June 08, 2003

i began to realise the past weekends, i have been eating more than the usual amounts.. hmmm.. it not very nice ...i think i should control my diet again.. no going back to fat old me...wahhahah

singapore true love story ~ All i can do now

(also playing Alex toh - Fang yi ke xin )

one of frens came back and talking to her reminds of some memories. Now i think back, i was just immature, too little boy thinking. And was laughing at myself..

its was rather the 1st orientation i took part in TP [think is acad year 97/98]. boy it was fun. i met a lot of people. On a normal usual day, i set up the Auditorium 1 for the arrival of freshies.. on the lights, set up the mics, prepare the tapes to be shown later, bla bla bla..the subcoms came in , the GLs came in.. all getting ready for the new batch of freshies despite most has been worn out after the earlier batches.. Being the PA has quite a few priviledges..(wahaha~)

Well, being a backstage man means nobody can see you.. or rather it's quite bored sitting alone in the control room.What i did was to screen the entire auditorium seatings or some footage taken earlier on the big screen wif one camera and *grin* go around looking for " chio bu" with other cameras..(wahahhah) You can see gers looking blur blur, playing with their hair, sleeping and the worse, digging their nose.. what i did was just topple the switch and the lucky girl will be on screen with the action they are doing.. you should see their reaction (wahahhah~).. i was looking at the girls coming in with one camera..[hmm... quite a lot of pretty girls hor..] then i saw this lovely girl n trace her till she finds her seats and sat down. ^_^

Orientations has ended, back to normal school life again.. not too normal for me..^_^ I was in yr 2 then.. i never study well and participated actively in my CCA, Production Crew. And i gotten lobang for TP drama club, yesh.. being the production crew for the drama.. whahahah it was fun.. den i saw this particular girl in the cast, let's name her ASL (not age, sex, location but something else) .it took me some time to realise she resemble somebody..she is the lovely girl i trace her with the camera?!?!?! What is she doing here...?? Going to a few rehearsals to sort out the sounds n lights lets me know the cast better and of course ASL too.. she is sweet by nature and if you do see her now.. she probably become a sweet woman..

den one drama committee came telling ," ayy ka jua, got ppl say u quite cute leh when u are reading the script ?" i was like "huh?" Cannot be lah.. like that also can.. but you know what, the word "cute" was spinning in my head.. later then i knew that its ASL who said it.. And actually throughout the whole rehearsal and actual performance i was looking at her.. looking out for her.. but i was only a crew up in the control room.. And at the same time, one of my guy frens who is part of the backstage crew fancy her too..( hah~!) when the whole thing ends, they urge me come down for the finale...i rejected^_^.. anyway. i got to know from tis guy fren, they gave each other a hug when the thing ends.. i was jealous... (.\/.)

The whole entire drama ends it, i thought..NO! this guy fren,D happens to be in my LT too..ME, him, D and another guy, L are abit noisy in LT cos we usually sits together... So throughtout the lessons, D and L was talking about some girls stuff... D got a crush on ASL (argh~) i dunno how they found out in the end that i also had a crush on her too.. D was telling me, " ayy brother, i lether go if you really like her alot" i was like yes, i i liked her alot...

i think of alot stupid ways to get her number, i even ask this drama committee fren, V to help me out. i came up with this excuse ( i can't remember if this is the excuse i used) that i need to borrow some colour paints from her since she is from sch of design.. V call her up and tell her my problems and ASL agreed... she asked me to go to her studio to find her.. i was like WOAH~! YAHOO~! wahaha...Finally i gotten her number... i called her almost everynight ( guys pls, if u are aftering a girl, don't call her everynight, you will irritate/ bored her down) Calling her almost every night and keep just talking about me and my stuff without realising that it actually jeopadise the friendship we had. [ precise] She used to comment on my words like when i said precise. She will say no, precisely. And again and again..

but i wonder now why i didn't ask ASL out since i liked her. i have no answer for that even today..

Little that i knew that she had a crush on another guy which was her senior whom i also knew of.. And after some time, while i was waiting for her in her studio.. i was like going to send her home when she said call her tonight.. i wondered why.. the conversation on the phone was a bit tense and Cupid wasn't on my side... She is already with her senior.. " both of us are too active, we can't be together.." my world just collapsed and shattered.. the sun that used to shower her rays on my world also dimmed n vanished <-- nobody can understand that kind of feeling, not even myself at that point of time It took me a while to forget about her.. it wasn't really forgetting about her, even now i am still concerned about her...

she and her bf broke up.. it was still in the year 1999.. the same year before millenium.. the same year when the Leonid meteor shower came too..[the next meteor shower is in 33 years time counting from 1999] i was helping out in TP for crowd control.. I remembered i kept staring at sch of design block.. thinking that she might be doing her projects late again.. the studio which she was in is dark.. ( if i didn't remember wrongly) she was with her friends at sentosa waiting for the celestial event to arrive... i was in TP...waiting..hoping to view the event thinking that though we are not together but we're looking at the same thing now.... But the clouds seems to have a problem with me... a blanket of them came when the time is suppose to be the best time... Argh~ i managed to catch about 4-6 of the shooting stars.. time to sleep after that...

Then we occasionally met each other in school.. it was after then.. i felt that i have no strength to like anyone else anymore... i couldn't blame her but myself.. its was partially why i have a "don't care " attitude in my 3rd year.. *sigh* but all are bygones... who knows, we might be together in the future.. All i can do now is pray that she is in her well-being, healthy, able to do the things she wants and be happy.. for she is a girl i liked before...

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