November 30, 2003


Day 2 in M-land

We woke up fresh and recharged. though the matter( refer to day 1 in M-land) still sticked in our head. we agreed to head to S-Land embassy 1st. did i mention in the previous post that there's something weird in their train design?

well, basically, when we first entered the station, we saw everyone queueing up in the centre among those doors to the train. i was thinking, oh come'on, there's other doors which you can enter the train. * laughing in my heart* little that i knew the train that arrived was shorter than the station could accomodate. it's like there's 8 doors on each side of the station, but the train itself has only 3 doors. OMG!!! we gotta rushed in else we would missed the train in front of our eyes.. and we managed to squeeze in. the one you saw left top in the pix above was taken in the monorail. it's more realistic.

bad news hit us when we arrived at S-land embassy. we were told by the security guard that the embassy is opened from Mon - FRi, 0900hrs to 1700hrs. huh? shouldn't it be opened everyday? i was cursing and swearing,:

qiang: " WHAT!!! shouldn't it be open everyday?

lip: "S-landers will run into problems on mondays to fridays and from 9 in the f**king morning to 5 in the afternoon?!?"

qiang: " Why like that?!?! And they gotten a M-landian to be a security guard? god knows what happen if there's riot here. *Pui!* and look!! Bushland embassy opposite is OPEN on a saturday ."

Well, nothing can cheer us up now. we could be listed as illegal immigrants. and we longed heard stories about S-landers got into troubles regarding the same issue. Well, we just have one more day to enjoy ourself.

Went to Sunway Lagoon. you gotta take a train down and switched to a bus to reach there. i was amazed by the bus driver and M-landians when the bus stopped to pick up passengers or they alight from the bus systemmatically. 'cos i don't see any bus-stops. i manage to solve to mystery. but i forgot to take picture of it. well, bascially there's a signboard nailed in on a lamppost or a wooden pole; with a bus symbol/ picture on it. 1st thing to do when we reached the enormous mall was to find a proper place to eat. which we all decided settle it over at A&W. whahah~ and we got a prize from there...

it wasn't that fun at all. though we wanted so much to try going near the man-made waves. but only with a body-surfbroad( those were the rules..duh~) We got changed, readied to rent the board when the guy told us the waves will stopped in the next 12 mins... huh? i guess it's juz bad luck. gotten the floats instead and went on the lazy pool ride around the whole lagoon. it was a misfortune for Lip to lose his Oakley shades we took the slides. And it was his misfortunate again~ in the bathroom when he didn't picked up the sony digital camera + battery + the cables, bascially everything intact in a sony bag. yesh.. the camera can easily compensate his shades..

Aww~! lip, why didn't you...

we were quite pissed while waiting for the girls. well, it's not the girls who pissed us off. it's the waves~! people were surfing in the man-made waves again....Argh~!

another unlucky day in M-land ...* did i brought pork in?*

to be continue...


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