February 15, 2004

singapore true love stories - love = infatuation ? [part 1/3]

xiaoqiang says: it's been while that i've last posted a love story. this is yet another story from a friend of mine. minimal edits was done to the story.
some took a month to realise what they want from love. some took 4 years to realise it. some took too long to realise, and youth and time, were what they paid with. i remembered one of my friend told me it's never too late to realise what we want. then i asked him wouldn't it be too late to realise it when you are already 50. 'cos certain things you already can't changed. be glad you realised it now than later.

"If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."

What is Love? Can it ever be defined? Is Love = Infatuation or are they two independent variables that are often thought to be the same? These are questions I am trying to figure out myself.

I have been through many relationships. I started at a young age of 12. But, these relationships are more for fun and experience. More like a fashion trend and at that time I thought I know what love is. "Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'"
-Erich Fromm .

Even, when it came to my last relationship, I thought I have found love and know exactly what love is. For four and a half years, I was with this guy that I thought I truly love. I thought that he is the one for me; the one I am going to settle down with in future and have a family with. But, in the second half of 2003, cracks started to appear in the relationship and this is when I realised how weak this relationship was. He is definitely not the one for me and in all these years I realised that I do not exactly love him, more of I need him for companionship. It is also during this point of time I learnt what love is.

H is a guy that entered my life on August 2003. He’s someone that everyone would feel comfortable talking with and is a natural live wire. I remembered that he was sitting just beside me and I did not even really take notice of him, as I was busy catching up with my close friends sitting on the other side of me. It is only when we were asked to form project groups, we were lacking of a member so I turned over and asked him. Well… that’s the starting of a beautiful friendship…

At that point my relationship with my boyfriend was still ok. But, as I was getting busier with schoolwork and with the mounting pressures, things began to turn sour. I was facing a lot of pressure from him as well and his possessive streaks were showing more clearly. Juggling work with the relationship was taking a toll on my mental health. I was facing tremendous depression that I have to start taking medication. At that time, I was ashamed of my condition, I thought of myself as a weakling and a failure. My self-esteem went down the slope and I was crying at the slightest things.

There were times that I thought my sanity is gonna break. But, during this period, H was there. He seems to know me well and it was always a great pleasure chatting with him. He is there when I am down; he is there when I need someone to turn to. He is there to lend me a shoulder to cry on. We became close friends and I respect him a lot for his bright outlook of life. Working with him for our projects made me realise how we are so similar in many ways, yet different. Thus, its always a pleasure to work and chat with him as we understand each other perfectly without having to give much explanations.

to be continue......

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