June 12, 2003

Yesterday 11 June 2003, i was abit not myself..I had something in my mind yet i don't know what is it.. i kept thinking what is it....11 June 11 June 11 June ...was it somebody's birthday or some big day..i wonder, ponder, honder............. then is after talking to ASL, then i realized it's her birthday..*sigh, how could i forget* i hope its not too late to wish her..

today is 12 June which is also Do's birthday( i think).whatever she do, wherever she is, i wished her a happy, meaningful birthday.

Today i dusted, sweeped, cleaned, mopped and moved the furniture in my room. i even started washing some clothes.. the 1st day of becoming " THE HOUSEMAN". wahahhaha, I wondered if that is such a man who don't work and stay at home doing the chores; while the woman (his wife) worked instead, bringing enough money for the family..??

i looked at the photos taken during my poly days.. though i didn't take much.. i found alot of funny things my group of frens n i do together. Most of the things we did were in sch. *grin* I'm glad i found this group of frens.
which we once called ourselves " PUCK Brothers"(i can't remember why we called that). Till today, we still meet each other almost every weekends.. Probably can't get enough of each other. 1 is in Australia studying, 2 of them loan their lifes to defend the country( one has 2 more months only to loan, and that's ME), 1 is battling and protecting the civilians. The last one swore his life to protect the country. I looked at the photos and i looked at them.. Boy, we grown older...

Singapore True Love story ~ it's all started on a train ride....

(also playing Sade - by your side)

It was just before the O level examinations when I first saw you on the west-bound MRT train, you looking so handsome and charming in the pale blue college uniform. I was instantly entranced by the sight and couldn't take my eyes of you...

However, all I could do then was to absorb as much detail about you as I can,your smart face, your name written on the gold-coloured name tag and the position you hold in the school council. At that time, I made up my mind to put that particular college you are in as my first choice regardless of my grade and the distance between the school and my house in the east.

As expected, I was posted to the college you are in, famous for its chiobus. I was afraid, lost and felt alone in the midst of all the students who seemed to have their own companies from their previous school. I, however, was completely alone as your college is not popular among the students from my secondary school, who chose more popular colleges located in the east. However, I persevered and managed to make some new friends. The day passed quickly as there are many administrative work to be done.

On the second day, we were told of our classes and each class were allocated 2 orientation group leaders. I caught sight of you holding a signboard with a class number and I prayed and hoped that you would be my OGL. I was elated when the announcer called out my name and I found you standing in front of the hall with the class number. I really thank God for answering my prayer. Another booster was when you told us that you are our direct senior and we could always ask you questions regarding school work.

When you were introducing yourself to the class and telling us more about the school, I can't help having a silly grin plastered on my face. I felt really stupid when you asked me why I kept smiling and obviously I can't tell you it's because I'm too happy Lady Luck's with me. However, you told me later on that it was because of my silly smile that made talking to the class and me easier. I was glad that I had that smile on the particular occasion.

The Orientation Week was filled with joy and laughter, not only was it because I had a really great class but also because you were part of it. However, all good things come to an end and I saw you less and less after the Orientation Week was over.

During this time, I especially look forward to Wednesdays when I could see you and spend time with you during ECA. We have grown closer to each other by now for you to talk easily to me and to greet me while passing by each other at corridors. I was over the sky everytime these occasions arose.

Then it was time for the Orientation Camp. Once again, I was praying that God would be good and I would be distributed to the group you are in charge of and once again, my prayers were answered. I remembered you saying, "very unlucky hor? stuck with me again." I just smiled as I feel completely the opposite.

During this camp, I have the priviliege to get to know you even better and found out that you have a handsome heart atop of your handsome looks. Your caring and outgoing personality result in girls enveloping you like bee to honey. I am just a mere plain Jane among these girls.

On the last night of the camp, a friend and I managed to get your attention and we talked for more than an hour. We exchanged views about love, shared our problems etc. It was a really wonderful time and we were watched by the envious girls in the area.=) It is unfortunate that we cannot continue our discussions as the night curfew neared.

The camp brought me many fond memories, the exchanging and writing of notes to each other, the jokes we shared, the gawky laugh you have, the lovely times when we all joined hands to sing the theme song and of course when the building up of friendships by shaking hands, smiling and hugging.

After the camp, life went back as to per normal but we still kept writing encouragement notes to each other. It may no longer be so often but I was contented.

Soon after, I had to leave the school as I had made prior plans and was very disappointed when you could not attend my farewell party nor see me off at the airport. However, you said that we shall be friends forever and promised to keep in touch. I had to be contented with this arrangement... but I'm not sure if you really meant what you said.

I contacted you as soon as condition permits but did not receive a reply from you for a long time. This happened often, no matter if the letter is written in the form of email or snail mail. However, I still count myself lucky that you bother to reply even though it may be quite some time.

I am not hoping for much now, just a sincere and lasting friendship from you and I hope my wish will come true. Thank you for all the unforgetable time you introduced into my life, which all started on a train ride....

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