July 22, 2004


my reflection shows

Been busy.. real busy. that's why you get no posts from me. and the same old words. i am still in the office as i am typing this. getting no life every since i joined Sales. what's day and what's night doesn't really matter now. to me it's another change of colour in the sky.

In the day, on a good day, i get nice view out from the window. with blue skys across the horizon; ships, boats roaming their way through the blue-green waters with clouds' shadows. On a bad day, it just kept on raining. sometimes you get to see part of the view is within the raining premises, it's more obvious when you look at the shadows on the waters.

In the night, i get a reflection of myself in the window. i can tell i looked shagged in it sometimes. and if i stared abit harder. i get to see strings of lights that formed by the roads. or even from ships. perhaps this is what they call working life.

in case you saw a familiar build, tall guy with neatly waxed hair in shirt, tie and pants combing FUNAN, SIM LIM, Adelphi and Park Mall these few days. no need to rub your eyes, it's me. and don't you give me that weird or wtf look. ^_^ yesh i am doing cold calls, knocking on peoples' door. trying to sell advertisements spaces. results is abit fruitful. come to think of it. it tasted sour 1st followed by sweet.

i enjoy meeting people. and this fact hasn't changed for the past few years. perhaps i appeared hostile, perhaps i looked hostile. perhaps i appeared like a iceberg that's hard to break the ice. think i need to brush up on this. and realising the fact that why females are better in sales, mainly because they can multi-task. Yes people, you beloved xiaoqiang can't multi-task.

but he's trying. and he learns a great deal about time management. he needs to get a organiser, a PDA is nice to be on the buying list. *bleah* there's time to play and work. ermm.. no time to work and work and work.

you bet. now my soles hurts... wahahaha
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