July 11, 2004



currently playing Bad English - When i see you smile

i came across this email which my friend sent. it's actually a jpeg picture with chinese characters. it's a story. another love story. another bewail story. i will try my best to translate in english.

but my friend, if you are reading this now. you gotta make a choice. i know and understand it's a difficult for you to tell her. to tell or not to tell. but you got to know that you have to pay for the consequences yourself. to tell, to let her know of your feelings. eventhough we always say girls have this extra sensitivity that she can tell/think that you like her, you still have to tell her. make that statment. not to tell, you will just gonna see her happily with her bf. are you able to take it? is she worthy? are you happy? are you really happy when she is happy? perhaps telling her and let her make the decision for you?


Singapore True Love Story - Lion Hearted

"...You may met alot of people that likes you but you might not met someone you really loved. cherish it if you met one...."

i will always rememebred this is what you said to me. it was secondary one when i first met you. back then, you were always running around like a over-hyperactive athlete. to me, you are like a little brother eventhough it's always you taking care of me.

Remembered once, when i broke into tears when the seniors scolded me; you being smaller in size than me, fought with them fearlessly. you made me cried even more when your face was swollen. i asked why you react this way. you smiled and said you protected me because i am a girl. but you never protect yourself.

Sec. 2. you like to doodle in the midst of lesson. you always refused to show me when i asked to see your drawings. you said you will show me when you improve in your drawings. one day i took a peep in your textbook and was astonished. the whole book was full of drawings of the back of the same girl. but somehow, she looked like me.

Sec.3. i had a boyfriend. you often smirkly tease me that i will fail in my exams. one day unknownly, i reprimanded why don't you get a girlfriend too. you smiled and said you don't know. you will tell me when you thought of one. before i could questioned further, you've turned and left. and i realised you have grown so much taller than me when you walked away.

We entered into different JCs. you said we still can be friends despite different schools. you always called me after every sememster examinations and chit chat till wee hours. even when i have a tiff with my boyfriend, you will be on my side and scolded him. talking with you has become one thing i longed for.

I seldom met any of our secondary school friends but for unknownly, i often met you regardless at the gate or the bus interchange. whenever i asked why i saw you coincidence-tally, you always replied, perhaps it's fate. and even if it's fate, it doesn't explained why i saw you sitting/ resting at the bustop in noon and saw you again at the same spot after shopping till late evening. you just grined and said hey, met you again.

7th Oct. you never fail, never forget that it's my birthday. you will punctually arrived at the gate, gave a surprise present and wished me happy birthday. when i asked when you arrived. you always smiled and said just. but why you always just arrived at the gate whenever i asked.

Nov in the same year. i broke up with my boyfriend. you almost wrote to me even i didn't reply a single one. i asked why, you only smiled and say, nothing, just bored. the probability of me "bumping into you" went up too. i asked why, you shrug, smiled and said, guess it's fate.

Christmas that year, you dated me because we have no one to celebrate with. i agreed. but my selfishness got over me when my ex-boyfriend came looking for me. i kept apologising that i stood you up from 6pm to 11pm. you only smiled. and you gave me the present and left after you saw my ex behind me.

since then, i don't bump into you "unknownly". i don't received your calls. i no longer see your trademark humoured grin. i only received a letter from on 26th Dec that says, You may met alot of people that likes you but you might not met someone you really loved. cherish it if you met one. and you tried to cherish but now you gave it up.

it was year 2 in uni when i received your call again. our uni was just next to one another. you said, we will be friends forever. we went back to our old days again. but you never knew it i have fallen. you never knew i did not went back to my ex back during christmas. but i knew you already had a loving girlfriend.

upon graduation, you chose to lab research. i went aboard to further my studies. i only told you there's also me loving you before i left. you didn't hold me back. you only grined and said, i don't love you, and you are just a passerby in my life. else i would have chose you then. but what you didn't know is that when i realised whom i loved, he has left.

i decided to marry my boyfriend whom i met in states. you turned up on the wedding day itself. someone like you who have never left the country actually turned up on my wedding and said, just feel like coming to states.

my heart got mixed up and i started looking all over for you before the ceremony. you were nowhere to be seen until i saw a familiar back figure under a tree. this was the 1st time i saw you crying. i ask why. you ignored me and didn't reply, you just kept crying. it was only when i kissed your tears and you whispered.

"...nothing, it's just that... i love you."

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