December 04, 2003

only time will tell

xiaoqiang's words : this is part 2 of the story from previous post.
gotten another love story from my friend. little editing was done to the story to keep it as original. our lives is a daily never-rehearsed drama. alot of things wasn't meant to happen but they did. it even happened without obeying the rules of the game. i call such events, miracle.

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singapore true love stories - only time will tell (part 2/2)

also playing Lisa Ono - I wish You Love

....continued from the part 1

2 years plus into the relationship, even after countless fights between us, even with his NS interrupting us, our relationship was still going strong. Everything was perfect!

Then, he was convicted of drug possession and consumption. He stopped fooling with drugs after he was with me. His friend slipped some in their drinks, and passed him some to hold on. But he was unlucky enough to get caught. For 8 months, I could only talk to him through letters and monthly visits. He was so skinny then. I almost couldn't recognise him anymore.

Yet I was prepared to wait for him, and stick with him, no matter how tough the future may be. When he was released, holding his hands again became an alien affair. But he was still my boyfriend. I thought nothing could ever break us up again.

Until I found a photo of a girl in his wallet. Said it was a colleague from the Pasar Malam, where he worked. He was always talking on the phone with her as well. Sometime after that, I found another picture of him hugging the girl. He went home very late all the time. This lead to a whole period of pain, suspicion, fights, tears, and more bitterness.
He completely denied her relationship with him.

I had her number copied in my handphone. Very bitchy for me to do that,
but being avoided by someone whom you loved and sacrificed for, it's something totally excruciating. I called her one day, and true enough she said he was her boyfriend. Apparently, he hid my existance from her. Both of us broke up with him that night.

How I loved him so, but he told me he missed her more, rather than me.
He said sorry. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop thinking. I couldn't stop hurting. At that period of time, Jay Chou's "An Jing" was the song that reduced me to tears everytime I hear it.

I became the 3rd-party for some time. Nights when he was out with her, I was home waiting for his call. There was no words to describe the pain I was in. He said he would break up with her sooner or later.
Which he did. We got back together after that. I have won the battle!

Once again, I thought I would never lose him, ever again. We talked of registering our marriage in September 2003. Went shopping for rings even. Even he was broke, even he was still an NS man. even if he had no future, even if my family objected to it. I was prepared to marry him.
I brought him home finally, after nearly 4 years together.

One day he told me, we should postpone our ROM. I couldn't speak. He was the one who suggested it, and now he's cancelling it. I could only cry in bed, until I fell asleep.

One Sunday, while he was sleeping, I had this gut feeling to check up on his handphone. Again very sneaky of me, but the feeling was so strong. I saw another girl's messages. Called him dear, said she will tell her mum about them when they became more stable.I slapped him. For the first time in 4 years. I slapped him. I packed my things and left crying relentlessly.

The story was over. Our story.

That night, as we conversed over the phone, he told me he didn't like her. Kissed her out of drunken-ness he told me. He was crying like a baby. I could only laugh with my heart totally smashed up. He did not ask me to stay, he knew he could not trust himself not to stray again.

It was really over. Nearly 8 months after breaking up, I still kept in contact with him. Even though he found another girlfriend within one month of our breakup. He is someone who is extremely fearful of loneliness. I understand that.

I will never forget him, and yes, I forgived him. Our lives will never cross paths again. But I've learnt a great deal about loving another, so it was time well spent. I would like to think so.

Only time will tell - and so it really did.


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