October 01, 2003


Finally gotten my new phone, SONY ERICSSON T610. * WAHOOO~!* so guys.. you can send MMS message to me liao~..*wah ha ha* but there aren't not much websites that offer downloads for this model at the moment. Still trying to get used to this phone. A total different interface from Nokia. you need to get used to the joystick feature in centre of the phone.

Happenings at Raffles Place Mrt today. There's a free giving of 5000 of Peel Fresh juices pack. As usual behaivour of most singaporeans, queues or human chain if you call that, starts to form before the official time to give away the free stuffs. I was on my way to bakery depot for lunch when i saw people queueing under bright hot sun, some with umbrellas. unfortunately, i don't have my camera with me; else i gotten some shots for you folks( you guys will luv` it). i was waiting for my colleagues just outside OUB building. you see people rushed for the free stuffs, pushing here and there, business executives, aunties and uncles. Some just run over the lawn to jump queue(good attempt~). and i saw this uncle pushing his way, knocked down a few pins, i mean aunties. he grabbed 3 big packs instead of the normal 1 big pack per person. One would call or complain to the authorities why no proper disciplinary coordination was there to peace-keep, making a big fuss out of it. but i just don't understand the rest of the fuss over free packs after that. i couldn't helped myself laughing at them too. and one of my colleague was there looking at the people, also under the hot sun but not queueing up for the free stuffs. duh~

The good: Sleek and slim; built-in camera; Bluetooth and IR ports; easy to customize; 32-chord polyphonic ring tones.

The bad: Case smudges easily; calendar doesn't support all-day events.


click on the link above to direct you to the pictures taken on Vincent's birthday at zouk and pictures taken at Tango. pls go to vincent birthday folder to view the pictures.

to Mei: i will email the pictures to you. Gimme more time. i wasn't really at home most of the time to email you the pictures.

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