June 04, 2003

i swear that dolling up this blog is not easy.. 1st i have to think the html codes fits anot.. bla bla bla...
but then again.. i must thank my colleage in camp, Terence Ng who taught me to use dreamweaver and MS frontpage together.. to further enhance the website (i wonder how is he..has he gone the surgery)...i must thank Adrian for gifing me some tips.. ah~HAH~ 1st step is done... time to hit n design my website...
lookin for inspirations~~

i was reading today's paper earlier on.. den came to tis article on whether should revert back the $10 discount off from the taxi-drivers... hmmm.. its juz 10 bucks... i mean how much can they earn a day; looking at nowadays... SARS is still in shadow of some s'poreans..*sigh*

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