October 24, 2004


Infernal 90's affair

i am chilling now at vicky's place. With nigel and dickson. yesh i getting the wireless cheap thrill of getting online. of course chat online and in the restroom. so those who i've chat last nite. DO YOU SMELL?!??!?!? we are watching this gangster cum police movie" Long Zai Jiang Hu with Andy Lau as the gangster and Louis koo in it. there was this scene where the superintendent is talking to the undercover in the toilet. wahahah. all the confidential stuffs was echoed in the toilet. think they were screaming too.

and seriously, if you were at HK that time and just sell knives. i think you will earn big bucks. all gangsters waved knives when there's a fight. *w a h a h a h a h a h a* what happen to the guns?? thought the secret societies earn millions of dollars???

unlike the infernal affairs shown in the movies recently. the police only talked to the undercover on rooftop, morse code, and bla bla bla... so gangsters and police nowadays morphed to be more creative and techy.

Last night was a weird session at Balaclava. the whole time there was like speedating. Met up with nigel and dickson, raymond (nigel's fren); and 2 frens who sat there and complained my butt is too near her face or we talked with our saliva. duh~ can't help it when both of them were sitting down. Met Sam( who i kept thinking he was another alex), his gf( oh dear, what's her name), kelvin, kelvin's gf chelsea. and they left for zouk.

came another group who shared seat with us and emerged a crazy drinking game. i thought we were just to chill. vicky and gerry came and too joined in the crazy drink game. but in the end when they left, i only remembered geradine, one of carol's old fren. HAH!! singapore is indeed smaller than i thought.

Then came another group. gerry brought her frens over to share the seats. met jennifer, fang fang...errr renny...err.. gregory... and.. and who else...seriously i can't remember their names. i have to admit i am half-gone. but that wasn't the case. i can't remember names just by talking to them for a few seconds. i have no photography memory. wahahaha.

At least i know something. Speed dating company will never have my name in their membership.

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