September 22, 2004


will you RE- accept him?

currently playing Metallica - Unforgiven

Look who's at Channel News Asia website

He may have committed a crime but he is fully capable of changing for the better.

For the very first time, Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders (CARE) Network’s member agencies are jointly organising the YRP to raise the awareness of the Singapore community towards the needs of ex-offenders in their difficult journey towards leading normal lives.

Friend A: " So what did you do?"

xiaoqiang: "Nothing lor......."

Friend B: " tell lah , tell won't die want right. You sell VCD? runner for Ah long?"

xiaoqiang: " no lah, i raped a underaged girl...." * burst out laughing*

Friend C, with eyes wide open : "REALLY AH!?!?!?!"

xiaoqiang: " please lah, You think i am that kind of person meh??"

all nodded their head.

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