....

.........The use of glass with a metallic backing commenced in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, and, by the time of the Renaissance, Nürnberg and Venice had established outstanding reputations as centres of mirror production. The mirrors produced in Venice were famous for their high quality. Despite the strictures of the doges, Venetian workmen succumbed to the temptation to carry the secrets of their craft to other cities, and, by the middle of the 17th century, mirror making was practiced extensively in London
and Paris. Generally, mirrors were extremely expensive--especially the larger variety--and the wonderment created at the time by the royal palace at Versailles was due in part to the profusion of mirrors that adorned the state rooms.....

click [here] to read on more.

xiaoqiang's bitch: everyday, we will make use of this wonderful metal creation of mankind to transport us up and down the building. this creation is called lift . repeat after me, L I F T. it's there for the convinience of all of us. though it's kinda fustrated when there's no reception signal on your cellphone when you are in the lift. And everyday, i took this lift up to my office. Alone sometimes, with other people sometimes, with something else sometimes(eww~ sound spooky~. with cleanly furnished, polished metal as its door interior acting as mirrors. so people adjust themselves, their clothes, their hair before the doors open and took their leave to their level/ floors. but the thing is this mirror reflects the enlarged version of oneself, sideways. i get my colleagues complaining and refused to stand in the middle of the lift. in the end i have to give up my comfortablely rested butt of the railings in lift the and offered them to stand at the sides. i couldn't understand what's the fuss about looking at yourself, enlarge version for a few seconds. after all, you knew that wasn't real you in the mirror. and i noticed a humourous part at the end of lift journey as i allowed myself to be the last to leave the lift. after the " no~ i dun wanna stand in front of the mirror, i looked fat in this mirror" they STILL did a little adjustment in front of the mirrored doors before taking their leaves.


xiaoqiang's words: watch 2 movies over the past 2 weeks. both movies are with rating, 28 days later is NC-16, and Swimming Pool is R(A). both movies were cleverly filmed. 28 days later is very bloody, more puke . it reminds me of "faces of death" and "event horizon" .Swimming Pool is more abstract and puzzling. it took me quite a while to realise what's going on in the movie after clarification from vincent & Mei and Dickson.

A virus that locks those infected into a permanent state of killing rage, is accidentally released from a British research facility. Carried by animals and humans, the virus is impossible to contain, and spreads across the entire planet. Twenty-eight days later, a small group of survivors are trapped in London, caught in a desperate struggle to protect themselves from the infected. As they attempt to salvage a future from the apocalypse, they find that their most deadly enemy is not the virus, but other survivors.

Sarah Morton (Charlotte Rampling) is a famous British mystery author. Tired of London and seeking inspiration for her new novel, she accepts an offer from her publisher John Bosload (Charles Dance) to stay at his home in the South of France. It is the off-season, and Sarah finds that the beautiful country locale and unhurried pace is just the tonic for her – until late one night, when John’s indolent and insouciant French daughter Julie (Ludivine Sagnier) unexpectedly arrives. Sarah’s prim and steely English reserve is jarred by Julie’s reckless, sexually charged lifestyle. Their interactions set off increasingly unsettling dynamics and begin to unduly influence Sarah’s creative process, as Sarah finds herself drawn into a real-life mystery that Julie embodies.

October 06, 2003


currently playing - Manic Monday by Bangles

New photo updated. a creation of MUA. located on the right, under the tagboard. oh~ boys just wanna have fun... with photoshop. if you are viewing your desktop using 800x600 pixels for screen area, you probably need to scroll on the way down to see it . if you are viewing at 1024x768 pixels as your screen area, it should be fine.^^ in case, you don't understand what i am saying( for the benefits of some computer/ windows illiterates). i am telling you how to change the screen area.

1st step -> go to "START" button, go to "Settings", go to " Control Panel" and click on it.

2nd step-> double click on "Display"

3rd step-> look for a folder on the right hand corner named "Settings", click on it.

4th step-> look for a box named "Screen Area", move the cursor on the pointer, left decrease the pixels, right to increase the pixels, click on "Apply" and "OK" . click on "OK" again.

*there's a shortcut to change the screen area too*

had dinner with my aunt last week at Hans...though mum always taught me not to play with food, the cheeky side of mua evoked my hands to do faces with the leftovers. sorry mum, aunt didn't stopped me and she is one of the accomplice.* mua ha ha* my boss said i appreciated my food over the dinner yesterday at cheesecake cafe. i asked him why. he said i left no leftovers on the plate. which also means my future has a beautiful complexion( according to a chinese myth).* wahahah*

this morning, the old man up there is really abit too much. i was so tired, and sleepy, and aching over. he must greet my morning with his cool, drizzle aka his sneeze. stuck on my branded new mattress from KING KOIN. it took me a hard 30 minutes to get myself up from the bed. i dunno if you had an air-con in your room; or you sleep with one when you were born; or you are somewhere near the poles. but i must tell you it's damn shiok to sleep with a cool/cold morning. *yawn*

picture below taken at jo's birthday at Costa Sand East Coast Chalet.


did some quiz stuff upon reading vera's blog during my lunch time. try some myself...*grin*

Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Season = Winter
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...

You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

October 01, 2003


Finally gotten my new phone, SONY ERICSSON T610. * WAHOOO~!* so guys.. you can send MMS message to me liao~..*wah ha ha* but there aren't not much websites that offer downloads for this model at the moment. Still trying to get used to this phone. A total different interface from Nokia. you need to get used to the joystick feature in centre of the phone.

Happenings at Raffles Place Mrt today. There's a free giving of 5000 of Peel Fresh juices pack. As usual behaivour of most singaporeans, queues or human chain if you call that, starts to form before the official time to give away the free stuffs. I was on my way to bakery depot for lunch when i saw people queueing under bright hot sun, some with umbrellas. unfortunately, i don't have my camera with me; else i gotten some shots for you folks( you guys will luv` it). i was waiting for my colleagues just outside OUB building. you see people rushed for the free stuffs, pushing here and there, business executives, aunties and uncles. Some just run over the lawn to jump queue(good attempt~). and i saw this uncle pushing his way, knocked down a few pins, i mean aunties. he grabbed 3 big packs instead of the normal 1 big pack per person. One would call or complain to the authorities why no proper disciplinary coordination was there to peace-keep, making a big fuss out of it. but i just don't understand the rest of the fuss over free packs after that. i couldn't helped myself laughing at them too. and one of my colleague was there looking at the people, also under the hot sun but not queueing up for the free stuffs. duh~

The good: Sleek and slim; built-in camera; Bluetooth and IR ports; easy to customize; 32-chord polyphonic ring tones.

The bad: Case smudges easily; calendar doesn't support all-day events.


click on the link above to direct you to the pictures taken on Vincent's birthday at zouk and pictures taken at Tango. pls go to vincent birthday folder to view the pictures.

to Mei: i will email the pictures to you. Gimme more time. i wasn't really at home most of the time to email you the pictures.

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