June 14, 2004


wala surprise

Celebrated Gerry's post-birthday last friday nite at wala walas. Jeremy was in town just in time to celebrate with her. though friday wasn't her actual day. we( me, jon & candice, kel, dickson and jeremy) were planning for surprise. but it backfired when almost everyone of us turned up late. i got late, VERY LATE when i actually knocked off about 9 plus. met dickson in town to get a polo ralph key chain for gerry. jeremy was hounding on us, probably on everyone as well; to get our butts down. 'cos they were there early just to chop seats for us...*aww~*

Received a sms from jeremy, " my gf is crying." it backfired a huge bit when the birthday girl cried. now it's never never a good sign. yesh, dicky i agreed. it's never a good sign when the birthday girl cried. We( dicky and me) got there pretty late after so much of cab-waiting. the old man up there probably heard our desperates and plead that he sent 2 buses to send us there. yesh, took one and changed to another to reached holland v. got a quick KFC dinner before getting wasted that night. hey, i rushed from office.

Sorry, Gerry. though our explainations and reasons is not enough why we were late. we really hope you have a great night.

Nigel & Terry, the other Gerri even Nick & his gf arrived later followed by Jon and Candice. Kelvyno, Ian, Jeremy, Charmaine and a couple of new friends, Yvonne, Tim, Darren were there. Susan & her cousin, Daph arrived later too. got pretty wasted with jeremy's compliments of Corona's, jugs of stella artois and another pint of hoegaarden. it was just plain drowning with beer.

something hits me last friday while have a KFC quickie. it doesn't felt right when you have 3 friends crying in a row in 2 days.

photos are compliments from Ian.

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