January 15, 2006


when the 4-leaf clovers rained on me...

Ho-right. this is probably my 1st 2006 journal post. i am going usher 2006 just like that. woke up and hey it's 2006!! Wahoo!! More Money!! More Money!!*clap clap clap* More Money!! More Money!! *clap clap clap* i like to buy a vowel...hahahha

nah just kidding. But that doesn't mean i don't have nothing to dream of, no resolutions for 2006 and nothing to look back at 2005. I decided not to pen it down here in details but in my private own journal book.

But there's a few things to that i want to highlight:

1) Met quite a few people( new friends, old friends, new aquainteneces) in 2005. Definitely sparked up my life, coloured my days.

2) Realised a few things in 2005. Matured abit. Have looked at things with a lighter heart. Having serious thoughts about 2006( maybe 2006 till 2011, that's 5 years if you can't count).

3) i wished the people i know, love, health and happy. Not forgetting luck. May the 4-leaf clovers rained on you all...

History/myth of the four leaf clover:

The four leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck with its origin ages old. According to legend, Eve carried a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden.

"The clovers also occupied a position in the cultural life of early peoples. White clover (T. repens L.) in particular was held in high esteem by the early Celts of Wales as a charm against evil spirits." Clover Science and Technology". N.L. Taylor, 1985.

Druids held the 4 leaf clover in high esteem and considered them a sign of luck. In 1620, Sir John Melton wrote: "If a man walking in the fields find any four-leaved grass, he shall in a small while after find some good thing.

The mystique of the four leaf clover continues today, since finding a real four leaf clover is still a rare occurrence and omen of good luck.

Saint Patrick used the plant to illustrate the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Shamrocks have been considered by the Irish as good-luck symbols since earliest times, and this superstition has persisted in modern times among people of many nationalities. On March 17th, St Patrick's Day is celebrated around the world, with the "wearin' o' the green".

it's freaky cold since x'mas lah. Plus a wet wet wet days. i thought it was going to snow soon. i realised i only had my brolly to call my pal. Kept my slippers, berms and sunglasses in the cupboard. Jacket....worn out. Wind-breaker....torn out. Only a checkered long-sleeved shirt, thick enough to keep me warm bits.

Still locked on festive mood. Yes, lunar new year. Pretty much of the new year goodies, lard stuffs aka Bak Gua,lum cheongs and lotsa ang baos. More Money!! More Money!!*clap clap clap* More Money!! More Money!! *clap clap clap* i like "E" please...hahahha.

Went to Stephanie Sun's concert last night(pictures courtesy from my colleague). I still like the live performance with live music, rowing lights that fascinate the moves from the dancers. And yes, the powerful, mesmerizing voice of the lead performer, Stephanie Sun. I personally like 2 parts of the concert; with only white light beams shooting straight down and she sitting in the centre of darkness. Her voice still remains sweet since the 1st day i heard her speaks, in person that is. I 1st met her in TP when she was just a newcomer in the showbiz industry. I was still student then( the year i repeated ,sigh ). She sang a mini-school concert in TP auditorium 1 when i helped with the lightings.

And i sensed she've grown. Looking at her performance last night was really captivating.

dude, so sorry for being gone for so long...school is really kicking me to pieces...

anyways, i lost your email and i didn't want to leave my email on the WWW for everyone to see so... ok have to re dwl MSN b/c got a virus earlier this year and had to re-install windows again but you can look me up on my hotmail acct (hopefully it's still active : Rammiegirl48@hotmail.com) and then we'll trade info again then okay?

Hope that things are going well and that 2005 treated you well. And that 2006 will treat you even better!
haha... it's alright... i've being gone too for long.

i've added you in my msn list( that is if your account is still alive) and yes... we will talk again.

:) cheers and take care ya.
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