June 23, 2004


the haze is back . . .

OH MY GRACIOUS!!!! the haze is back. i was sitting in HR manager office today which has one of the nicest view in shenton way. it's facing this waterplace in front of one fullerton. it's pretty nice like gazing in the blue sky across the waters to sheares bridge. but today was hell. it's hazy, foggy for the whole day. saw the news last night that the forest fire has started in indonesia. currently affected countries are Indonesia(stupid idiots, set fire to themselves) and Malaysia, especially KL.

these forest fire occurs when farmers burnt crops. this technique called " slash and burn " technique. commonly used in third world, less developed countries where less advise or knowledge in reforestation or earth conservation. phew~ so much for being a geography student. i guess i must have thrown a lot things back to the teachers.

on a side note.....

met miss vera on monday. though we supposed to meet up on monday. we bumped into each other on saturday. wahahah, finally..... after so much of chatting, emailing. so much of you read my blog, i read yours. so much of you've seen me and i haven't see you. it's really nice to meet up and do a little catch up. and your sis too. kinda funny. i'm sorry to say this that i have a bit difficulty to catch your accent. but i managed to piece everything together. and i understand what's going on during that chat in STARBUCKS. hope to see you soon when you come back from M-land's capital. it's kinda unsafe and unhealthy there now. take care.

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