June 04, 2003

~a fool after all~

juz now.. i was listening to my collection of mp3s.. then i came across an oldies..."stephen bishop - it might be you". wah~ i tell you, some tp memories came weaving back to my mind, this is one which i remember quite abit:

" as far as i can remember, it went as far back as when i was year 1, i was still young and playful. I was playing soccer in one of the corridors in tp.. i actually kick the ball so hard, it went right passed my classmate and rebound from a pillar.

" Ah~!" came a girl 's voice.

i was like " shit!" in my mind and run up to see who was kana my shot. Before i can take a good look of her, her frens came thundering... "[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]" <--- (its nothing with your browsers, its just censored off) i kept looking at the girl until one of her frens went,

" YOU STUPID FOOL!! of all places, the ball landed on her face. DIDN"T YOU know a girl's face is very important?!?!?!? ARE YOU GOING TO RESPONSIBLE?!?!?!? what if she can't get married next time?!?!?!?!"

and i dunno what struck me when i replied,

" i kicked the ball at her face so that i can be responsible for her." ( think she blushed)

by next day, the whole LT (lecture theatre) knows that i was the one kicked the ball at the girl. So, everyday i will see her in LT 'cos the classes along the same corridor shared the same LT. Everyday, almost everyday, when i was approaching her, she juz turned away...(Urgh~ i don't even know her name..). Finally, after many many days of perserverence, i was early for one lecture and she too was early. i saw her when i opened the door. (hmm~ ) i went up to her and sat beside her. she looked the other way. (phew~ luckily she din run away, AGAIN) But still, we couldn't talked. Soon, the LT was packed which also went,

"the 2 sit together liao ah.. are they go steady~???"

i remembered we have to sit thru 2 lectures..( i din play truant hor). And i doodle n write alot of stuffs on my lecture notes; alot of pix n writings. i was writing to her and purposely pushed the notes over to her side. she
wrote " could you please stop your nonsense and listen to lectures" i wrote back " i can't 'cos you din wanna tok to me." then she stared me..icly stared. "please... at least tell me your name.." so thru the 2 hours of lectures, i was doodling and writing to her. Others would have thought i was too hardworking to scribble every single words the lecturer said.

Since then, we started to sit together in LT, studied together, movies, swimming... blablabla.. i remember that one evening after late lab session, we went to Bedok Reservoir to see sunset. tat sunset is really beautiful. Unfortunately, i dun have the courage to tell her i liked her then. *sigh* "

she withdrawed from sch and went abroad to continued her studies. we lost contact too.. she gave me a poem when she left and told me to open it when she board the plane. i told her the song " stephen bishop - it might be you" is meant for her too..i lost the lecture notes in the end..she is one regret i had in tp. i guess i was just a fool after all.

"If I could just hold your hand in mine" by Fries*

A million places we could go
even those that are not real
Oh how our lives would intertwine
If I could just hold your hand in mine

A thousand photos we could take
with smiles so sweet they cant be fake
A ring for each of us I'd buy
to place on the fingers of yours and mine

A hundred kisses would be exchanged
My eyes light up when you are in range
The tenderness of your gentle touch
all thanks to a stroke of cupid's luck

A dozen roses you'd receive
as a pledge of love, as your birthday gift
to seal the promise I'll make to you
that I'll always be your lovestruck fool

A sincere heart is all I have
I'll let you keep it till my death
so much meaning you'd put into my life
If I could just hold your hand in mine

*pls seek fries's approval if you wish to link this peom.

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