September 26, 2004


No to animal dumping or abuse

i feel like bitching and swearing today. this is definitely a side of xiaoqiang whom not many have seen.

This is the situation. i got a stray dog or maybe a lost dog hiding in my toilet today. my family and i have no idea how it got in. maybe it flew in. and no matter what means i tried it just will not leave. your poor xiaoqiang has no heart just to leave it out there just like that. neither can he keep it.

Check with neighbours, no one rear pets. or this bloody bastard/ btich has no guts to own it after he/ she abandon it. Checked with SPCA, they can't do anything unless i can bring it down to SPCA personally.

I saw a stray dog. Can SPCA come and get it?

Yes, provided you can confine and stay with it and that you give us your full name, address and telephone number. However, the SPCA does not have the resources nor the manpower to catch stray animals on demand. Our vans' primary purpose is for Emergency work, such as rescuing accident victims, sick and dying strays or very young kittens and puppies, so collecting `healthy' strays must take second priority.

So, if you can confine the dog on the day that the SPCA is in your area, (the SPCA visits certain areas on designated days - please call 6287 5355 during office hours for details) we will collect on the same day. If the SPCA is unable to collect it on the same day and you are not able to bring it in yourself, the SPCA is able to arrange a pet transport service to pick it up, but you must pay the S$15 transport fee charged by them.

for more info please visit

Got referred to Enviromental Health. They said since it's a stray dog and entered the house premises, i got referred again to AVA and HDB. and waiting is not a good medicine for anxiety( anxiety for my mum, she has gone paranoid and hysterical about it) so i called up Environmental Health again for the outcome. the guy told me they have reacted immediately to this situation( i appreciated that) and referred this matter to AVA and HDB, waiting for reply. i was like "huh?"

man: " We have referred this matter to AVA and HDB via email."

i was like WTF......piss steamed to the max.

but i kept cool and asked for numbers to the 2 organisation above. called them and what i heard on the other line is a voice-recorded message.( hey robots works on sundays now)

robot: " our working hours are ........ mon to fri; ......on sat; we are closed on sunday. please call back on another working day....thank you"

*clamp fists* it's alright. i understand. every singaporean started to observe a 5-day week working manner. that's what PM Lee proposed for government bodies. no worries. how can i forget our neighbour hero. Mr Policeman. dialed 999...

*ring ring.....* man voice: "Hello Emergency?"

xiaoqiang: "Hi, this is edmund here, i have a situation...bla bla bla...hello.....hello?"


xiaoqiang: " Haaaaaaalllllllooooo........."


i can't believe it. i dial again.

lady voice:" hi good afternoon. Police Emergency"

xiaoqiang: "Hi, this is edmund here, i have a situation...bla bla bla..."

lady voice:" oh we can't help much on that. but i can refer you to AVA."

xiaoqiang: " i tried but only the voicemail is working on sunday. thanks, i appreciate that.

SUNDAY is really a off day!!!!!

i got it out finally. the dog has a collar. i reckoned it belongs to somebody. i will be loitering around my void deck for the desperate owner. People, i urge you all. and i appeal to all readers to stop dumping animals and no animal abused. There is a growing trend to abandon animals be they unwanted litters, outgrown pets, mongrels or purebreds - thousands are discarded each year when the novelty wears off - victims of a throw-away society.

i hope that more care and thought will go into the ownership of an animal - it is a lifetime of commitment, not to be entered into lightly. It is better to deprive yourself of owning a pet, than to discard it when you don't have the time to look after it. And pet owners are reminded to have their animals sterilised to prevent unwanted litters being born.

Let us remember that they do not deserve to be dumped like unwanted rubbish. like you and me, we are all living things. it's never nice or feel good to be abandon or abused. if you do, let it be a slap embedded in your brains and memories forever. we shouldn't treat it lightly.

i lay a curse on you. if you dump or abuse animals, you will be hit by a car when you cross the road. you will be strike by lightning even if there's no clouds. you will be burn by the fire when cooking. the zoo, sea and safari will be a forbidden ground for your children and generations after. they will be haunted by the fear of animal, creepy crawlers or animal spirits. your children and generations after will grew up in a phobia of fishes and under-nourished. your children and generations after will get skin disease when they are out in the sun or get brain distortion when they used handphones. there will be no happy marriage or families for your children and generations after. your children and generations after will continue to slog for their lifes serving others and will never make it big.

call me a loser or creep. call me a freak or nutcase. call me a psycho or insane or sick. I DON"T CARE. if you can't keep it, don't let it gone wasted. the animals have the rights to live.

the last sin of the 7 sins will be published next week. look out for it.

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