December 04, 2004


o m e n

omen don't happen for no reason. it happen like a cause and effect thingy. it comes unexpectedly. sometimes you fail to catch it, witness it. the effect on you was like avalache ride.

i had it. i had one recently. for no reason, i woke up in the middle of the night. not feeling thirsty, not feeling heavy on my bladder, not feeling anything pressing against me. i just woke up. nevertheless still insist to rely on human instincts, wee and drink a glass of water. that's 5am in the morning.

for no reason again, went to check on my hp. Shacks, i got a missed call at 4 am. the person who called struck me hard. should i or should i not call back? after 1 hour later.....i hestitated to call back... hesitated till a sms came in. i decided to call back.

i called back and realised i wasn't there when the person needed me most. i feel bad about it. real bad. nothing can atone the feeling in me. eventhough the person never expects i will pick up. i know i seldom bare my feelings online. but i just felt that whoever is reading this. Please take extra note whenever you witness a omen. be it good or bad. just take care.

by the way, sony ericsson T610 ringtone is abit soft. you can't really hear it even you place your phone by the bed side. time to change a new phone*bleah*

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