January 06, 2004


here's my late greetings to you people. to my friends. to my brothers. to my sisters. happy new year. wahoo~

my 2003 ended with a short story of its own. one definitely most least expected. it was on one of the saturdays,towards the end of Dec 2003 and i waited to catch LORD OF THE RINGS after the launch. yes, i am not a typical kiasu singaporean. i don't rush and queue up for stuffs. but still i was kind of rushing for time so i took a cab down to town.

this cab driver was like a old man who retired to drive taxi. but no, he drove for about 20 years. i told the driver that i rushing for time, 'cos my female friend needs help. which i lied. then we were like engaged in a conversation over this friend..bla bla bla..i'm fine as long as someone chat with me in a politely, courteous manner. but those who started saying " i have something to share with you....bla bla bla.." can buzz off. i'm not interested, not a bit.

we were on the expressway when the taxi supposed to turn into the exit leading to Marina Square but it went on..

" ermm.. uncle, think you missed a turn."

"you're not going to marina south?"

"no uncle, i am going to marina square.."

"sorry sorry, i must have heard wrongly. i make a U-turn now, we still can make it round at the next exit." and he conviniently turned off the meter. it was $6 plus on the meter.

i was like stunned.. not by his words but his actions. where in the singapore could you find such a taxi driver? i'm not sure about the world, but this is my 1st encounter in our humble green city. eventually, i reached Marina Square. i gave the uncle $12 which i thought it should be around the actual price...

the uncle was like "No no!! i can't!! it's my fault..." i ran out of the cab knowing that i'm late for the movie. but on normal circumstances, when you saw this guy ran out from a cab and saw the driver shouting at him.. you probably thought that this guy did not pay the fare.

i'm sorry, uncle, i lied.( confession time~! wahahhaha) but you are really a nice person. and you need to make a living. let's all do our part and make this city a better place. or at least do our bit to boost the economy.

if you come across or board this cab SHB 723x and it's a old indian driver, probably in his 50s. that's him. and don't you take advantage of his kind-hearted soul. what goes around will come back to you. cheerz to mr taxi-driver, may 2004 a better year for you.

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