December 30, 2004


journey to the past

took a ride back to the past while looking at someone photos. it feels like i am floating somewhere above looking down at everybody's moment, happenings. this ride did not end just like that. it went on through the night (indirectly) till the next morning.

indeed it was a unforgetable ride. i felt closer, felt like gotten to know the person better. Afterall, it's memories that someone left footprinted on the path.


some time ago a mother punished her 5 year old daughter for wasting a roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and she became even more upset when the child pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.

Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift box to her mother the next morning and said, "This is for you, Momma."

The mother was embarrassed by her earlier over reaction, but her anger flared again when she found the box was empty.

She spoke to her in a harsh manner, "Don't you know, young lady, when you give someone a present there's supposed to be something inside the package?"

The little girl looked up at her with tears in her eyes and said, "Oh, Momma, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was full."

The mother was crushed. She fell on her knees and put her arms around her little girl, and she begged her to forgive her for her unnecessary anger. An accident took the life of the child only a short time later and it is told that the mother kept that gold box by her bed for all the years of her life. Whenever she was discouraged or faced difficult problems she would open the box and take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each of us, as human beings, have been given a Golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, and friends. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.

December 20, 2004


so divine

Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood.Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studyin.


Cast: Kwon Sang-Woo, Ha Ji-Won, Kim In-Kwon, Kim In-Moon, Kim Seon-Hwa

The Skinny: Yep, even more Korean romantic comedy. Someday actually comparing all these movies will prove to be as pointless as deciding who makes the best brand of cotton swab. For now, Love, So Divine is average stuff that's nowhere near as good as some of its contemporaries (My Sassy Girl, Please Teach Me English). Still, it's better than 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant.

Perhaps I'm looking for something glossy with pretty Asian faces, or am just a silly sap at heart. Or maybe I'm just looking for the next My Sassy Girl. My latest attempt: Love, So Divine. Like many of its predecessors, it's got one girl, one guy, and a loaded situation that makes romance seem unlikely or just plain wrong. In this case, the love is between a fledgling Catholic priest (hunky Kwon Sang-Woo) and your typical sassy Korean female (sexy Ha Ji-Won). Their love is forbidden because, duh, he's supposed to be a Catholic priest. But they'll find a way, won't they? Of course they will! It's a Korean romantic comedy! If you really care about the quality of this film, you can continue reading. Otherwise, base your decision on the hotness of the two leading actors, and then go from there. I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

this is a Korean romantic comedy, meaning that the struggle to get these two sparring, mismatched types together can easily fit into a two-hour marathon of cloying plot devices, manufactured emotion, and delayed audience gratification. And...that's exactly what Love, So Divine is! While the film does amuse with random pratfalls and the occasional bit of situation comedy, overall Love, So Divine rides its photogenic stars for all they're worth—which is actually quite a bit.

So. Go catch it if you wanna catch hunky Kwon Sang-Woo but no muscle revealing this time.
catch it and you will feel the lovely dovey feeling too. i teared when she opened the pendant with the mirror in it. i just knew the meaning.

lastly, don't ever catch a 4.25am movie unless you wanna catch the freshest air in Orchard road.

December 11, 2004



Festive season never cast its spell again like it used to be ever since i learnt about them. at least not on me. Not that i am going thru anything but my friends. yes, i am referring to BGR. or maybe the, the more adult(not adultery.. mind you) term is MWA, Man and Woman Affair.

i was wondered why couple chose to have something major happening during festive season. perhaps they didn't choose. it happened inevitably. it just happened. instead of spending time to think about how to celebrate this season. time wasted on quarreling; on miscommunications; on arguments... where are those sweet, lovey dovey thoughts? has it gone boring, dull when you spend quite some time with that person? or people now just can't be bothered. Or is it because after being together for some time, the so-called romance died.

i'm talking about singapore. where life at a point of time is uncertainty. though carefully planned pathed by a group of somebodies. many followed a typical pattern of lifestyle. you study till a certain age. national service for guys; working/ further studying for ladies. and then the mindset is differentiate, evolve and changes even with the similar age peers.

i was reading an article in TODAY.
Are Singaporeans mature enough as a society and as individuals to make their own choices? The question was raised last month on the topic of a casino, but readers are still buzzing on the picture for a bigger view.

Another week of Mr Brown's column - LITTLE MIRACLES

What most parents take for granted are small wonders for us

This is a photo of our daughter Faith, in a pram. She is three years and seven months old, and she is sitting in a pram that is too small for her.

It was the Deepavali holiday and that morning, I had gone to Serangoon North to buy a replacement fish tank for my poor fish. Their two-footer had leaked some weeks ago, and they have been living in the fish equivalent of a one-room HDB flat all this while.

So when faced with the choice of buying them a new tank, I decided to do what most Singaporeans do best upgrade.

The persuasive aquarium auntie told me that my discus would need more space eventually. I looked at the three-foot tank wondering first, how I was going to carry it, and second, how I was going to mount it.

"No problem, very light, even I can lift it alone," said the store auntie.

She must have been a former superhero (AquaAuntie), or was a Pro-Wrestler in her previous career, because when I swung the car around, I realised that it was going to take both my wife and I to carry this glass monster back to my car. It was the longest 25 metres I have ever experienced carrying a fish tank. The wife and I had to carry the tank together, while egging our daughter to follow us.

Now you may not think that this is a big deal, since most three-year-olds can generally be trusted with walking alongside their parents without their hand being held, and without running into traffic. But Faith is not a regular three-year-old. Faith is autistic, has no speech, and has a tendency to sprint away on tiptoe when she sees something of interest.

Fortunately, Faith found the fish tank extremely amusing, and scampered along with us, giggling and touching the tank like it was a new pet. That was a relief for us, until we reached the car and realised that the tank could only fit into the back seat instead of the boot.

So, we had to put the tank down, strap Faith into her seat first, then huff and puff the tank into the back seat.We spent the afternoon recovering from the morning, and then had the hare-brained idea of going to Ikea to look for a cabinet for the fish tank, plus have our dinner there.

Yes, you heard right, Ikea on a public holiday. It must have been the sun.

We were very co-ordinated in our approach to the whole thing. It was like a military operation. When my car joined the queue of cars trying to get into the car park, I told my wife and maid to stand by.

"When I say, NOW, take the kids out of their car seats, grab the baby bag, and exit by the door on the kerb side, then go to the restaurant to try and get a table, while I park the car, so we don't waste time. I will carry Isaac's pram up after I park."

"Okay ... NOW!"

A flurry of arms, legs and kids later, my squad was on their way to take the restaurant. I joined them, but they still hadn't found a table. So I handed the pram to mummy and started to look for people finishing their food. I grabbed Isaac from my helper, Celia, to see if having a cute baby boy in my arms would help get sympathy votes.

I had hoped to use his baby cuteness to counter the phenomenon where people suddenly decide to eat their last spoonful of food very, very slowly, when they spot you waiting for their table. When we found a table, I waved to my wife, who had been waiting outside with Faith and the pram, and when she came over, she was beaming as she pushed Faith over in Isaac's pram.

My jaw dropped.

I was speechless for a few seconds, but found my voice enough to tell her, "Take picture ... take picture!"

People around us were wondering what these parents were fussing about.

You see, Faith has not sat on a pram since she was less than a year old. She has not sat on prams, supermarket trolleys, tricycles and 20-cent kiddie rides, and other moving things that kids love. By contrast, they terrify her totally. Her senses could never deal with the lateral motion.

We gave up trying to get her into her pram long ago, and resigned ourselves to carrying her, or later, after she learned to walk, walking with her on our outings. Her pram was mothballed until Isaac came along almost two years later. But there she was, sitting happily in her former pram, playing with a packet of tissues and babbling to herself in a language only she understood.

We were almost reluctant to take her out of the pram, in case it was just a one-off fluke.

"I just decided to try it, while waiting for you," whispered the wife, as if saying it too loud might jinx it. "And she just got in without crying, screaming or fighting."

Thank God for a mother's optimism.

After dinner (gotta love them Swedish meat balls), we put Faith in again, just to see if she was really okay with it. She was.

In fact, when we stopped to look at something, she would get upset, and swayed herself forward to indicate that she wanted us to move. The wife and I just grinned and silently thanked God for this moment, pushing the pram as casually as our trembling hands could manage.

So, that's the story of Faith in her old pram. The photo means absolutely nothing to anyone else. It is not even well taken. But it will be one of the most profound reminders of life's little miracles that we, as parents of an autistic child, will carry with us to the grave.

That is why what most parents take for granted, like getting their child to sit in a pram, are little miracles for us. They sometimes arrive a little late, but that makes them all the more precious. We cannot wait to celebrate more.

mr brown is the accidental author of a popular website that has been documenting the dysfunctional side of Singapore life since 1997. He is now looking for a motorbike for his daughter.

December 04, 2004


o m e n

omen don't happen for no reason. it happen like a cause and effect thingy. it comes unexpectedly. sometimes you fail to catch it, witness it. the effect on you was like avalache ride.

i had it. i had one recently. for no reason, i woke up in the middle of the night. not feeling thirsty, not feeling heavy on my bladder, not feeling anything pressing against me. i just woke up. nevertheless still insist to rely on human instincts, wee and drink a glass of water. that's 5am in the morning.

for no reason again, went to check on my hp. Shacks, i got a missed call at 4 am. the person who called struck me hard. should i or should i not call back? after 1 hour later.....i hestitated to call back... hesitated till a sms came in. i decided to call back.

i called back and realised i wasn't there when the person needed me most. i feel bad about it. real bad. nothing can atone the feeling in me. eventhough the person never expects i will pick up. i know i seldom bare my feelings online. but i just felt that whoever is reading this. Please take extra note whenever you witness a omen. be it good or bad. just take care.

by the way, sony ericsson T610 ringtone is abit soft. you can't really hear it even you place your phone by the bed side. time to change a new phone*bleah*

December 02, 2004



I'm sorry to say this. Things have been a bit tough lately here and life is getting shorter and shorter every day. I want to take the time that's left and smell the roses. So I am going to quit and travel full time with a biker gang to see the world and enjoy life while I still can. Don't worry about me - they all seem like really nice people. A photo of my new biker gang is below without me(of course!!! i am taking the picture)

*bleah*just kidding. i know you guys worried about me. i'm fine. alive and kicking busy with work. hella it killed me almost. won't be blogging much for this period of time i guess. but do look back. i promised i will blog whenever i can. i promise.

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