October 31, 2003


Happy Halloween!!!! *sigh* but i aren't going anywhere. if you are reading this blog at 2030hrs tonight, just to let you know i am still in the office. Well guys, enjoy the party, man.

Today didn't had a good headstart for me. something pissed me off when i was on my way to the workplace. I was standing on the train next to door due to extreme crowd *packed sardines* in each, every section. when i boarded the train, i saw this pregnant lady standing there holding onto one of the metal railings. immediately, i saw red. i looked around and saw almost every single one was either sleeping( if they were really asleep) or reading something. FOR HEAVENS' SAKE, no one has the courtesy to give up their seat to the poor lady. *ANGRY* let me tell you it's not funny and easy to carry a 5kg load or more around your waist or carry the way a pregnant lady carrys her baby. i picked the one who is reading a newspaper to give up her seat, who happens to be the closer to the pregnant lady. she stared at me before she gave up her seat. WHAT THE F**K!! *middle finger* you mean you didn't see the lady. She is in this pink gown(for pregnant women). This is a very ugly scene in singapore after so much praises of how good, how well, how clean our city is. It's these people that "dirtied" and stained singapore. and no one asked anyone to give up the seats. Come~on, it's common courtesy that we all should set an example for our next generations. Why blame the kids when we adults don't set a role model ourselves? what's the point if you dress smart, wore branded clothes , read newspapers with a PALM in your hand if you don't have common sense and courtesy to give up the seat for the needy?!?!? these people obviously are a waste of spaces in this world, a waste of food and water, and a waste of oxygen.. We should execute them all or sms/ call Osama and terrorise their lives. And no one even gave up their seats when a lady walked in with a pram. (.\/.)

Gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...*angry* would you ever consider to include "Courtesy Studies "in the textbooks to educate our next generations? i don't wish to see this happen.

*angry* i apologise for being vulgar in this post. *still steaming*

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