April 21, 2005


High in the morning

Normally i will get abit moody on monday morning. yes. Especially when i did not my 1st shot of caffeine in the morning. then i looked the crowd around me on the train with their monday-blue colour faces. i told myself that's shouldn't be the way. Smile like you are not going to smile for the rest of your life.

Went to Arcade, Raffles Place to get my Han's coffee. Guess what i saw at 8.30am in the morning. A long queue in front of the lottery box. Uncles, Aunties, Executives... bla bla bla all queueing to buy their favourite numbers. i was like " Huh?" A total different world of people living on the same island.

Read the papers, followed the news. Yes, government going to build 2 casinos. smart move. *clap clap clap* Both targeting at different audiences. The venue at Sentosa which i think is meant for families while the one at Marina South is meant the expats, tourists and of course not forgetting the rich, the richer and the richer than the richer... Saw one lady being interviewed on TV that she don't mind paying $100 for admission fees just to look look see see our casinos. Aunty ah, pay admission fees then play abit lah.

If you worried about hooked on gambling in a negative way, don't worry. We have counselling centres, educational programs designed to help you. Maybe for a fee. See that chain-effect. You pay to get hooked and you most probably pay to get unhooked. So.. gamble with a entertainment attitude.

And thanks to the overwhelmed reporting that hit headlines. i think there should be other interesting news to cover.


Thursday joke
A rabbit was hopping through the forest when he came upon a giraffe rolling a joint.

The rabbit said, "Giraffe, don't do drugs. Come, run with me through the

The giraffe looked at the rabbit, then at the joint. He dropped the joint and ran off with the rabbit. They came upon an elephant snorting cocaine.

The Rabbit said, "Elephant, don't do drugs. Come, run with us through the

The elephant looked at his razor blade, mirror and lines. He then tossed them away and began running with the rabbit and giraffe. The three animals then came across a lion about to shoot up.

The Rabbit said, "Lion, don't do drugs. Come, run with us through the

The lion looked at the rabbit and then at the needle. He put down the needle and started to beat up the rabbit. Horrified, the giraffe and elephant asked, "Lion, why are you doing this? He was trying to help you."

The lion answered, "This little f*cker? He makes me run around the forest like a f*cking idiot every time he's on ecstasy."

April 17, 2005


if it kill you softly..

was having a heart-to-heart talk with terry on friday...err... saturday morning. whaahahah yes, we were at zouk before that. but terry, i have to apologised. i was tired. really sorry. And both of us talked and agreed on certain issues and things.. perhaps not viable to reveal here...*hint hint*

hmmmm....,i must have written this somewhere before. it was a english translation of a piece written by one famous taiwan author, Zhang Xiao Xian. But someone re-wrote again.

Life is the process of finding love. Every person will need to find four people in their life. First person is yourself, Second person is the one you love most, Third person is the one who love you most, And the fourth, is the one you spend therest of your life with.

In life, firstly you will meet with the one you love most, and learn how love feels. Because you know how love feels, so you can find the person who love you most.

When you have experienced the feeling of loving others and being loved, you will then know what it is you need most. Then you will find the person who is most suitable for you, to be able to spend the rest of your life with.

Sadly, in real life, these three people are usually not the same person.

The one you love most, doesn't love you. The one who loves you most, is never the one you love most. And the one you spend your life with, is never the one you love most or the one who loves you most. He is just the person who happens to be at the right place at the right time.

Which person are you in other people life?

No person will purposely have a change of heart. At the point in time when he loves you, he really loves you. But when he doesn't love you anymore, he really doesn't love you anymore. When he loves you, he can pretend that he doesn't.

Same goes, when he loves you no more, there is no way he can pretend he loves you. When a person doesn't love you and wants to leave you, you must ask yourself if you still love him. If you also don't love him anymore, don't ever let him leave just to save your pride.

If you still love him, you should wish him happiness, and hope that he will be with the one he loves most, not stop him from it. If you stop him from finding true happiness with the one he loves, it shows you already don't love him. And if you don't love him, what rights do you have to blame him for a change of heart?

Love is not possessive. If you like the moon, you can't just take it down and put it in your basin. But the moonlight still shines upon you. In other words, when you love a person, you can use another method of possessing the person. Let him become a permanent memory in your life.

If you really love a person, you must love him for what he is. Love him for his good points, and the bad. You can wish for him to become like what you like him to be just because you love him. If he can change to become what you like him to be, you don t love him anymore.

When you really love a person, you cannot find a reason why you love him, you only know that no matter when and where, good mood or bad mood, you will wish to have this person be with you.

Real love is when two people can go through the toughest problems without asking for promises or listing criteria. In a relationship, you have to put in effort and give in at times, not always be on the receiving end.

Being away from each other is a type of test. If the relationship isn't strong, then you can only admit defeat.

Real love will never become hate...


April 10, 2005


Nescafe Blend 37

i was making at the pantry the other day and saw this interesting label on this bottle of Nescafe. and yes, you can find this bottle at anything supermarket.

- Nescafe Blend 37 -
Milkman Charlie sprote amassed 37 wives in a short but full life. he attributed his remarkable stamina to a really full-bodied coffee every morning. This redoubtable character only ever drank one particular blend. So we changed its name in his memory. Nescafe Blend 37.

- A cup of character that's a lot easier to swallow than this tale.

Unfortunately, it didn't mentioned what coffee beans used in this blend. but i drank it that morning. yes i am a coffee person.

:( no effect at all~.

April 06, 2005


Are Asian women in danger of becoming TOO demanding??

was reading  terry's collectibles and found this article he qoute.

"Extracted from http://www.msn.com.my/women/love/article2/default.asp; Are Asian women in danger of becoming TOO demanding ?"
BY JENNIFER TAI, msn.com.my's women's channel columnist

When I was a kid, humility was something drummed into my sister and I as religiously as our multiplication tables.

Because both my parents had to work to sustain our young family, the Tai girls were raised mostly by my father's sister, an aunt who was the second wife of a successful trader. Together, they had a daughter, my cousin Jan, and cousin Jan was the princess of the Tan family, while we played her loyal subjects.

"Don't touch that chocolate, it's Cousin Jan's!" my aunt would always say, slapping our hands away.

"The ais kacang is not for you! You can have Milo instead," a servant girl working for my aunt once told me when she'd asked me to go buy the very dessert from across the street.

Did we feel deprived and treated like second-class relations?

Hardly, recalls my mother.

As kids, we seemed to have accepted that my cousin Jan was the daughter of a rich family, and we were not. This was the reason why things were the way they were.

In fact, if I remember correctly, we lived in reverence of our rich cousin for a long time. She played with us, took care of us even (she is ten years older) and life was good, because there were times that we did get chocolates and ais kacang.

Just not as much as she did, but it was okay, simply because Cousin Jan was older than us, and therefore first in line for all the goodies. Basic respect for your elders philosophy.

"It was a blessing in disguise," my mother told me yesterday.

"It is hard to teach a child humility, but years of living under your cousin's thumb did just that."

Of course, these days, such treatment would be considered child abuse.

With better opportunities in education and our careers out there, I wonder how many women today still consider themselves as genuinely humble.

I myself know only a few. Even I am not so humble these days.

Look around you. Perhaps seven out of ten women today are college-educated and hold a promising career. They may even have equally successful men (or women, whatever your sexual preference might be) as their partners. Speak to them, and they exude sheer confidence and style. No longer are we afraid to speak our minds and to show the world what we're made of. No longer are we bound by tradition to stay in our homes as housewives and mothers. These days, with technology, we can even be both professionals and parents.

We can do it all. We believe we can do it all.

Or can we?

As I sit here browsing letter after letter from the young women who read my column, I cannot help but wonder: Despite the higher education and better career opportunities, a lot of women were still failing in their relationships. Collectively, they seem to be making the same mistakes and lacking the same good sense when it comes to finding, and keeping, the right sort of men, eventually ending up with guys who don't respond to their needs.

Guys who don't seem to be coming up to par emotionally and mentally.

Guys who are leaving or even cheating, because the relationship has become too complicated.

Usually, the conclusion drawn is always that most men 'suck' these days. However, I could not help but wonder if sometimes, these problems occur because we women have lost perspective and possibly, because they have lost some of the important Asian virtues such as humility and integrity, trading them for more modern values such as independence and individualism.

I even wondered if the rising divorce rate had anything to do with women becoming more insistent of their right to a 'better' life (genuine victims of abuse and unfaithful husbands aside), despite not knowing most of the time what this better life entails.

An alarming proposition to be sure, but not without logic.

Are we failing in our relationships because we have become too full of ourselves because of our degrees and careers? Are we asking for too much in our relationships, unable to see the good in our men because we choose to focus on their flaws?

Are we incapable of being humble because we are afraid to be submissive? Have we lost our ability to be genuine (which isn't the same as being totally and brutally honest), opting instead to concentrate on our outsides with our religious facial massages, Atkins dieting and incessant shoe-shopping?

Perhaps it is time to take a step back, to take stock of our expectations and to re-evaluate our value systems because like it or not, the ideas we have about that ideal guy or that ideal marriage affect how we treat the other vital proponent of your relationships: your partner.

Perhaps we should ask if what we have today is already good enough, and to enjoy our chocolates and ais kacang - while we can still have them.

After all, what is the use of getting all the good (and good men) in the world, when you can't appreciate them?



Swing, Miss, Swing

- Swing Girls -

Artist Name(s) : Yaguchi Fumiyasu | Motokariya Yuika | Ueno Juri

Get ready to swing! From the makers of Shall We Dance? and Waterboys comes Swing Girls, an inspirational zero-to-hero tale about a group of girls who find their rhythm - and then some! Tomoko (Ueno Juri) leads a group of bored girls stuck in remedial summer math class, who decide to ditch their boring teacher (Takenaka Naoto) to deliver lunches to the school brass band.

But the girls' extreme laziness causes the lunches to spoil, and soon nearly the entire brass band gets sick. The remaining member is Takuo (Hiraoka Yuto), who recruits Tomoko's classmate Sekiguchi (Motokariya Yuika) into the band, even though Sekiguchi's musical talents are entirely in question. But Tomoko and the other girls soon follow, partly to get out of math class, and partly because it's their fault that the entire band got sick in the first place! But there's a catch: nobody knows how to play a wind or brass instrument, much to the dismay of Takuo, who proposes that the girls play swing band jazz - and take their act all the way to a battle-of-the-bands finale! Will the girls find a way to swing like tested jazz musicians, or will they discover that maybe math isn't so bad?

Directed by Yaguchi Shinobu (Waterboys), Swing Girls struck a chord with audiences thanks to its feel-good emotions and energetic cast of young girls, and ranked eighth at the Japanese box office for 2004. Like the characters they play, many of the actors were strangers to their instruments when filming began, and learned to play as filming went on! Full of humor, heart, and more than a little satisfying irreverence, Swing Girls is a toe-tapping, crowd-pleasing good time at the movies!

This movie is full of laughter. but if you will like the jazz music, you will like the ending piece. seriously.... i wanna get this DVD. anyone going to Japan???

- Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous -

1 hr. 55 min.

The story catches up with FBI agent Gracie Hart (Sandra Bullock) shortly after she successfully disarmed a threat against the Miss United States Pageant while working undercover as a contestant in Miss Congeniality. Having become a media celebrity following her heroic pageant exploits, Gracie has been spending more time lately at the salon than the shooting range, working the talk show circuit and promoting her book. When her friends, pageant winner Cheryl and emcee Stan, are kidnapped in Las Vegas, Gracie's all-out efforts to jump back into action to save them puts her at loggerheads with the FBI top brass who don't want to risk losing their mascot and fear she might not be up to the job anymore.

WAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH~!!!!! just can't keep my mouth shut.

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