June 17, 2004


proper nutrition can turn back time

i just got to know one of the most famous artists of the twentieth century is known simply by his last name. Which is a good job because his full name was Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso. jesus christ!! who would ever name their son such a long name. as if by naming him this way, you gonna shout out to all ancestors, telling them you have a son!! ( i am just making a guess). and do you think when the priest say prayers before they buried him, by saying the full name; will the ancestors jump out from their graves? or he will rest in peace? i can imagine his soul went, " hurry and finish the prayers, i wanna go to heaven and the body wanna rest in peace!!" and the engraver must be cursing and swearing that he has to engrave such a long name on the tombstone. *bleah*

okie, we shouldn't hit a joke on dead people and religion. i apologised with sincerity.

today, my collegue bought an electronic ion toothbrush today at WATSON's. this is how it works. and it only works with a wet hand, thumb or finger. the battery operated toothbrush will draw negative charged ions to the brushes. and these ions will separated the plague or bacteria from the tooth thus cleaning the teeth more effectively with toothpaste. this is what i called science rules. i was joking with her that hopefully she will not get electric-shock while brushing her teeth. that will leave quite an ugly expression on her face. whaahahaha.....

read canny's xanga and decides to paste this down from a brochure.

- Vitamin A fights free radicals and protects the skin from sun damage. it can also rebuild skin elasticity and enhance smoothness.

- Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen to keep skin firm and elastic. berris and citrus fruits are rich sources of vitamin c.

- Vitamin E is a potent free radical fighter and probably the most powerful within the antioxidant family. it can be found in abundance in dark green leafy vegetables.

other antioxidant food to opt for include broccoli( a rich source of beta- arotene), grapes (which contain more than 12 types of antioxidants), spinach (a rich source of beta-carotene and lutein) and tomatoes( contains the richest source of lycopene, a very potent antioxidant).

the drinks you consume can also help you fight ageing. red wine is rich polyphenol, an antioxidant that is more potent than vitamin A, C and E. in addition to fight free radicals, it can help skin build up a defensive barrier and prevent ageing. green tea is a well-known antioxidant drink as it contain Catechin, as well as being a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

*phew, rest for 3 seconds*

- adequate mineral intake is also good for skin health. Zinc, for instance can improve lymphatic and blood cirulation, balance sebaceous glands, and maintain skin elasticity. sesame, walnuts, oysters, beef and pork are good zinc zources.

fruits such as apples and kiwis are good for skin helth because fruit acids can stimulate collagen production, which can help maintain skin elasticity.

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