September 12, 2004


fifth/ seven - a n g e r

this entry is the 5th entry which i am going to talk about the 7 sins. it will be written from a generic view, perspective, focus. as this might arouse, provoke the pinch in you. please read it as non provocative manner.*wink* what trigger me to write such a thing, you might ask. well, it all started when things in your life aren't gonna be what you least expected. it's the surprise of the surprises.

i will try to do it on weekly basis.( ayy i am busy with my work k~) And most of you know, my ink-girlish not the very powderful. so you have to ta-han with my D7 grammatic expression in words. ( then why bother to attempt it??)

Jokey Synopsis

What it is: Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

Why you do it: You're wired for it. Also, the people around you are pretty damn irritating.

Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be dismembered alive.

Associated symbols & suchlike: Anger is linked with the bear and the color red.

an·ger ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nggr)
- n. A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.
- v. an·gered, an·ger·ing, an·gers
- v. tr. To make angry; enrage or provoke.
- v. intr. To become angry: She angers too quickly.

Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said Anger is "the name of a passion. A passion of the sensitive appetite is good in so far as it is regulated by reason, whereas it is evil if it set the order of reason aside....The Travelers' Guide to Hell says Anger is ruled by the sign of Mars. It points out that this is the Sin most likely to harm other people, particularly when mixed with another Sin. For example, Anger + Envy = armed robbery.....

This sin is something, a mental state existed more materialised compared to the rest mentioned( refer to past post on 7 sins). Something which is inside in every person but yet holds a different threshold. and sometimes all you need for a temperless person to lose his cool is just a minor matter, something irk or provoke, proabbly the last thing you can think of to trigger the button.

I used to think to know a person better, you need to what pisses him/her. till now, i can't say i am correct. but indeed, it tells me more about him/ her. it reveal a different person, much to say the more feary side of that person. and when someone is really pissed/ angry, he/she usually can't stayed sitting down. the volume of the voice increases( not the pitch). it also evoke acts of violence sometimes.

A couple of weeks back, read this article in the papers. where a women is abused by her husband for a period of time. you can't use neither short time( it isn't) nor long( it isn't that long too). still, it puzzles me what holds that woman so long before she stands up to retaliate. This scenario co-existed when both parties aren't highly educated and civilised. This unhappiness existed so long before she can stand against. that goes for people. we all realised the unhappiness, but what we did just sit there and let things to detach itself from the main course of the route eventhough sometimes we knew this isn't the best solution.

-= Google in 1960 =-


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yet another post of Mr Brown - My daughter the fish

But will people see her as a fish out of the water, or a sweet little girl inside a costume?

ON Monday morning, at Marina Mandarin, there was a symposium on early intervention for kids with special needs, and kids from my daughter's special school performed a musical item.

My daughter was a fish.

I don't know about the rest of you parents, but for me, this is a moment of pride, one of the highlights of my three-year-old's brief academic career. The last time I was this proud was when Faith learned duck dunks, sticking her head underwater like a duck, then coming up for air (the first time she pulled that stunt, her teachers thought she was drowning and freaked out). I am hoping that Duck Dunks becomes an Olympic event by the time she is old enough to compete. Hey, a Dad could hope.

Sure, at this symposium, the Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports and Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, announced that the Government would be spending $3 million a year for the next five years to fund special early intervention programmes.

That's all good. The Government putting money into special needs is always welcome. But more importantly, my daughter got to be a fish. She was an orange fish, species unknown. Now you may think that being a fish, or the parent of a fish, is easy or glamorous. Just wear the costume and perform lah, I can hear you say.

What you don't see are the weeks of long rehearsals, the hand-made elaborate costumes, the blood and sweat of her teachers preparing the kids and dealing with the temperamental little diva mermaids, fish and seaweed.

And you try getting a toddler used to waking up at 8am to wake up at 7am because she has to be there early for costuming. Then you sit in the audience with your little Orange Fish Girl who is extremely grouchy from lack of sleep.

In the silence of the room, Dr Balakrishnan says the first sentence of his speech. At which point, sleepy and cranky Orange Fish Girl decides to kick up a royal fuss and embarrass her entire fish family. So Mommy Fish takes cranky Orange Fish Girl out of the hall, so that the good Minister can continue his speech. Twice.
When the time came for the item, all the little sea creatures lined up like good sea creatures should, to enter the stage to the cue of the music ("Under the Sea" from the movie "The Little Mermaid").

All but Orange Fish Girl, who decided to go onstage before the music started. Her teacher had to reel her back in. With the help of the teachers on stage, and some Lord-of-the-Rings-quality special effects (soap bubbles to simulate the sea), the kids of AWWA Special School danced/swam their little hearts out.

After that Tony-Award-winning performance, Dr Balakrishnan chatted with the parents of the cast. My wife told him Faith has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). He must have heard it wrong, or it was noisy, or my wife mumbled, because he looked very concerned about Faith's condition, and asked my wife: "Need surgery?"

My wife told him that Faith has autism, a more common name for the condition.

My wife also had the chance to chat with the parents of Faith's fellow sea creature schoolmates.

She asked one mom whose daughter has delayed development, if she sent her to regular kindergartens besides her special school. She said, for a while, her daughter attended a normal kindergarten which was willing to take her in, but that did not last. Because the parents of the "normal" kids complained: "I pay good money to send my child here, what if he/she becomes like her?"

Of course. Autism and delayed development are contagious. Hang around children with special needs and your kid might become stupid too. My wife said it best: What is the use of making your child a genius if you do not teach him how to love and accept others who are different?

This mom she spoke to also has two normal older children. She tells them, when mommy is gone, you must take care of your little sister. She said she doesn't go out much because people stared at her child's "misbehaviour".

Here's an idea, I suggest a "Probation" plate for all special needs kids in future. That way, when they act up in public, people will know why. And also, they can spot the "P" plate from afar, and keep their "normal" children safe from that "disease".

I heard that the Government spent quite a sum of money to develop a set of CD-Roms to give parents of children with special needs some basic tips on how to care for them.

Maybe we should start educating parents with the "normal" kids first. Give them the CD-Roms instead. Then maybe, one day, when people meet my daughter and others like her, they will not see a fish out of water, but the sweet little girl inside the fish costume.

mr brown is the accidental author of a popular website that has been documenting the dysfunctional side of Singapore life since 1997. He is now working on getting his Orange Fish Girl a contract on Broadway, maybe in the musical Cats.

In regards to what you have commented on the case "where a women is abused by her husband for a period of time. you can't use neither short time( it isn't) nor long( it isn't that long too). still, it puzzles me what holds that woman so long before she stands up to retaliate. This scenario co-existed when both parties aren't highly educated and civilised. This unhappiness existed so long before she can stand against."

Why does it be have to be the reason being not highly educated / civilized for the man to abuse his wife, and for the wife to keep silence for so long?

In many cases of maids being abuse, most of the torturers usually quite highly educated, which would mean that they should be quite civilized too isn't it? Yet why do these people still abuse their maids knowing that it's wrong?

In many cases, families where husband and wife are drawing high salaries, where husbands still come back home dead drunk and enjoy the constant whacking of the wives... yet most still choose to bear with it.

Why? it's not they are not educated well enough to know that "hey i have the right to put you behind bars for doing this to me". Could it because, they are just too afraid of the consequences, of what might be the end result?? Could it be because they just have that barrier that by calling for help, it would mean that i've to expose my identity to my peers/social group/family and hang this dirty linen out in the public? Could it be for the simple reason that .. the wife still loves her husband that much that she chooses not to leave even after she is being walloped? Or could it be that she has chosen to stay on for the sake of her children? probably the list goes on...

To withstand such long term unhappiness definitely takes a toll on her i guess.. perhaps no matter how much one tries to put up with/ hang on to.. there will always come to a point that the limit has been reached. sad to say mostly people just snap right there at the very end, resulting them doing something that could be so terrible, or ending a life that could have had the chance to walk down a better path....

=) sorry if i don't make sense..
^_^No. you do make sense.

and this is a society problem which many failed to address. it often raise my eyebrow whenever i saw a case involved educated or civilised or adults drawing high salaries or even someone holding a reputatable position in some big companies.

perhaps it's the instinct in women or those reasons you mentioned in your comment that held them back. i wouldn't know. but i do know that when someone snapped, he/ she will do something not them, something not their usual self will do. as you mention too.

also these events could traumatised the child if kids are involved. a fearful event that could lead to unhappy marriage in the future. maybe MOE might want to highlight this part of education in the textbook( a taboo: SINGAPOREANS ARE BORN TO SPOONFEED) eventhough the scenario happens in the minor group which we knew of.

btw, leaving a nickname or name is a form of courtesy eventhough BLOGGER don't have that function. i would appreciate that.^_^
whoops! i'm sorry .. i'm ange. =)

it's definitely quite amazing when you read the report involving people [who seem to be the least likely to be the ones] who are doing all the wrong.

perhaps for in the asian context.. we still have that certain reservations towards the society and how it would look at us? therefore pushing us to make decisions that [usually might be "unfair"] to ourselves? i guess not many people [be it man or women] would really choose to step out and speak out coz' we afraid of what people would say or look at us.

indeed i pity the children. to think that there are still people who are willing to "try" a child just to save the marriage. i dont know to pity the adults or the child. it's bad enough to bring up a child in this society, now she/he has an added responsibilty to bring his/her parents closer. [sorry if i'm sounding angry or whatever... =(]

anyway.. i was blog hopping from here to there and back and here i landed myself. nice entries! =)
Hi ange,

aah~ you are one of those blog-hoppers.. wahahaha.. do you blog too? and thank you for your comments.

well, the world is full of vampires.. Maybe it's not just the asian context alone. maybe the society and government plays a part. just when is the last time you hear a person voice out his opinion in singapore? or what happen to those debate session we used to see on TV.

the child is innocent. i don't think he/she deserved such responsibility. hehe.. yeah.. you indeed sound abit pissed..
haha yes I’m guilty of blog hopping! Well I did have a blog but i shut it down. moved to blogspot and moved back into the arms of xanga and out again. [females are fickle] plus i'm a blogger who blogs too much bout' depressing things and it's pissing off people. then again i was suppose to blog for myself and not for others isn't it? hrmm and perhaps i'm getting too much of a writer's block lately. i'm failing to write what i really want to say. i can't find the words.can't find the ..hmm.. I guess it’s the words. I’ve a limited vocabulary and a pea size capacity up in my head.

hrmm I reckon you’re also a fellow faithful reader of Mr Brown and the few others who are leaning on the side that “something is really wrong with erm…the management of this little sunny island?”

~. just when is the last time you hear a person voice out his opinion in singapore? or what happen to those debate session we used to see on TV.~

total agreement. one word of disagreement or one sound of unhappiness against so and so and who and whom might just end up having your butt kicked and out of this little island we call our home? or perhaps not that serious.. maybe just you and the four walls of the lonely cell. or just giving up the entire fortune you have to contribute to those who seem to be just living on taxpayers’ hard earn moolah?

sigh. it’s like a home within a cell.
wahahah..maybe cynic is your middle name. no offense.
but anyway... i'm not very well-versed in my english either. just using simple, small words is enough. as long as you ( or whoever) understands what i am saying.. i guess it's fine.

and yesh i am a big fan of Mr Brown. but not on those who thinks there's something missing with the country management. but more of his humour in writing/ words.

wahhaah... it sounds like you are having problems or in different view with the management.?? i probably just see it in a growing up process in a country's upbringing and morphing from one stage to another. Meaning the fault wasn't meant to be there but somehow it evolves with the change of time. or something that the management that time neglect or overlook this matter. i guess .^_^
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