June 15, 2003

i watched "finding Nemo" last friday..You all should watch it.. A very nicely plotted story.. ^_^ In fact, while watching the show, the flame in me burns with a affection to quickly enroll into a diving programme to..Then i can go diving and which also thinking if there's any event which gather a group of divers to go save the dying corals or marine life.. Aiya.. come to think of it, why did i drop chemistry in my O's? why i didn't took up Biology?? hmmm...

By the way, my secondary school has closed down a few years back. i still remembers the good old days.. i didn't regret going to a ordinary government school, for i met a wonderful guy who is also one of my best friends. If you were to include this year, then we would have known each other for 10 years already..how fast.. 10 years..i wonder what am i in another 10 years time...

what about you?? what are you 10 years ago?? what about now??

Bus stop, a place where people come and go. Everyday, you will be at the bus stop about the same time to catch the bus. Many a times, you also noticed that there will be this particular crowd, same crowd of people at the bus stop too. but how often do you have someone that capture your attention? That also trigger the juice in your brain to send signals to your limbs to stand properly, adjust the tie, your hair, the shirt you are wearing...You started to take notice of your appearance at that moment. When the eyes of the someone falls on the same line with yours, it just send you to look at other directions and your heart pump faster.. Later you will also starts to take notice of the bus that someone is always boarding..

Singapore True love Story ~ Rain Rain Go Away....

(also playing Kelly Chen - Lovers Concerto )

He would always stand there in his usual spot at the bus stop.

I will always sit there at my usual seat at the bus stop across. Same time ,Same place he will be there. I don't know why he seems so attractive to me. I just like to look at him, wishing he would look at me too.. Never will it happen. And each day I would just stand there. Each tiny action, each little move captured my attention. I noticed how he's always alone , how smart he carries his sling bag around his shoulder, how cool he lean against the pole... It becaome my daily highlight, hoping to be able to see him again. Even if it is watching from far afar... I feel stupid, silly.

Falling for a guy whom i never talk to, who might not even know my existence, not even knowing his age, his name. I practice day after day what will I do if he comes walking up to me. I would imagine he coming over and say, " Hey I see you everyday. You live near here? Want go for coffee?" It remained a fantasy day after day. He seems so near yet so far. I can only hold my admiration and love for him from afar. He's so perfect to me. I kept my hair long on the assumption that most guys like long hair. Maybe he too... I try to look my best everyday.. however I know I can't deny the fact that I'm just a plain simple girl who gone on dates less than 10 times. 'Maybe it's just puppy love' I told myself each night at the same time bearing hope to see him the next morning.

I remembered it was raining that morning. I rushed out of home without an umbrella and was unable to make across to my usual bus stop due to the pouring rain. While I standing there puffing breaths of white mist into the air, he was there, beside me. In my hurry I never noticed him. My fantasy, my dream guy of so many months is now besides me.. How can I handle this.. Looking desperately for something to do, I try hard to calm myself. In my clumsiness I dropped my purse. Shit! I just disgraced myself in front of him. Now he will think that I'm just a clumsy nerd. To my astonishment, he helped me to pick up the purse and handed it over to me. I just shyly mumbled a thanks, bending my head low and stare hard at the ground.

"Do you live around here?"

Those were the first words he spoke to me and breathed life into the frozen me.. [His name is Ryan and lived around the neighbourhood, a year older than me.] I responded shyly to his questions. Simple 'yes' and no', clutching my hands tightly together. Suddenly there's a long period of slience. He just stood there looking at me. I quickly avoided his eye and sing softly to myself... " Rain rain go away come again another day~"

" Why do you want the rain to go away...?" he asked.

I was confused. His bus had arrived and is leaving. I can only uttered, " Your bus is here..." He turned and said goodbye... And all I can do is silently watched him go away. We talked over the phone for the next few days, exchanging long hours of experenices and thoughts. I realised that we have so much in common. like tha same kind of music, hate to have milk in coffee... etc.... I was like living in a dream, a wonderful one, wishing that I will never have to wake up...

Finally he dated me out. I spent hours chosing the right outfit, putting on make up.. hoping he will like my perfume. When we met at the bus stop, he looked so much handsomer in his pants n shirt... rather than the usual T-shirt n jeans. I thank God for everything... We went to this cosy little pub and went for a stroll along the beach hand in hand. I don't know who reached for whose. But it feels nice to feel his hand holding mine... A light drizzle came and he suggested to sit at the nearby shelther. Sitting close together, I can feel his breathing, his heart beat so near... Looking at the rain I just sing naturally... " Rain rain go away come again another day...~" He turned and looked at me straight in the eye, " Why do you want the rain to go away...?" I was dumbfounded... He gently tilted my chin n kissed me. Hugging me close, he whispered.. " I will be leaving for a while.. but trust me I hate to leave you..." I could not gather enough strength to ask why... just nodded my head... and bathed in that moment of bliss. He was not there at the bus stop the next day, the day after.. I don't know what happened and was afraid to know ... thinking sadly he must have dumped me.. But when I recalled his sad eyes when he sent me home... his gentle face... I know deep in my heart I trust him...

A parcel came for me a month later. I opened it to find a necklace with an angel pendant and a letter from Ryan. With trembling hands I read ...

"Dear Angela.. by the time you received this letter... I might be in heaven by now, watching over you... I'm sorry... never mean to hide the fact that I'm suffering from brain cancer all along... But I'm scared you might leave me... if you know the truth... For months, day after day, I watched you across the bus stop... thinking if you ever see me... You look so beautiful, just like an angel... an angel to brighten up my life.. I know with my condition, I will never be able to be with you for the rest of your life... Hence I never approached you... The day the rain came.. it was like a miracle for me... You're standing besides me, a blushing angel full of life.. while I'm just a dying patient... I gathered courage to talk to you and got to know you. Knowing you was the best thing that ever happen.. I think it's God's last gift to me... for me to know and love you... I don't want the rain to go away... I want to be with you forever... Please don't be sad.. I will always be with you, watching over you... I love you, Angela... now and forever..."

" I love you too , Ryan... I really do...."

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