January 05, 2004

boredom kills time

i am bored. but it might a better idea to get to know myself better. at least for this new 2004. *grin*

Name: x i a o q i a n g
++ Birth date: Independence Day
++ Birthplace: Mount Alvernia Hospital
++ Current Location: singapore
++ Eye Color: sometimes black sometimes brown
++ Hair Color: dark black
++ Height: 182cm (wooah~)
++ Righty or Lefty: RiGHtY!
++ Zodiac Sign: Cancerous

++ Favourite Colour: too many
++ Your weakness: being tall
++ Your fears: now would be hunger.
++ Your perfect pizza: Lots of ham... pepperoni..... cheese...

++ Wad's Your eMail add? it's in this website, find it yourself
++Wad's ur Favhouse chores? how can there be a fav? either the chore choose u or u kick the chore
++ Your most missed memory: when i was young..

++ In love?: yesh...
++ AnythinG to talk Abt LovE? too profound for me now.

++ Smoke: yesh..one stick. but i hate it then.
++ Curse: always
++ Sing: i'm a bathroom singer
++ Take a shower everyday: needless to say..
++ Have a crush: once a while
++ Do you think you've been in love: yesh.
++ Believe in yourself: Always.
++ Sick: once a year maybe..minor
++Think you're attractive : Confidence is the thing i believe in, so ans is yes. thank you.
++ Think you’re a health freak?: hmmmm..
++ Get along with your parent(s): yes
++ Get Along with youR gRandPareNts? yesh.. though i haven't seen another 2.
++ What is yOur cca in Skool? air rifle.

++ drank alcohol: of cos
++ Smoked: no
++ Done a drug: controlled or uncontrolled?
++ Had Sex: no, not for the past 3 years
++ In a Relationship: no, not for the past 3 years
++ Gone on a date: yah..
++ Gone to the mall?: yup
++ gonE overSea? no
++ Eaten sushi: yes
++ Been on stage: nope
++ Been dumped: yesh
++ Gone skating: yUp

++ Ever sEcretly like a person?? yes..*blush*
++ hOw loNg u BeeN waIting for him/her?? can't remember
++ enD a FriendShip with yOur Friend? cant remember...
++ been caught "doing something": something?
++ dUmp or reject someOne? yEah.
++ bEing asKed by thE samE perSon t0 bE with him/her: yesh..
++ Shoplifted: yesh..did it gracefully
++ Changed who you were to fit in: no.

++ Age u Hope to get married - 27( that's impossible!!)
++ Numbers and Names of Children: depends on my wife..
++ Describe your Dream Wedding: Fairy tale type..
++ How do you want to die: gloriusly
++ does your heart still hurt? no..

LAYER NINE: In the opposite sex
++ Best eye color?: no preference
++ Best hair color?: depends on the person
++ Height: i'm 6 feet, so what do you think?
++ Best weight: subjective..
++ Best articles of clothing: anything she fits lor
++ Best first date location: can't remember..
++ Best first kiss location: by the road..

++ # of drugs taken illegally: can't remember
++ # of people I could trust with my life: hmmm..
++ # of CDs that I owned: can't remember..
++ # of tattoos: nil
++ # of scars on my body: 2
++ # of things in my past that I rEgRet: read my story and you will know..

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