October 21, 2003

s i n g l e t o n

recently, i read TODAY's paper, last friday issue. some parts on the being single. it trigger me abit that there are a large number of singles based on statistics. it also trigger me that i just joined their club when they list the age group which includes me. read it all. for a second, i was thinking was the reporters giving themselves or the people being interview an excuse to be single. or it's just singaporean. to be specifc. singaporean lifestyle.

me myself sailed through single man and woman everyday in Raffles Place. passing them, so many of them. if this was in tertiary days, every single one is a potential of getting attached. all young pretty thing walking past one another. wonder whats in their mind? stocks? bills? pregnancy test kit?

most young single singaporeans has a mindset that they must accomplished a certain of things and stuffs before they can settle. do they really have strong character or strong-will if some of you might put it this way? or it's just plainly excuse? why is it so difficult to fall in love or like someone now at a later age compared to sweet teen days?? has everyone learnt to love? or has everyone learnt to be selfish and selfless..?

if man were to complain about girls being materialistic? or it's just the man who doesn't know what he wants and accomplish. true enough, i've seen visible facts of materialistic girls. i've seen girls who wants certain criterias from guys. i've seen girls choosing the guys they want to be. Once, i asked about a girl who got attached hows her bf.

" oh, he's capable, drives a Audi and high-flying career."

duh~ i'm not asking hows his capability or workwise. is she just blinded by his car, status and wealth? or she can't understand what i'm asking? i mean is that how you introduce your bf? is it me too demanding for a intellectual conversation?

And the girls out there should never be the only one to shoulder the singeton title. i have guys that says that girls was just materialistic; yet comparing themselves with oh-so-rich b**t**ds. i can't stand guys who just sits there and grumble that "oh i can't afford the girl's expenditure if i'm with her." he just simply lower himself , join the train to self-procasinate. one guy who just talks and never take any action earn no respects from me either.

What puzzle me most is singaporean women in their own preoccupation with the monetary side of a relationship : a car, glitzy address( starts with a even digit and ends with a avenue might help), a guy with a career that can feed their spending vices WHEN women now are more independent, heads a office, seats at one of the few top, senior management and earns lotsa money.

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