May 26, 2004

what happens...

What happens when you:

1) have nothing to do

2) own a sharp knife

3) have a large lime

4) own a patient cat

5) drink too much tequila

6) and it's football season?



i was talking to my friend today when someone ask about my nick. below is the conversation. i renamed it as xiaoqiang is lovelorn.. i'm fine. not to worry. just that i've a emotional side of me behind the chubby, glutt frame.(hey i do have k) and she mentioned about variations of emotions. she already lost or can't find the feeling. will a person forget the feelings, how to be felt, the process to feel and the taste of the feel after being stranded... errr.. stranded is not a good word; ..err...distanced him/herself away for some reasons. will he/she?

......Your face is just beaming
Your smile got me boasting, my pulse roller-coastering
Anyway the four winds that blow
They're gonna send me sailing home to you...

qouted from lyrics of For your Babies
the full version is located below the counter on the right.

i had the similar experience. you see, i was single for quite a while.( for those who knew, yes) was single for so long till a point i couldn't tell what i felt for a girl. couldn't tell if the girl likes me. girls to me are just plainly opposite sex in gender. just plainly friends. till someone ask if am fussy about what kind of girls i go for. till a point someone came and ask me if i am a gay( NEVER will i become a gay!! ). somehow i just forgot about the sour sweetness and the bitter ache of love. somehow i just... forgot.. somehow i was so engrossed in building a career till.... she came along..*smile*


friend says: u're love sick?

friend says: love lorn?

friend says:
who didcha lose?

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:
yeah lor~

xiaoqiang says:

friend says:

friend says:
why are you lovelorn?

friend says:
more imptly, u alright?

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:
i'm fine... not to worry...

xiaoqiang says:
just lovelorn that's all..

xiaoqiang says:

friend says:

friend says:
i think sometimes it's nice to have a variation of emotions

friend says:
such as being able to feel lovelorn

friend says:
i've been attacehd for so long

friend says:
i don't know what these little bits of emotions feel like anymore

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:

xiaoqiang says:
but such emotions torments your heart ...

xiaoqiang says:
isn't it good to forget the feeling..

friend says:
i guess

friend says:
but these emotions also indirectly force you to grow up in some ways

friend says:
understand yourself better

friend says:
the strange thing about life is, when the rotten things happen to you, you never appreciate them, but you gain so much more

friend says:
the lessons in life, that is.

friend says:
ironic, huh?

friend says:
when you're happy, you hardly sit down and think bout why things are the way they are.

xiaoqiang says:
yesh it does...

xiaoqiang says:
human got to grow up in each and every way...

xiaoqiang says:
but i think it would be blissful not to know alot of things..... remain as naive and real

xiaoqiang says:
but reality bites...


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Just make sure you come back to this site to let us know how you are doing!
John, hope all is well with your" legal jobs" search.
Maybe you can find looking for "careers" at
Just make sure you come back to this site to let us know how you are doing!
Hey everyone! Cool site! The customer support seems good and the technology jobs are endless. Maybe I will have a better directmatch searching for human resources
since my keyword "customer care jobs" did not fit as intended.
Glad I found you! Keep on keepin on!
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