February 02, 2004

dwell in cough syrup

*cough* i was sick for the past 2 days. kana something what they call a common flu and cough. i was totally energiless on fri and sat.*cough* *cough* literally slept through the whole saturday. things i've missed on saturday:

- suppose to go over Danli's place for post-CNY celebration.

- suppose to meet up with douglas and gang for dinner before he flies back to aussie-land.

- suppose to go kinokuniya to check out comics and some books.

- suppose to go to zouk to have a last drinking session with vincent, mei and hanwei before they left for aussie-land.

*sigh* sorry douglas. i can't made it for the dinner.. Sorry, Vinc & Mei and Hanwei, couldn't make to send you guys off.

Can't go out on Sunday due to Her Majesty's(mum) order. in the end, can't make it for yingying's gathering at her place. and something i just realise that in the post " a note of crushes part II", it's probably the 1st time i mention that i have a crush on somebody... is this the 1st time.. or the 2nd time?

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