January 11, 2004


currently playing 98 Degree - i do( cherish you)

this might be a long post and i'm don't intend to split this post up. my year 2004 started with one of my closest friends, my bro Lip & his wife, Jolene ROM. i would say, it's abit stressful for this really young couple. but i think they will be just fine.

had lip's last bachelor dinner at one of Suntec's restaurant. orr.. lip, next time when you fill forms, you have to check the " married" box. well, we waited for douglas & sharon for quite a while. you probably can tell from my face expression. i am really full after the dinner. it's one of those ala carte style steamboat. back to the hotel was getting ready for the big day the next day. my hands got abit itchy while waiting the 2 of them finished their obsession with the bath tub. i decided to look for mr and mrs bear and trying to teach them we humans mate.

while the both of them enjoyed their lovely b'fast, douglas and myself made our way to mcdonalds. and also to pick up the flowers. by the way, the florist is not bad looking. i can't named her here but the flower shop is at basement one of raffless city. hah! the make-up artist is there when we reached the hotel room. no rush or hurry for us(as if we were pros) before the ceremony starts. but before the ceremony commence, i had a chit-chat conversation with the JP aka Justice of Peace. yes, he is David Loh. He appeared on 4th Jan, Sunday Plus. he was telling me the camera he's holding has an age. but it never fails him when taking the current archives of wedding pictures. even when the camera had be dropped on the floor twice... well, boys and girls, try to get Mr Loh to be your JP when it's your turn. he is really a funny person.

besides waiting for " i do", i am also waiting for the big spread of food which jolene has been reminding me one month back. that's the bride and the girls. unfortunately, roger couldn't make it due to his duties...damn.

below are some shots, which i found it amusing myself.

i love you two. Lip and Jolene once again, congrats. alright, knots were tied. when am i gonna see lip junior?

# posted by xiaoqiang @ 1/11/2004 06:12:00 PM
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