July 13, 2004


Tivoli Radio Classic

: my new radio craze :

+ AM/FM Radio
+ GaAs MES-FET mixer
+ Multi-stage frequency contouring circuit for half-octave adjustments
+ Heavy-duty long-throw 3inch speaker driver
+ Built in antennas
+ F jack and external aerial
+ 12 volt jack for boats, planes and campers
+ Mains lead
+ 3.5mm socket for headphones and recording output
+ 3.5mm aux input socket
+ 11.4cm x 21.2cm x 13.3cm
+ 2.3kg
+ Not a park in Copenhagen, but a lot more fun. (huh?)

saw a few old school stuff. and the radio above is just one of them.^_^ Radio is just too small a word for the Tivoli. Even THE radio, is somehow not enough. In the USA, the name Henry Kloss is an audio industry legend, and the Tivoli is the result of 40 years of his genius. It's a technical and aesthetic marvel, featuring discrete component technology never before used in FM radio, making it capable of pulling in more radio stations than many (frankly most) other hi-fi tuners.

It's beautifully small, gloriously simple, and the sound is, well so astonishingly perfect you'll want to eat it (though please don't). Yet it's mono. Huh? i stood there scratching my heads and going errr a lot. How can it possibly sound so mind-blowingly fabulous and be mono? the salesperson went, " Well it has a custom built, heavy-duty, long-throw drive unit allied to a multi-stage frequency contouring circuit providing remarkable clarity and dynamic range". So i still went eh? Because i've no idea what that means. the salesperson went, "But we've chucked out the stupidly huge and over-designed ghetto blaster we use in the office, and replaced it with this mini marvel that so exquisite and perfect, it almost makes you want to cry. "

US friends please note you will need to buy an electrical adaptor and transformer for this product (UK mains power is 240V and US mains power is 120V, and thus you need a transformer to adapt from one to the other). fortunately these can be bought very easily (and i was told, very cheaply) from your local electrical store. *grin*

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