January 23, 2004

r e f l e c t i o n s

10pm - dickson's place, chilling, burning CDs

11pm++ - Mag came over after work.

12am++ - met up with Paul at St James PowerHouse( i wish~)

4am++ - still at St James Powerhouse. the set juz ended.

5am++ - at Fong Seng, having prata for superfast(supper + breakfast)

I was at St James PowerHouse with Paul Van Dyke last night. yesh..we have a very intimate session. wahahah juz kidding. PVD is in town on Chinese New year Day 1 spinning. this set was also riding on the launch of his new album, Reflections. he was one of my favourite DJs. so gonna support him man. though bar counters were crowded with people with drinks, drinks and drinks. it looked as if the booze was on free-flow. but it's not. but at least one bartender was one of my junior. think he's still stuck with NS *opps*... PVD was spinning some great tracks + the atmosphere was like one of those HK rave parties. Matthew and vincent were the centre of attraction when this duo played the lightsticks. well, too bad no pix to show ya guys how beautiful they swinged the sticks along with the trance.

i want to play PVD's songs for this post but then again, it sux on website background's music. i aren't gonna spoil the songs man. so i played another one.

Chinese New Year 2nd day - wet day.... very wet day.

While i was enjoying myself last nite, i was rather caught up in the middle of a strange strife. one is a guy and another is a girl. we shall not name them. but apparently, they are not together at all. but it seems like one party has extented expressed his/ her concern over certain issues. which i would think these issues shouldn't cbe onsidered at all when both of them are not even together. i believe there's a certain stand a friend should stands and a certain stand a friend should keep. we shouldn't step over this line, though this line is real thin and often overlooked. i just hope this 2 will be fine, after all, they would make a good couple. only if they said the magic words.*grin*

--A Note on Crushes: Part I--

currently playing John Mayer - Back to You

Taking this theme from Miss vera's friend,Fiona's blog,

qoute from miss vera: "I suppose it might be beneficial to you readers to get an idea of what type of crushes that I might go through, have gone through, or have just seen/heard of"


1. Evolutionary Crush: perhaps the most common out of all my crushes, this crush usuallyevolves from a friendship. It is probably the most secure of all crushes, being that the crushee and crusher have been friends for quite awhile so each person can get to know the other as him/herself. There is less of a tendency to hide the flaws and bad character. However, it only works out if both individuals start of as true friends, with no inkling of a crush involved. It could have the potential of leading to a relationship. Note the word "could".

2. Obsessive Crush: perhaps the rarest of my crushes being that I usually have too many things of importance to take care of, this crush is the 24/7 crush. Every spare moment is spent thinking about ways to get crush or just crush in general. Usually it prevents any sort of productivity whatsoever, and it can be quite dangerous! This type of crush can also evolve into "Stalker Crush" *see #6

3. Fantasy Crush: this crush is similar to fiona's fake crush, and I have to say that eversince LOTR: Fellowship, Orlando Bloom has been my hot hot fantasy crush. This is the crush on some celebrity or nonexistent person/elf/magical being (even counting any hot anime boys like the White Knight from Sailor Moon - give me a break, I was twelve!)

4. Visual Crush: this is something like Fi's physical crush, but I use visual because there is an addition to her description of a physical crush. Not only does this crush make you want to "toss into a closet and make out with/shag madly", it also gives you thoughts of how beautiful your children will be. On top of those two factors, this is the type of crush where you want on your arm, wherever you go, because this crush is so drop-dead hot hot hot that he/she will make all other persons on the street/hospital/federal building gawk with extreme jealousy and wantonness. LOL I can't say that I have ever been on the crushee end of such a crush, but I have definitely been a crusher!

5. Passing Crush: something like a fleeting crush, it happens usually as a one-night obsession. The crushee is usually someone of hotness, and is usually met at a large gathering - like a club or a party. The crush can last for the entire night and with good luck, a make-out session or two, and then at the end of the night, the crush leaves, thus terminating the crush.

6. Stalker Crush: such a crush involves knowledge of AIM, computers, extremely awesome social skills, and the ability to "disappear" at the drop of a hat to cover your bases. It is the crush that involves finding email addresses, AIM names, and phone numbers. It sometimes can lead to frequent phone calls to his/her house simply to hear the crushee say "hello? hello?" only to slam down the phone in record-breaking time. Other actions might psychotically include driving by crushee's apartment in hopes of catching a glimpse of crushee. Mind you, I have never engaged in such a crush because I have never found anyone that worthy of such time and devotion on my part.

7. "Unsuitable Crush": this is as described by miss fiona as well...unsuitable. I tend to call it the Smoking-Crack crush because it usually involves some psychotic action of picking a crushee that has absolutely no comparison to yourself whatsoever.

8. Pragma Crush: taken from Lewis's definitions of Love, pragma love is based purely on "financial benefits": what do I get for what I might put in? Pragma Crushers usually go into a crush thinking of the benefits that they could obtain from the crushee and also analyze the potential disasters that could result from going through such a crush. They are, essentially, your financial analysts of crushes. Such crushes include huge risk assesment, frequent group meetings (with friends) to analyze any drops or rises in the present investment(s), and have frequent bouts of transitions and sales from one pragma crush to a new pragma crush.

9. Unrealistic Crush: this is the type of crush, as defined by fiona, that falls on a crushee that has absolutely no potential whatsoever to work out into a relationship of any sort. This is somewhat similar to a Fantasy Crush, except that the crushee is usually someone of equal status with frequent chances of running-ins, bump-ins, elevator moments, etc.

10. Denial Crush: this type of crush involves actual crushing on the crusher's part, but a mental denial that one has an actual crush. There could be many reasons for this crush, the most obvious being that the crusher has just gotten out of a relationship (usually a bad relationship) and is mentally in denial of wanting any sort of relation to the opposite sex. Emotionally however, the crusher is indeed a crusher and has one of the crushes mentioned in this post. Such crushes are blindly defined as "chill sessions", "hanging out", and so on when truth is, it is a blatant relationship of crusher and crushee.

There are of course, other types of crushes, but to go into each and every one with serious contemplation would be a huge time chunk out of my day.So until Part II, you will have to bear with this unconcluded post.


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