June 21, 2005


matching in a water parade

today must be one of the shit-est day of 2005.

woke up with a heavy head and cold and chill morning but couldn't sleep and laze in peace. the headache is worse than a hangover i swear. worse when you can't concentrate at work in the morning. yes, pop 2 piano dolls and it will save the day. it only save half of my day. i went indulge in water parade - army term for drinking plenty of water in a uniformed manner. not forgetting regular visits to the toilet till the cleaner gave me a look like i've been diagnosed with bladder failure.

Bak Ku Teh was a cheap-thrill for lunch today. There's this rundown kopitiam at block 4 of beach road, somewhere near the site where the chopped bodies were found.* shivers* Don't worry, the auntie only chops Bak Ku( ribs); not human body parts. It's one of the those traditional style of cooking with fragance soup and processed veggies. Bak Ku Teh lovers should try this one besides those lingering along Balestier Road. Please don't wear super nice, beautiful or branded clothes there. you just get yourself dirty and disgusted only.

i suddenly felt like a food critic.

My colleague passed me a pen that has 3 different symbols on 3 different positions( think of north south, east ) While looking at the "blue' symbol, press the button and the pen will come out. While looking at the "0.5' symbol, press the button and the pencil will come out. While looking at the "palm' symbol, press the button and the stylus will come out. cool innovative stationery but lousy application. duh~

Guess what 21st century aunties do during their free time. Not drama VCDs. Not bargaining at sales. Not majonging. Not even attending enhanced or cirricular classes with their kids. It's attending the hearing at courthouse. huh? mind you, this is one of their favourite pastime and you don't need newspaper or channel newsasia for happenings in the courthouse. They, the aunties will give you the first hand news for free. anything in the court. i got my news about the Khoo family incident from my self-proclaimed tai-tai auntie. kewl~

I turned around and tell my cousins. if next time, your mummy didn't return the call or smses.. you know that she's in a place where the mobile has to be kept in silent mode and she's "gan jiong" about the verdict.

June 12, 2005


Arbor Mist in winter

okie i might sound dumb watching Winter Sonata in the already humid warm weekend. i feel belly belly hot..

Went to loon's place for another potluck session. i must say, vah~ plenty of drinks and foods... i gotten some cheesesticks after hearing that they might have too much food. ha! gotten some damage here and there.. shall not comment the balconies. but our dear dickson has one of the most innovative way of pouring drinks( and it wet my berms). ask him if you see him next time.

already marathoned through 9 discs of the korean soap. somehow the love story that is able to prolong the long series is when one party cannot make up her/his mind who she/he loves/likes. kinda bit similar to a couple of korean drama so far. less the weeping that is. But Winter Sonata so far is the only drama that makes me weep. i can't help it. the poor girl was again and again being played by the hands of fate.

already at episode 9. somehow, a shadow kept misting in my mind throughout the entire show, never materialise. just misty. somehow, the 1st person i thought of wasn't my ex but not any hot models/ chicks. not fiona xie as being voted under FHM umbrella of fans. someone i met recently. she was on her way back today from flying. i dunno why.

i am influenced by mr brown and singing in the bathroom( my poor neightbours)...oh oh oh~ i only kiss kiss where the sun don't shine~ you can hear the original in the background of my mulitply and blogger.

oh oh oh~

June 08, 2005


Treasures i used to call my own

ok i am alive. just busy with my own stuff and stuff and stuff.:) Somemight already knew i'm currently putting up in AMK for the next 2 months or so due to major organisation and knocks and drills in my old house. AMK dwellers can call me for supper liao. HAH!

Before that was a ride on memory train to the past. i was packing my stuff into storages boxes. Came across things i used to play, wrote and some other things. Read those literature books used in my times in secondary schools, littles notes frens wrote to me, love notes from some secret admirer(?? , nice handwriting but i still dunno who they are), letters that just make you laugh and cry; pictures i've painted and drawn( those crayons, watercolours, blunt 2B pencils); laughing and sulking at old photos; trying to find a cassette tape player in my house to play those tapes; friendship bands with smunched wordings that i cannot make out what it is; dragonball cards and comic books with price tagged of $2.50 to $4.80; heavily-doodled textbooks and lecture notes; masa masa like Transformers robots, Mask vehicles with missing figurines, box of paper-bullets(hmmm..what's that for?), undersize-jeans, CareBear softtoy, Smurfs; a box of straws roses; autograph book with quotes they claimed that i'm their best friends but have lost contacts for zillion years; Temasek Poly clubs/events T-shirts( you might think that i hopped clubs to get free T-shirts); spectacle frames which i will never want to wear them again.....

now where was i. yes, in a confined pig-sty full of treasures i used to call my own. my own. no photos 'cos time is just too tight to snap pictures. Something that you might want to take not that there's no dumping ground in HDB estates and you need to apply license to discard items if you have more than 3 items( i have definitely have more than 3 lor~!)

Joke from my mum during packing

Mum: " Qiang ah! Qiang!"

Xiaoqiang: " simi daiji..."

Mum: " Qiang kam liao bey(1)? wu wei bo(2)?" (teochew context, (1)closed or buried. (2) any spaces available)"

Xiaoqiang: " qiang kam liao ju ay sai chu sua liao(3)."(teochew context, (3) a chinese religious warm event after hosting a funeral wake of xx number of days before cremation or buried in the ground)"

read this sadist, yet funny post about smoking is another way to die from one of the frens, estherq,

My group mate was desperately trying to complete his Consumer Behaviour assignment while chatting on MSN with me. He was telling me how stressed he was these few days etc.. and I was empathising with him with accomodating words, when *PAH! He said he was so unwell that he had blood in his mucus, and even coughed blood out a few days ago!! OMG? WTH???

So poor thing right? I thought so too....Until he said,

" I cough blood couple of times before as well from smoking consistently"

*PAH *PAH!!! It was like having pity on a beggar who used to be rich but gambled ALL his money away. You know how i felt?!!! I just told him, "Oh you smoke? The you deserved it."

He was taken aback by my hostile comment. Well.. i knew i was, but i didnt care (knowing he's a really nice gentleman who won't retaliate...Much...haha. So he cited an example and said there will be more to come after his assignments. "We shall have a good chat after this..."

He cited an example:

"u dun smoke no drink only know how to study score high marks, me drink smoke n drive at the same time... u happy happy joy joy in your own la la land come out of library ... i dun see u... i bang u, u die... i go to prison and live happily ever after for many many years... then i come out.. get back to life...

besides...if u notice.. all the nicest and kind hearted ppl always die early?... ppl like me... i guess.. will jsut haf to suffer long long time before i get to end me life..anyway... smoking is just another way of choosing how u going to die... "life's short, might as well do everything."

OMG, how can one have a mindset like this *Horrified*.

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